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Israel’s brutal killing

Too much time in the desert seems to have fried your brains. I made exception for countries that tripped on their dishdashe and fell into oil (UAE being one of them). And as we are talking about who likes who. Jews are known as the smartest and most hard working people on the planet. That is why with only a population of 15 million we dominate. We have won countless Nobel prizes, head the biggest fortune 500 companies, and rule entertainment and the arts. While you ay-rabs don't have a pot to pi$$ in. :lol:

Also I am sure the UK really hates us, that's why the leader of the opposition (Ed Milliband) is a Jew! When's the last time you Arabs contributed to the world? Apart from the technological advancements you have made in suicide bombing.

Too much time in the desert seems to have fried your brains. I made exception for countries that tripped on their dishdashe and fell into oil (UAE being one of them). And as we are talking about who likes who. Jews are known as the smartest and most hard working people on the planet. That is why with only a population of 15 million we dominate. We have won countless Nobel prizes, head the biggest fortune 500 companies, and rule entertainment and the arts. While you ay-rabs don't have a pot to pi$$ in. :lol:

Also I am sure the UK really hates us, that's why the leader of the opposition (Ed Milliband) is a Jew! When's the last time you Arabs contributed to the world? Apart from the technological advancements you have made in suicide bombing.

Well, let's see Zionist. Last time I checked 90 percent of the territory of Israel is barren land/desert.

Yes, you were such a great people that you did not control the territory of Israel even once during the last 2000 years until the Europeans did the job for you. Otherwise you would still be living in ghettos and outside of every single society like in Europe.

You are also known as one of the most hated people and a people who were eliminated in huge numbers. That hardly sounds like a superior people by any means.

Dominate what? You have your tiny country that is surrounded by enemies and that is all. Europeans never liked you people anyways.

The richest man in the world is a Mexican of Arab descent. Big deal.

Now look at the influence of Islam in the world. 2 billion followers nearly. Talk about influence.

Anyway what is a Jew today? You people are not the original Jews but a bunch of Eastern European/Russian peasants who converted to Judaism at one point. Even modern-DNA confirms this.

Even the Orthodox Jews (who form 20-25 percent of the world's Jews) don't even recognize the state of Israel and are anti-Israeli as they get.

Also you don't even control your so-called capital. It's divided into a Israeli and Palestinian part. Gaza and the West Bank will never be part of Israel and you will always remain a tiny country and people surrounded by enemies everywhere unless you don't change.
Well, let's see Zionist. Last time I checked 90 percent of the territory of Israel is barren land/desert.

Yes, you were such a great people that you did not control the territory of Israel even once during the last 2000 years until the Europeans did the job for you. Otherwise you would still be living in ghettos and outside of every single society like in Europe.

You are also known as one of the most hated people and a people who were eliminated in huge numbers. That hardly sounds like a superior people by any means.

Dominate what? You have your tiny country that is surrounded by enemies and that is all. Europeans never liked you people anyways.

The richest man in the world is a Mexican of Arab descent. Big deal.

Now look at the influence of Islam in the world. 2 billion followers nearly. Talk about influence.

Anyway what is a Jew today? You people are not the original Jews but a bunch of Eastern European/Russian peasants who converted to Judaism at one point. Even modern-DNA confirms this.

Even the Orthodox Jews (who form 20-25 percent of the world's Jews) don't even recognize the state of Israel and are anti-Israeli as they get.

Also you don't even control your so-called capital. It's divided into a Israeli and Palestinian part. Gaza and the West Bank will never be part of Israel and you will always remain a tiny country and people surrounded by enemies everywhere unless you don't change.

Such a precious post my brother. Try to avoid dealing with the Indian members you were talking to, they will just drag you down to their level. It's really a shame that a poster like you get banned.
Pally propaganda threads should be banned on PDF!
The thing is, I think anti-Zionism may be at the core of Pakistan's problems, not anti-Hinduism. Which did Indian Muslims endorse first, that Jews should be driven out of Palestine through violence or that Pakistan should be formed and minorities be encouraged to leave through violence?
when peaceful's do = oh these are some problems which happen everywhere
when someother do = oh this brutal inhuman massacre killings ,where is un ? these zionist fascist brigades killing innocents


Listen atleast someone please LISTEN we are VICTIMS:lol:
This topic is still going?

The same old accusations - Israel stole land, Israel is colonialist, kills palestinians, bla bla bla...

How long will you people desperately deny the Jewish connection to Jerusalem? Even your Prophet Mohammed didn't deny it (see Quran, 5:20-21, 7:137-144).

