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Israel’s brutal killing

Sure, By singing songs on the internet? Keyboard Jihad? Reminds me of a neighbor who use to hit the TV with shep shep every-time Sharon newsreel came. Those days TV's were made with CRT tube to screens could withstand the abuse, not now a days with those slim LCD's and LED's.

1948, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, 2012 - Arabs lost everytime!

the armies lost because of thier presidents betrayal to the cause
and in one of the wars i don't recall which one the Arabians reached AL-Quds but the betrayal of the leaders and the calling of the end of war that is stupid to me i will make recruitment and send more soldiers to the front liens "Victory or Martyrdom"
and because only 2 armies where controlling that war in the Arabian side Egypt and Syria and in that time using soviet old S.h.i.t.
the armies lost because of thier presidents betrayal to the cause
and in one of the wars i don't recall which one the Arabians reached AL-Quds but the betrayal of the leaders and the calling of the end of war that is stupid to me i will make recruitment and send more soldiers to the front liens "Victory or Martyrdom"
and because only 2 armies where controlling that war in the Arabian side Egypt and Syria and in that time using soviet old S.h.i.t.

Usual yada yada escape goat nothing else!
Israel was not destroying decoys in pre-emptive strike either!

And the leaders were forced to surrender when they felt the Israeli armies would be marching over their capital very soon!

Mortality level of age 25-34 years group in US is 104.9 per 100,000.


In Israel there are about 6000 Palestinian prisoners. That means according to this rate each year should die 6.3 prisoners. That's pure statistic. In third world countries mortality level is obviously much higher.

They run amok because of 1 death. So chances to die in Israeli prison are actually much lower than for average free person in US.

Palestinians in Israeli prison:
You can see that neither gun nor eyes of soldiers are pointed at kids. In first pic where you can see the soldiers hand u can see its not on trigger. Just another propaganda shot using fake perspective.

Whats wrong with weapon exhibition?






The only difference that on Israeli exhibition weapons are without magazines what is much more safe.
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