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Israel’s brutal killing

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And we are supposed to believe the criminal's story.
Who is the criminal, exactly? You endorse the theft of land legally purchased by Jews. You endorse the murder of Jews. You work to protect the criminals who killed them. That makes you an accessory after the fact, yes?

More and more Americans are now realizing Israel does not want peace. You can see the change in trend by comments on different news websites. I even notice it on my campus. Heck check the comments on the maan link solomon posted.
Ah, somebody who checks my links and sees that there's more to them than what I quote!
Who is the criminal, exactly? You endorse the theft of land legally purchased by Jews. You endorse the murder of Jews. You work to protect the criminals who killed them. That makes you an accessory after the fact, yes?

We never see you speaking out against Israeli land agression in the West bank hasbara. That is why no one takes you seriously zionist, while you condemn one side without hesitation you disregard the actions of your own people which hinder peace.

Holocaust survivor on Israel.
:: [url]www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1][/url]

June 2, 2009

Hajo Meyer, author of the book The End of Judaism, was born in Bielefeld, in Germany, in 1924. In 1939, he fled on his own at age 14 to the Netherlands to escape the Nazi regime, and was unable to attend school. A year later, when the Germans occupied the Netherlands he lived in hiding with a poorly forged ID. Meyer was captured by the Gestapo in March 1944 and deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp a week later. He is one of the last survivors of Auschwitz.

Adri Nieuwhof:What would you like to say to introduce yourself to EI's readers?

Hajo Meyer: I had to quit grammar school in Bielefeld after the Kristallnacht [the two-day pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany], in November 1938. It was a terrible experience for an inquisitive boy and his parents. Therefore, I can fully identify with the Palestinian youth that are hampered in their education. And I can in no way identify with the criminals who make it impossible for Palestinian youth to be educated.

AN: What motivated you to write your book, The End of Judaism?

HM: In the past, the European media have written extensively about extreme right-wing politicians like Joerg Haider in Austria and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France. But when Ariel Sharon was elected [prime minister] in Israel in 2001, the media remained silent. But in the 1980s I understood the deeply fascist thinking of these politicians. With the book I wanted to distance myself from this. I was raised in Judaism with the equality of relationships among human beings as a core value. I only learned about nationalist Judaism when I heard settlers defend their harassment of Palestinians in interviews. When a publisher asked me to write about my past, I decided to write this book, in a way, to deal with my past. People of one group who dehumanize people who belong to another group can do this, because they either have learned to do so from their parents, or they have been brainwashed by their political leaders. This has happened for decades in Israel in that they manipulate the Holocaust for their political aims. In the long-run the country is destructing itself this way by inducing their Jewish citizens to become paranoid. In 2005 [then Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon illustrated this by saying in the Knesset [the Israeli parliament], we know we cannot trust anyone, we only can trust ourselves. This is the shortest possible definition of somebody who suffers from clinical paranoia. One of the major annoyances in my life is that Israel by means of trickery calls itself a Jewish state, while in fact it is Zionist. It wants the maximum territory with a minimum number of Palestinians. I have four Jewish grandparents. I am an atheist. I share the Jewish socio-cultural inheritance and I have learned about Jewish ethics. I don't wish to be represented by a Zionist state. They have no idea about the Holocaust. They use the Holocaust to implant paranoia in their children.

AN: In your book you write about the lessons you have learned from your past. Can you explain how your past influenced your perception of Israel and Palestine?

HM: I have never been a Zionist. After the war, Zionist Jews spoke about the miracle of having "our own country." As a confirmed atheist I thought, if this is a miracle by God, I wished that he had performed the smallest miracle imaginable by creating the state 15 years earlier. Then my parents would not have been dead.

I can write up an endless list of similarities between Nazi Germany and Israel. The capturing of land and property, denying people access to educational opportunities and restricting access to earn a living to destroy their hope, all with the aim to chase people away from their land. And what I personally find more appalling then dirtying one's hands by killing people, is creating circumstances where people start to kill each other. Then the distinction between victims and perpetrators becomes faint. By sowing discord in a situation where there is no unity, by enlarging the gap between people -- like Israel is doing in Gaza.

AN: In your book you write about the role of Jews in the peace movement in and outside Israel, and Israeli army refuseniks. How do you value their contribution?