Israel is the only country which willingly gave up land gained in defensive wars in exchange for peace. Yet Israel is a colonialist state.

Ethiopian blacks and do not find refugee in Egypt, but across the border to Israel. They are shot by Egyptian forces, but welcomed by Israel. For the first time in history, black people are being bought in as citizens, not in chains. Yet Israel is racist.

Lands were purchased by Jews from Ottomans and Arabs, yet, Israel stole land.

The logic of the Israel-haters is beyond me. I guess this is what 'anti-semitism' really is. Does not surprise me as it is a historical trait that successful people/entities are always hated by most people. Israel is successful, haters are jealous. And haters gonna hate.
A Zionist talking about barbaric nature and backwardness? This is interesting. Arabs are advancing despite all the odds, and I would like to take UAE as an example here. While you rootless creatures, have nature that's not known only to Arabs but rather to virtually most people from many ethnic, religious and regional backgrounds, that's why no group of people standed living with you. UK, wanted to get rid of you and proposed several options of countries to establish your state, and unfortunately, Palestine was the favorite option, and Arabs were doomed to deal with your disgusting beings. The West provided you with money, tech, and everything to keep you away, and that's why you are more advanced.

The good thing is that not all of them are like that. But the ones who defame Arabs and suck up to Israel have to have shame. Israel doesn't have tens of billions worth economic investments with India nor it host millions of Indian workers.

Could you please please please mention any inventions and scientific break through by UAE in the last 40 something years of its existence? Building fancy towers and marinas does not count.

Who actually had to suck up to Israel??

After the Fedayeen attacks from Jordan decreased after Israel's victory in the 1956 Suez War, the tense relations between Israel and Jordan following the 1948 Arab-Israeli war eased. In the 1967 Six Day War, Jordan aligned itself with Nasser's Egypt despite an Israeli warning. This resulted in the loss of East Jerusalem and the West Bank to Israel. Besides territorial, it was also an economic loss to the kingdom since much of its economy was based in the West Bank.

Israel–Jordan Treaty of Peace

Whatever, you can whine alone over others achievements all day long.

STealing history and heritage has traditionally been Arab way of politics.

Such a precious post my brother. Try to avoid dealing with the Indian members you were talking to, they will just drag you down to their level. It's really a shame that a poster like you get banned.

Queen Rania thinks otherwise.

India Today Magazine: Queen Rania talks about ties between India and Jordan
Few women from the Arab world have captured world attention as Jordan's glamorous Queen Rania Al-Abdullah. With her stunning good looks, impeccable fashion sense and deep commitment to a progressive agenda, Rania, at a young 35, has emerged as the Middle East's outstanding spokesperson. Born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents (almost half the population in Jordan is of Palestinian origin), she graduated in business administration from the American University in Cairo. While working with Apple Computers in Amman, she met her husband, then prince Abdullah II, at a party and they married in 1993. Just before he died in 1999, King Hussein, Abdullah's father and the region's longest serving monarch, in a surprise move changed the line of succession. Instead of his younger brother Crown Prince Hassan, he designated Abdullah, making Rania the world's youngest queen. A mother of four, Rania balances her multiple roles with elan. She insists on driving her black Mercedes SUV herself through the streets of Amman. Before she flew in to address the India Today Conclave, Rania gave an exclusive interview to Managing Editor Raj Chengappa. Excerpts:

Have India and Jordan been able to achieve the full potential of their relations?

India Today Magazine: Queen Rania talks about ties between India and Jordan | Queen Rania

Rootless people from totally different ethnic and national backgrounds all they share is a common religion, and here you are whine over their achievements. Maybe, you can read about Islamic golden era and educate yourself of Arab and Muslims achievements to humanity. I believe you know that I can show the world here more of your real achievements.

Islamic golden era was largely the work of Persian, Egyptian and Central Asian scientist about a 1000 years ago. Many of whom are a taboo subject for Arabs to discuss or teach in history due to sectarian issues. The sacking of Bagdad by Mongols will expose the stupity of Arab khalifas and their lack of strategic vision. Beside that, all the roots of Arabianism and Tribalism has not helped Arab progress forward.

Excuse me, what are Indians doing here, sucking up to Israelis who don't even consider you human beings?! Why don't you try to get a work permit in Israel to test the unlimited love for you in Israel? Or you only good at sucking up to Arabs as long as you work for them in their countries and backstab them whenever you don't. Ungrateful lot.

So what, let us suppose Arab leaders mistreated Palestinians, is this an excuse to Israeli atrocities? What kind of logic is this?

