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Israel’s brutal killing

How is the concept dead???????

That makes no sense

Its an islamic concept, like prayer, charity, brotherhood

If a muslim dosent abide by it, it is because they are an poor excuse for a muslim that dosent mean prayer, charitu becomes dead

Be better muslims, help other muslims when they need help and they will help you

If they dont then let them answer to god dont follow them into stupidity, and other haram actions
The early settlers AND the current settlers bought the land legally from the Arabs. All of these "West Bank" land was never theirs to begin with because Jordan illegally annexed the "West Bank" which is why it is called the "West Bank". It was the "West bank of Jordan".

So many factual inaccuracies installed in the minds of foolish children and they grow up believing it like it was the written in stone. And, of course, brainwash the next generation.

The most recent Israeli criminal behavior against a prisoner is not so astounding given what the fact the Palestinians have been enduring the worse for decades. Arafat Jaradat, a 31-year-old Palestinian, was taken away by Israeli forces last Saturday on the suspicion that he lobbed stones at Israeli troops.



A week later, he died in an Israeli prison after being questioned by the Shin Bet security service — notorious for its brutal torture practices. Israel has a way of legitimizing torture when dealing with Palestinians and it always gets away with it without any recriminations and commendations from the so-called international community.

I am really stunned that why the international community is not condemning this recent crime, which has rightly sparked rage amongst Palestinians? Why a team of international investigators hasn’t gone to Megiddo prison to discover what exactly happened to Jaradat? Why does Israel continue to act with utmost freedom to harass and torture Palestinians? Is Jaradat’s death an Israeli tactic to enrage Palestinians, in order to disrupt and derail any future peace negotiations?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been detained by the Israeli security agencies like Jaradat on frivolous grounds, with no suitable legal recourse given to them. In fact, there has been an endless agitation showing solidarity with prisoners held by Israel, highlighting the plight of the Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israel jails.

Israel must understand, no matter how viciously and wickedly it acts against innocent Palestinians, its diabolic designs will not succeed in keeping people from pursuing uprightness and legitimate rights. —

OK, I get it.

Israel is the prolific violator of human rights.

What did Jordan do so far to help reduce it ?
Rubbish they are jew thieves

They didnt buy the land, they bought some land and some houses and they then bought in thousands of foreign jews into the country and attempted to force the arabs with western support to establish a israel

The palestinians obviously said what the phuck, why would we agree to split our country in half and share ut with foreign jews

And for that they have suffered

Its also why jews will suffer in the future

Facts in Israeli eyes:

1- They are NOT invaders came from America EU, Ethiopia and Russia, they are the native residents of Palestine which was an option UK issued to the Jews among several countries to establish a country for them to get rid of their...anyway.

2- They DIDN'T forced Palestinians out who happen to be the native residents of Palestine.

3- They DIDN'T take over their lands and homes.

4- tHEY DIDN'T commit massacres and torture thousands of Palestinians because either they were Palestinians or resisted Israeli invasion, noting that resisting the invader is a right issued in all religions and world laws, but it's called terrorism when it comes to Palestinians.

4- They AREN'T mistreating them on daily bases to force them to immigrate.

5- They DON'T have 11000 Palestinian prisoners.

6- They didn't take over/ demolished whole cities, villages, houses, schools and displaced their inhabitants.

7- They didn't kill hundreds (confirmed by the UN) of children.


It seems that "Facts" has a totally different definition in the Israeli dictionary.
@KS @Android I didnt say all indians, I was specifically talking about that dude which is why I said "you".
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I killed millions of Jews/Israelis..... but i spared a few to show you why i killed them.
Hitler never spoke those words, of course; he didn't mean to let any Jews remain alive, save perhaps one of his cooks as an expression of personal power. It's just something invented by an antisemite in support of jew-hatred.

And it always seems to pop up when Jews like me assert deeds in context as good or evil, right and wrong, and their perpetrators as criminals, men who would much prefer to be hailed as heroes instead.

Why are Jews like me so annoying, even when we are right? What makes so many of you here want to reject agreeing with me 100%?

A good example is the British response to the 1920 Amritsar massacre. In this incident British troops opened fire, without provocation, on a peaceful crowd of Indian protesters (no use in asking who was what religion, since Indians didn't yet think that way.) The commanding general was retired and hailed as a hero by many Brits, especially those in the political opposition.

When the matter came before Parliament the government's first speaker was a Jewish Briton who angrily denounced the massacre in absolute terms. This brought a huge storm of anti-semitic resentment from many in Parliament: they were on the edge of endorsing the massacre out of Jew-hatred - these were the days when the Brits were convinced Bolshevist Communism was a Jewish plot that threatened England, too.