HM: Of course it is positive that parts of the Jewish population of Israel try to see Palestinians as human beings and as their equals. However, it disturbs me how paper-thin the number is that protests and is truly anti-Zionist. We get worked up by what happened in Hitler's Germany. If you expressed only the slightest hint of criticism at that time, you ended up in the Dachau concentration camp. If you expressed criticism, you were dead. Jews in Israel have democratic rights. They can protest in the streets, but they don't.

AN: Can you comment on the news that Israeli ministers approved a draft law banning commemoration of the Nakba, or the dispossession of historic Palestine? The law proposes punishment of up to three years in prison.

HM: It is so racist, so dreadful. I am at a loss for words. It is an expression of what we already know. [The Israeli Nakba commemoration organization] Zochrot was founded to counteract Israeli efforts to wipe out the marks that are a reminder of Palestinian life. To forbid Palestinians to publicly commemorate the Nakba. ... they cannot act in a more Nazi-like, fascist way. Maybe it will help to awaken the world.

AN: What are your plans for the future?

HM: [Laughs] Do you know how old I am? I am almost 85 years old. I always say cynically and with self-mockery that I have a choice: either I am always tired because I want to do so much, or I am going to sit still waiting for the time to go by. Well, I plan to be tired, because I have still so much to say.

Adri Nieuwhof is consultant and human rights advocate based in Switzerland.
Who is the criminal, exactly? You endorse the theft of land legally purchased by Jews. You endorse the murder of Jews. You work to protect the criminals who killed them. That makes you an accessory after the fact, yes?

Ah, somebody who checks my links and sees that there's more to them than what I quote!

Stop crying to get empathy,

- Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardic chief rabbi and an influential authority among conservative Jews, issued a fatwa asking the Israeli Army that all Palestinians must be murdered, even the ones who are not participating in the war against terrorism. This wasn’t enough for the revered rabbi, who said that this was not only a fatwa, but a religious duty from God that Jews must follow.

- one of the most important Jewish rabbis issued a fatwa that allowed his students in one of the Jewish settlements in the northern West Bank to steal the agricultural produce grown by Palestinians. It said that everything in the West Bank belongs to the Jews, giving them the right to confiscate such properties. This fatwa was implemented and his students confiscated the agricultural yield of the Palestinians.

- Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat-Arba, did the same when he issued a fatwa that allowed Jewish settlers to poison the livestock and water wells owned by Palestinians in neighboring cities and villages. The settlers didn’t hesitate in implementing the fatwa. Not a single day passed without Palestinians finding dead sheep and poisoned water.

- a group of prominent Jewish rabbis addressed the Israeli defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, saying that killing enemy civilians was “normal” during wartime and that the Israeli Army should never hesitate to kill non-Jewish civilians in order to save Jewish lives. “There is no war in the world in which it is possible to delineate neatly between the population and the enemy’s army, neither in the US war in Iraq, the Russian war in Chechnya, nor in Israel’s war with its enemies,” the rabbis said.

- As for Rabbi Eli Albaz, who is one of the distinctive Eastern rabbis, he never misses an opportunity to attack Islam and condemn the Prophet (pbuh).
"Defending Israel is not just a Jewish cause, an Israeli cause or Western cause but a humane cause."
- Michael Flaster, a student who left college to join the IDF.

* Michael Flaster: Uber-loser college drop out
We never see you speaking out against Israeli land agression in the West bank hasbara.
Does "Israeli land agression in the West bank" even exist? Under international law - not what people claim is international law but what it really is - those parts of the West Bank not under Israeli sovereignty are open to Jewish settlement, as long as the civil and property rights of the Arabs are respected. As far as I know, save for military outposts Jews in the West Bank settle in state lands or on property purchased from Arabs - otherwise Israel's courts rule against them and the Jews get kicked out.

That is why no one takes you seriously zionist, while you condemn one side without hesitation you disregard the actions of your own people which hinder peace.
The Arabs of the Middle East were also under the obligation (Treaty of Sevres and League of Nations Mandates) to respect the civil and property rights of Jews in the lands that came under Arab political sovereignty. This the Arabs did NOT do - they kicked the Jews out into Israel instead, the rulers seizing property to reward their followers and thus lock in tyranny. Yet you do not address this. So why do you take your own opinion seriously?
While people in Muslim countries have been preoccupied with fatwas (religious rulings) concerning breast-feeding adults, the purity of the Prophet’s urine, and the legality of the recent different types of marriages such as Misyar and Mesfar, perhaps it would be appropriate to take a look at fatwas in Israel. It might give us a chance to compare the two, evaluating the circumstances on both sides.