Palestinians live like gods in hosting countries compared to Indians in India. Our king's wife, about half of ministers, Parliament, PMs, and many high rank official are of Palestinian origins, they got every rights and privileges the Jordanian has. They are the very same people.

Palestinians were no better than Syrians in Syria, nor Iraqis in Iraq, since those countries leaders mistreated their own people.

And no, Palestinians shouldn't be given citizenship, they should be related to their country to return to it since they didn't migrate but rather they were forcibly displaced. BUT, they have all privileges of citizenship of the hosted countries. They had FREE health care and education in Iraq, Syria and Jordan, they are allowed to work, own properties and everything hosting countries people have.

There are 1 million Arabs in Israel, why dont you try to invite few hundreds of them to show Arab unconditional love for their brethen. I am sure they will prefer the well settled life in Israel over ghettos of Jordan and slums of Syria.

Actually, you are right, most of them refuse other countries citizenship. Arabs gave Palestinians billions of dollars, lost some of their territories, fought eight wars for Palestinians, hosted millions of them, tolerated world enmity for Palestanians, As a matter of fact most of Arabs problems are because of their support to Palestine.. and yet Arabs don't like them according to poor Hindus.

And despite all of that and numerical superiority they lost like sitting ducks against much smaller and inferior army.

Thats rubbish, the concept of ummah is a islamic concept and any sincere muslim will believe in and abide by it

It is no different to any other basic islamic concepts

Modern israel is an abominatiom, a colonial enterprise in the middle east, like the crusader states who.lasted for over 100 years they will be eclipsed

No muslim can accept this state, and every muslim who has a basic understanding of islam will support our palesyinian brothers and sisters in getting their land back

Keep growing and keep the pressure on the jews high

Sure sir why dont you abandon your luxuries in UK and try to resettle somewhere in Arabia as a first step?

What answer will you give to Allah on the Judgement day when he will be asking you, "O Bangladeshi, Why did you not save Pally Brothers by giving them safe shelter in Bangladesh - a Muslim Land rather than allowed them to get extinct under Israelis and Modi?"

Well said!

Perfect rules coming from a cruel rule breaker...

Again, you stole others country, displaced it's people, killed, tortured and imprisoned them, and yet called who fought back terrorists. They have the right to kick your ***** out in any way possible.

Off course, after then, you can whine over injustice which you have no clue about.

For human beings, the people who fight to liberate their country from the invaders are called freedom fighters except for Palestinians.

Sure and what were Arabs doing in North Africa, Persia and Levant? Distributing dates?
As a matter of fact Bahrain even today is ethnically Persian but ruled by Arab.

Facts?! Which facts? BTW, by keeping claiming that they are facts won't make them facts. You are not in the place to lecture others, but rather the last people on earth to speak about justice and humanity. I don't know how Israelis could live in a house after knowing that it's stolen and was built on the remnants of displaced people's homes and lands who are struggling to start a new life in exile. You people must be heartless monsters.

Here are the facts:

IAmA a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon and I wish the Arab world gets as little as 10% of the criticism Israel gets for treating Palestinians. AMA. : IAmA

At least 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon in what Human Rights Watch calls “appalling social and economic conditions.” They’re blocked from working in a variety of professions, and the Lebanese government has largely resisted granting them broader property rights.
The Redditor quotes British member of Parliament Gerald Kaufman on his 2011 visit to the refugee camps in Lebanon:
When I went to Gaza in 2010 I thought I had seen the worst that could be seen of the appalling predicament of Palestinians living in conditions which no human being should be expected to endure. But what I saw in the camps in Lebanon is far worse and far more hopeless. The conditions are unspeakable, but for over 400,000 of our fellow human beings this is their life: today, tomorrow and for a future that cannot even be foreseen. At least in Gaza, frightful though the situation is, the people are free within the confines of their blockaded prison. In the camps of Lebanon they are not free.

Egypt recently helped broker the most recent cease-fire between Gazans and Israeli troops, and in July, Egypt eased travel restrictions on Palestinians. In addition, some 50,000 Palestinians, most of them from the Gaza Strip, have been granted Egyptian citizenship over the past few months.
Before this summer, however, a years-long, restrictive travel policy meant that most Palestinians attempting to cross the border into or out of Gaza had to be escorted by Egyptian security guards, and they were sometimes detained at the border or airport for days as a result.
“It’s time to end this and forever. It makes no sense to travel all over the world, then Egypt, an Arab country, treats you like an animal,” Youssef Ramadan, a 36-year old merchant from Gaza traveling to China through Egypt, told Al-Jazeera.
The measures instituted in July ended the procedure, allowing Palestinians to cross through Egypt according to their own arrangements and stay in the country for up to 72 hours to do so, al-Jazeera reported.