The next speaker from the government side was Winston Churchill. He spoke quite differently, describing the incident factually and calmly. He then argued that the general's actions were unworthy of British tradition: "Frightfulness" - his term for cowing a populace by unjustly and randomly terrorizing them - not being part of the British armory - so did the MPs want to make it one now? At this there was general agreement and after a bit more discussion the massacre was condemned.

So you see, the first speaker wasn't wrong when he asserted that what happened was an absolute crime; it's that the other Brits were afraid that his self-condemnation constituted an assault on the British nation. When Churchill soothed those fears they calmed down and turned 180 degrees. Yet would Churchill have succeeded in doing so if the massacre hadn't been labeled as a crime by the first speaker?

My grandparents, aunts, and uncles never engaged in the sort of political or anti-national behavior that Hitler decried. They were sent to the concentration camps and gas chambers anyway. Do you really want to follow in his footsteps and add genocide and accessory to murder to the legacy you leave to your kids? It's all about the values you choose.
How is the concept dead???????

That makes no sense

Its an islamic concept, like prayer, charity, brotherhood

If a muslim dosent abide by it, it is because they are an poor excuse for a muslim that dosent mean prayer, charitu becomes dead

Be better muslims, help other muslims when they need help and they will help you

If they dont then let them answer to god dont follow them into stupidity, and other haram actions

Sorry i didn't say it right. What i was trying to say that we killed the concept with our own hands otherwise there wouldn't be any occupied Palestine right now. Feeling grief for other people in heart is considered the lowest level of ones faith (Islam) and some of us are not even capable of that much.
Facts in Israeli eyes:

1- They are NOT invaders came from America EU, Ethiopia and Russia, they are the native residents of Palestine which was an option UK issued to the Jews among several countries to establish a country for them to get rid of their...anyway.

2- They DIDN'T forced Palestinians out who happen to be the native residents of Palestine.

3- They DIDN'T take over their lands and homes.

4- tHEY DIDN'T commit massacres and torture thousands of Palestinians because either they were Palestinians or resisted Israeli invasion, noting that resisting the invader is a right issued in all religions and world laws, but it's called terrorism when it comes to Palestinians.

4- They AREN'T mistreating them on daily bases to force them to immigrate.

5- They DON'T have 11000 Palestinian prisoners.

6- They didn't take over/ demolished whole cities, villages, houses, schools and displaced their inhabitants.

7- They didn't kill hundreds (confirmed by the UN) of children.


It seems that "Facts" has a totally different definition in the Israeli dictionary.

You forgot to bold and cap the last few "didn't"s! Shame on you... How else will we understand your internet rage?!
Facts in Israeli eyes:

1- They are NOT invaders came from America EU, Ethiopia and Russia, they are the native residents of Palestine which was an option UK issued to the Jews among several countries to establish a country for them to get rid of their...anyway.

2- They DIDN'T forced Palestinians out who happen to be the native residents of Palestine.

3- They DIDN'T take over their lands and homes.

4- tHEY DIDN'T commit massacres and torture thousands of Palestinians because either they were Palestinians or resisted Israeli invasion, noting that resisting the invader is a right issued in all religions and world laws, but it's called terrorism when it comes to Palestinians.

4- They AREN'T mistreating them on daily bases to force them to immigrate.

5- They DON'T have 11000 Palestinian prisoners.

6- They didn't take over/ demolished whole cities, villages, houses, schools and displaced their inhabitants.

7- They didn't kill hundreds (confirmed by the UN) of children.


It seems that "Facts" has a totally different definition in the Israeli dictionary.
you are right even Tunisian Jew they hate israel
and you forget in israel eye
When they attack PLO HQ in Tunisia it's not aggression it's self defend for them why because they don't recognize any nation that time even the only Arab nation that recognized them
and when they attack USS Liberty its a mistake not a Aggression even that the ship have USA flag and here sailors see the reconnaissance airplane fly low with IAF logo they don't fire but she send on them mirage and torpedo boats
Billion of Muslims, Hundreds of country, Still Muslims do propaganda against a tiny Israel....

Can't Muslims spare a tiny piece of land for Jews????
Billion of Muslims, Hundreds of country, Still Muslims do propaganda against a tiny Israel....
Can't Muslims spare a tiny piece of land for Jews????
Watch the documentary on treatment of Palestinian Muslims in Arab countries. You will know the hypocrisy.

Palestinians send suicide bomber, a teenager. They do suicide bombing in Israel and killing women and children of Israel.

More Muslims are killed in a year by Islamic extremists than by Jews or Israel.
This is about jerusalem, if you dont know what that means then shut the hell up

Millions of muslims died defending jerusalem over the years

It took over 100 years to get the land and city back during the

Why would jew occipation for 64 yeats stop us
Billion of Muslims, Hundreds of country, Still Muslims do propaganda against a tiny Israel....

Can't Muslims spare a tiny piece of land for Jews????

Give a piece of India to Israel, IF it isnt Important for you and you can Live with them in peace......
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