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Israel’s brutal killing

For over 1000 years muslims protected jerusalem from enemies, millions of muslim lives have been lost defending the city

The memory of our fallen demands we take the city again from jew usurpers

You may be confident but power comes and goes, do not underestimate the ability if muslims regardless of our current state to.hound jews and retake what is iurs
@KRAIT i gave you a video tittle of youtube, plz check that out
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The reasons for retaking jerusalem were islamic as was the proclamation of jihad

there were few leaders who had the strengh of character that salahuddin had, who could unite the muslim faithfull, maybe nur ul deen before him

Even after SO MUCH crusader brutality the muslims never gave up, over 100 years palestine was occupied, but the muslims never gave up

The crusader state was no different to israel, the first crusade was launched during a period when islam and muslim forces were spreading across the world but a period of weakness had set in in the holy landss
The crusaders struck at the right time and occupied the land oppredsing, murdering, slaughtering


Anyone else would have given up

It would be a joke to think that the likes of hindus or jews could in sych a situatiin remain commited enough not ti give up

But muslims did, they never gave the crusaders peace, they harrassed them constantly, they wore them down

Until a leader worthy to lead the muslims to victory came

So why give up against a bunch of jews
We have 1.5 million muslims in gaza
1.5 million in israel
2.5-3.5 million in the west bank
Muslims surrounfing the countty and growing

With 1.6 billion muslims and griwing across the world

Why give up????
Keep harrssing them
Give the jews no peace
Wear them down

Until a leader comes to lead us against them, the jews will have no readon to complain when muslims cause them ti suffer in the futurr

Well hamas have taken gaza

Thats faster then then the progress during the crusades

If you see the picture more closely..............Soldier is not front of boy. He is approximately 10-20cm ahead of boy. Boy does see him, but I dont think that soldier is seeing that men.

Another Muslim propaganda, so that they can collect more children for suicide bombing. They are trying to world that how someone torturing them but reality is that they are completely responsible for what they are right now.
@KRAIT guys check this video tittle of 'OMG! One Honest Israeli!!!!!!! Yonatan Schapira! ' in youtube
Well the apologists are on Indian side too who blame Indian Army whereas so called freedom fighters do bomb blasts in various part of India backed by Islamic fundamentalists and external forces who are engaged in Proxy wars.

I agree that people are killed in Palestine, but also in Israeli side too. Violence should stop. So better agree on peace talk rather than allowing other nations to fuel this conflict which claims innocent lives.

I never support military action against peaceful people, but if someone is sending child suicide bomber to kill my kids, I ask the person why do you want your and my child to be killed because a third party is providing you weapons.

Shouldn't we come on peace talks and solve the issue without violence so that our coming generation doesn't go through what we did.
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For over 1000 years muslims protected jerusalem from enemies, millions of muslim lives have been lost defending the city The memory of our fallen demands we take the city again from jew usurpers
Your knowledge of history is defective - probably on purpose. You've already revealed your true motives.

You may be confident but power comes and goes, do not underestimate the ability if muslims regardless of our current state to.hound jews and retake what is iurs
Confidence? Maybe I have faith in G-d, something that seems absent in you given your worship of raw power. Even if Israel disappeared tomorrow how could future generations account for its sixty-plus years of existence and prosperity surrounded by hostile enemies with 20x the population, save by accepting that Israel is a miracle and that one should believe in G-d? Men like you might conquer if Israel slips in its security arrangements but the same stroke would soon disembowel Islam itself, yes?
Well the apologists are on Indian side too who blame Indian Army whereas so called freedom fighters do bomb blasts in various part of India backed by Islamic fundamentalists and external forces who are engaged in Proxy wars.
need more details please
I agree that people are killed in Palestine, but also in Israeli side too. Violence should stop. So better agree on peace talk rather than allowing other nations to fuel this conflict which claims innocent lives.

I never support military action against peaceful people, but if someone is sending child suicide bomber to kill my kids, I ask the person why do you want your and my child to be killed because a third party is providing you weapons.

Shouldn't we come on peace talks and solve the issue without violence so that our coming generation doesn't go through what we did.
my opinion is Palestine should be independent, and leave them alone, Israel and Palestine will not put nose in each others matter.
Reminder it took over a CENTURY to retake this land during the crusades

So far jew occupation is 64 years,

Why should hamas or other muslims give up, even if it takes 200 years

Its a slow, brutal and grinding process

That will take many years, many deaths, many defeats until victory comes

But focus the attention of 1.7 billion muslims on the throats of the jews and keep them their sooner or later strength will return until we can di simething to those throats
Watch the documentary on treatment of Palestinian Muslims in Arab countries. You will know the hypocrisy.

Palestinians send suicide bomber, a teenager. They do suicide bombing in Israel and killing women and children of Israel.