It is worthy of further consideration to consider the Israeli fatwas that my Palestinian colleague Salih Al-Tuhami observed. Conservative Jewish thought and tradition say that in case the country’s laws contradict the rabbi’s fatwas, the fatwa must be implemented and anything the government says is worthless. That’s the opinion of Rabbi Elie — who is one of Israel’s senior rabbis — who is supported by the majority of his peers.

These Jewish fatwas are responsible for instigating religious Jews against Arabs. Last year, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardic chief rabbi and an influential authority among conservative Jews, issued a fatwa asking the Israeli Army not to flinch from killing Palestinian civilians in the context of the ongoing military campaign against armed groups resisting the occupation. He mentioned in his fatwa, which received special attention from religious media outlets and hundreds of pamphlets distributed inside synagogues in Israel. that all Palestinians must be murdered, even the ones who are not participating in the war against terrorism. This wasn’t enough for the revered rabbi, who said that this was not only a fatwa, but a religious duty from God that Jews must follow.

After that, one of the most important Jewish rabbis issued a fatwa that allowed his students in one of the Jewish settlements in the northern West Bank to steal the agricultural produce grown by Palestinians. It said that everything in the West Bank belongs to the Jews, giving them the right to confiscate such properties. This fatwa was implemented and his students confiscated the agricultural yield of the Palestinians.

Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat-Arba, did the same when he issued a fatwa that allowed Jewish settlers to poison the livestock and water wells owned by Palestinians in neighboring cities and villages. The settlers didn’t hesitate in implementing the fatwa. Not a single day passed without Palestinians finding dead sheep and poisoned water.

On the other hand, a group of prominent Jewish rabbis addressed the Israeli defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, saying that killing enemy civilians was “normal” during wartime and that the Israeli Army should never hesitate to kill non-Jewish civilians in order to save Jewish lives. “There is no war in the world in which it is possible to delineate neatly between the population and the enemy’s army, neither in the US war in Iraq, the Russian war in Chechnya, nor in Israel’s war with its enemies,” the rabbis said.

The rabbis quoted a Talmudic ruling, which states “Our lives come first.” In their famous letter, the rabbis warned against what they called Christian preaching in dealing with conflict. “The Christian preaching of ‘turning the other cheek’ doesn’t concern us, and we will not be impressed by those who prefer the lives of our enemies to our lives,” they said.

These tense times have influenced a number of other fatwas from rabbis about underestimating the lives of Arabs and humiliating them. Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported on July 25, 2002 that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the current spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), said that until Christ the Savior arrives, he will send all Arabs to hellfire. “Why doesn’t Ariel Sharon do what needs to be done? He’s scared of the people of the world. But when the Savior Christ comes, he won’t fear anyone. He will send all the Arabs to hell.” Yosef described Arabs as snakes and said Jews should not trust them.

It’s no wonder that one of the rabbis — Isaac Ginzburg — published a book entitled “Baruch the Hero” to immortalize the name of Dr. Baruch Goldstein who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, killing 29 Arab attendants of the Ibrahimi Mosque (within the Cave of the Patriarchs) and wounding another 150 in a shooting attack.

As for Rabbi Eli Albaz, who is one of the distinctive Eastern rabbis, he never misses an opportunity to attack Islam and condemn the Prophet (pbuh). He insists on complaining in front of his audience by telling jokes that address Muslims and Palestinians and using ****** language to attack Muslims. And Rabbi Eliyahu Reskin continuously ridicules the reconciliation attempts to create dialogue between Jewish rabbis and Arab officials. He believes that the only language of dialogue between Muslims and Jews should be bullets. He feels that without convincing the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, settlement can’t be forced upon Israel so the efforts of peace are worthless.

It’s true that from a legal perspective, the rabbis’ fatwas concerning political issues don’t exert much influence. But their words, that come from their religious backgrounds, have a huge impact especially with the increasing dominance of religious parties that have developed tremendous political power that cannot be underestimated. Therefore, their fatwas influence more than religious people and are used to pressure political decisions. It’s true that conservatives, whether the followers of Zionism or from the ultra-Orthodox movement, make up 28 percent of the Israeli population, yet more than 50 percent of the inhabitants of the country introduce themselves as conservatives. These people empathize greatly with Jewish religious authorities and pay attention to what they say.

What’s interesting is that all the laws and systems in Israel have never tried, not even once, to address those rabbis or question them about their racial discrimination. Not only that, but these rabbis, who are involved in this discrimination, are given great prominence in Israeli politics. Decision makers in Israel compete with each other to earn the endorsement of rabbis, and to be close to them.