Life for Iraq’s Palestinians deteriorated after the fall of Saddam Hussein, who had encouraged the migration of thousands of Palestinians to Iraq in the early 1990s. After he was deposed, Shiite militias began attacking Palestinians, angered by their association with the the pro-Hussein Baathists and, later, by allegations that they supported the Sunni Arab insurgency, according to UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency.
Baghdad was once home to 30,000 Palestinians, but more than half have fled since the U.S.-led invasion there. In 2010, UNHCR finally closed a refugee camp on the Iraq-Syria border where hundreds of Palestinians had been stranded for years. Earlier this year, Palestinian refugees appealed to Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president, saying that they had been denied medical care and had to use fake ID cards to receive treatment.
“After the 2003 war [Palestinians] were severely targeted with discrimination or killings and the majority fled the country,” throwaway874832749 writes. “If a non-Palestinian Arab speaks of the maltreatment of Palestinians by Israelis, tell them to … demand rights for Palestinians in their [own] countries.”


Following the 1991 Gulf War, Palestinians in Kuwait were reduced from a thriving immigrant community of more than 400,000 to less than 30,000 in 1998. Kuwaitis forced them out of the country using a systematic and violent campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Palestinian official support for Iraq during the crisis was used as an excuse for that campaign.

Chapter 10: Palestinians in Kuwait: Terror and Ethnic Cleansing By Hassan A El-Najjar

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

The following statement was issued by Alkarama on 2 January 2013.]

The suffering of a family of Palestinian refugees continues after being forcibly deported from Taif, Saudi Arabia to Yemen in 2007. All the members of Al-Hadad family were recently detained by Yemeni security forces and then taken to Sana'a central Prison without any legal proceedings. Although some of the family members were released a week later, the father, Omar Eid Nimer Al-Hadad, and his son Mahmoud (20 years old) are still in detention despite orders from the General Prosecutor to release them.

Palestine Refugee Family in Yemen Face Abuse Following Deportation from Saudi Arabia

Fact #7: Arab leaders have been abusing the Palestinians for political gain since the beginning of the conflict

The mass abuse of Palestinians at the hands of Arab leaders began with the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem in the War of 1948. Before launching the war, leaders of the invading Arab armies ordered Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes so they could “obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in”. From then until today, Palestinians refugees have been denied basic rights in almost every Arab country where they have sought shelter, including Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq. Libya expelled 30,000 of its Palestinian refugees; Kuwait expelled over 400,000. Yasser Arafat himself said that “What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories.”

According to the Arab League, the explicit policy of denying Palestinians citizenship in other Arab countries and keeping them in “very bad conditions” is in order “to preserve their Palestinian identity”. An Egyptian foreign minister also openly stated that the intention in demanding the right of Palestinian refugees to return “is the extermination of Israel”.

Arab Leaders Abuse Palestinian Suffering

The thing is, I think anti-Zionism may be at the core of Pakistan's problems, not anti-Hinduism. Which did Indian Muslims endorse first, that Jews should be driven out of Palestine through violence or that Pakistan should be formed and minorities be encouraged to leave through violence?

Religion at state level is Pakistan problem, it has effectively replaced our heritage with alien values which means the population has lost touch with their true identity. We have become an orgy of all forgien influences be it Indian media or sala-facist idealogy!

Once you have broken the shell of civility, everything anti will find a place in the country. Anti-hindusim, Anti-Shia, Anti-Zion, and when the pool runs dry another one is created!
Such a precious post my brother. Try to avoid dealing with the Indian members you were talking to, they will just drag you down to their level. It's really a shame that a poster like you get banned.

drag us to his level oh please if I were to throw the kind of insult to your religion and your prophet the way he did to ours i would have been given a permanent ban
Israeli Brutal Attack ON USS LIBERTY
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After posting facts & figures the PLO brigade has disappeared like Arabs from Jerusalem after 1948 war!

me is here and i'm not gonna leave the Palestinian cause
Palestine is an Arabian state it will remain full Arabian we will never let Zions enjoy there miserable life
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me is here and i'm not gonna leave the Palestinian cause
Palestine is an Arabian state it will remain full Arabian we will never let Zions enjoy there miserable life

Sure, By singing songs on the internet? Keyboard Jihad? Reminds me of a neighbor who use to hit the TV with shep shep every-time Sharon newsreel came. Those days TV's were made with CRT tube to screens could withstand the abuse, not now a days with those slim LCD's and LED's.

1948, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, 2012 - Arabs lost everytime!
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