More Muslims are killed in a year by Islamic extremists than by Jews or Israel.

Excuse me, what are Indians doing here, sucking up to Israelis who don't even consider you human beings?! Why don't you try to get a work permit in Israel to test the unlimited love for you in Israel? Or you only good at sucking up to Arabs as long as you work for them in their countries and backstab them whenever you don't. Ungrateful lot.

So what, let us suppose Arab leaders mistreated Palestinians, is this an excuse to Israeli atrocities? What kind of logic is this?

Palestinians live like gods in hosting countries compared to Indians in India. Our king's wife, about half of ministers, Parliament, PMs, and many high rank official are of Palestinian origins, they got every rights and privileges the Jordanian has. They are the very same people.

Palestinians were no better than Syrians in Syria, nor Iraqis in Iraq, since those countries leaders mistreated their own people.

And no, Palestinians shouldn't be given citizenship, they should be related to their country to return to it since they didn't migrate but rather they were forcibly displaced. BUT, they have all privileges of citizenship of the hosted countries. They had FREE health care and education in Iraq, Syria and Jordan, they are allowed to work, own properties and everything hosting countries people have.
need more details please
my opinion is Palestine should be independent, and leave them alone, Israel and Palestine will not put nose in each others matter.
First line can be discussed in dedicated thread.

Other countries don't want Israel and Palestine to live in peace. They won't stop until Jerusalem comes in Palestine's control.
First line can be discussed in dedicated thread.

Other countries don't want Israel and Palestine to live in peace. They won't stop until Jerusalem comes in Palestine's control.

i want Jerusalem no parties under, only religious people will control there like Imam from Muslim side on, other side for Jews
lets see who agrees for it then it will clear who really means peace.
Excuse me, what are Indians doing here, sucking up to Israelis who don't even consider you human beings?! Why don't you try to get a work permit in Israel to test the unlimited love for you in Israel? Or you only good at sucking up to Arabs as long as you work for them in their countries and backstab them whenever you don't. Ungrateful lot.

So what, let us suppose Arab leaders mistreated Palestinians, is this an excuse to Israeli atrocities? What kind of logic is this?

Palestinians live like gods in hosting countries compared to Indians in India. Our king's wife, about half of ministers, Parliament, PMs, and many high rank official are of Palestinian origins, they got every rights and privileges the Jordanian has. They are the very same people.

Palestinians were no better than Syrians in Syria, nor Iraqis in Iraq, since those countries leaders mistreated their own people.

And no, Palestinians shouldn't be given citizenship, they should be related to their country to return to it since they didn't migrate but rather they were forcibly displaced. BUT, they have all privileges of citizenship of the hosted countries. They had FREE health care and education in Iraq, Syria and Jordan, they are allowed to work, own properties and everything hosting countries people have.

The thing is sure a MINORITY of Palestinians just want other country citizenship to be done with the whole mess but the governing bodies and the MAJORITY of Palestinians do not want nor see the need for another countries citizenship because they have their OWN country albeit it is under hostile takeover.

Once even Iran offered ALL Palestinians citizenship and they turned it down for the same reason. @Era_923 I believe you were the one who told me this a while back.

First line can be discussed in dedicated thread.

Other countries don't want Israel and Palestine to live in peace. They won't stop until Jerusalem comes in Palestine's control.

Jerusalem was never supposed to be the capital of either nation. So the Palestinians are only saying give us the Eastern portion if Israel insists on retaining Jerusalem as its own capital as the Eastern side is where most of the Arabs live anyway. Most Israelis have no problem with this although some hardliners want undivided Jerusalem as their capital and likewise some hardliners on the Palestinian side want undivided Jerusalem as their capital.
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Why should hamas or other muslims give up, even if it takes 200 years
Because the cause you espouse is a very bad one, having nothing to do with improving the human condition or any fine aspects of Islam - that's just your cover - and everything to do with furthering tyranny at the expense of justice and human freedom. Is that the kind of Muslim you want yourself and your descendants to be? If not, champion in favor of Israel rather than against it, and not secretly but as openly and loudly as you can manage.
The thing is sure a MINORITY of Palestinians just want other country citizenship to be done with the whole mess but the governing bodies and the MAJORITY of Palestinians do not want nor see the need for another countries citizenship because they have their OWN country albeit it is under hostile takeover.

Once even Iran offered ALL Palestinians citizenship and they turned it down for the same reason. @Era_923 I believe you were the one who told me this a while back.

Actually, you are right, most of them refuse other countries citizenship. Arabs gave Palestinians billions of dollars, lost some of their territories, fought eight wars for Palestinians, hosted millions of them, tolerated world enmity for Palestanians, As a matter of fact most of Arabs problems are because of their support to Palestine.. and yet Arabs don't like them according to poor Hindus.
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