When one examines these fatwas and their influence in instigating and serving the Zionist schemes and its evil goals, one can’t help but feel sad and bitter when compared with the fatwas that are preoccupying Muslim scholars. The latter provoke gossip among people and divert their attention from what’s vital and fateful, making them regress instead of moving forward.

I pray to God to enlighten our scholars and guide them.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle-east-africa/237739-fatwas-israel.html#ixzz2MDgQaKcr
@BLACKEAGLE I reposted the article since this thread is more active.
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Stop crying to get empathy,
I'm not. You're just callously pointing out that you embrace your current status.

- Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardic chief rabbi and an influential authority among conservative Jews, issued a fatwa asking the Israeli Army that all Palestinians must be murdered -
Like that ever happened or is going to happen? This is a new era, Blackeagle, as one Pakistani writer pointed out in the article I quoted today: manufactured histories aren't going to work anymore.
Does "Israeli land agression in the West bank" even exist? Under international law - not what people claim is international law but what it really is - those parts of the West Bank not under Israeli sovereignty are open to Jewish settlement, as long as the civil and property rights of the Arabs are respected. As far as I know, save for military outposts Jews in the West Bank settle in state lands or on property purchased from Arabs - otherwise Israel's courts rule against them and the Jews get kicked out.

The Arabs of the Middle East were also under the obligation (Treaty of Sevres and League of Nations Mandates) to respect the civil and property rights of Jews in the lands that came under Arab political sovereignty. This the Arabs did NOT do - they kicked the Jews out into Israel instead, the rulers seizing property to reward their followers and thus lock in tyranny. Yet you do not address this. So why do you take your own opinion seriously?

I have adressed this with you before, you use old DEFUNCT treaties to try and prove a point. Sir the treaty of sevres was CANCELLED. We even went over this earlier, secondly the league of nations was a dead organization and had no authority all of its mandates were zilch and all problems that needed to be adressed were reintroduced in the new United Nations organization.

Treaty of Sèvres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While the treaty was under discussion, the Turkish national movement under Mustafa Kemal Pasha split with the monarchy based in Constantinople,[19] and set up a Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara in April 1920.

On October 18, the government of Damat Ferid Pasha was replaced by a provisional ministry under Ahmed Tevfik Pasha as Grand Vizier, who announced an intention to convoke the Senate with the purpose of ratification of the Treaty, provided that national unity were achieved. This required seeking for cooperation with Mustafa Kemal. The latter expressed disdain to the Treaty and started a military assault. As a result, the Turkish Government issued a note to the Entente that the ratification of the Treaty was impossible at that time.[20]

Eventually, Mustafa Kemal succeeded in his fight for Turkish independence and forced the former wartime Allies to return to the negotiating table.

Arabs were unwilling to accept the French rule in Syria, the Turks around Mosul were attacking the British, the Arabs were in arms against the British rule in Baghdad. There was also disorder in Egypt.

So you see the treaty was never even ratified and was subsequentially ripped up and replaced with the treaty of lusanne not soon after.

Treaty of Lausanne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have adressed this with you before, you use old DEFUNCT treaties -
The Sevres treaty was renounced because the new Turkey renounced the Caliphate, not the Palestine-related terms of the Sevres treaty which were incorporated into the League of Nations' British Mandate.
Does "Israeli land agression in the West bank" even exist? Under international law - not what people claim is international law but what it really is - those parts of the West Bank not under Israeli sovereignty are open to Jewish settlement, as long as the civil and property rights of the Arabs are respected. As far as I know, save for military outposts Jews in the West Bank settle in state lands or on property purchased from Arabs - otherwise Israel's courts rule against them and the Jews get kicked out.
UN, EU, Russia Condemn Israeli Settlements
UN security council's EU members to condemn Israeli settlements expansion | World news | guardian.co.uk
SteveLendmanBlog: UN Mission Condemns Israeli Settlements












guys watch this video in youtube title: 'Jewish Couple Attacked On Subway, Muslim Helps' that fellow Muslim is bangladeshi :D
Cool, isn't it? Do you still think the Muslim would have helped if he was convinced that the couple were committed Zionists? In your opinion would it be right or wrong for him to do so?
Cool, isn't it? Do you still think the Muslim would have helped if he was convinced that the couple were committed Zionists? In your opinion would it be right or wrong for him to do so?

i feel sorry for your psychological disorder :cry:
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