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Israel Radio: Damage to the Natanz facility is large, and it touched centrifuges

Some of you pakistanis are difficult to understand. So you want another neighbour of yours to acquire nuked, especially a neighbour that isn't your ally and have often had frosty relations with you guys and have even had close tied with your arc enemy India Lool. Sometimes I can't understand how some of you think. Lol. It seems you guys often have some strange found love for foreign powers over your own national interests. Lol
In fact even powers like China have been against North korea acquiring nukes even though north korea had been a close chinese ally and China has a defence treaty with them to protect them in case if an attack. Yet the chinese have been against their nuclear program. Ever asked yourself why? This is because the chinese actually think logically. No power will want it's neighbour to acquire nukes since you never know the dynamics of interest can change and pose a threat to them at their doorstep. In fact if you read history you will know that even Britain and the US was against France developing nuclear weapons for obvious reasons.
It's crazy to see that some of you guys don't see this, Seriously I'm often baffled by how some of you guys think on here. Lol.
Agreed about some of the members here. Same goes for the Pakistani “nationalists” who believe and propagate the Anti China propaganda when China is literally the only friendly and useful neighbor that Pakistan has. No logic at all.
So occupied....doesn't mean anything and it's your words.

Attacking Syria is not beyond
Lebanon is not beyond.
Sanai in Egypt is not beyond.
Attacking iraqi nuclear families is not beyond.
Being spotted of karachi is not beyond.

Claiming land from nile to the empharates is not beyond.

Please wake up and stop wasting bandwidth.

The Iranian hinterlands in the west stop at the argos mountains, anything beyond that is an invasion of others sovereignty.
Some of you pakistanis are difficult to understand. So you want another neighbour of yours to acquire nuked, especially a neighbour that isn't your ally and have often had frosty relations with you guys and have even had close tied with your arc enemy India Lool. Sometimes I can't understand how some of you think. Lol. It seems you guys often have some strange found love for foreign powers over your own national interests. Lol
In fact even powers like China have been against North korea acquiring nukes even though north korea had been a close chinese ally and China has a defence treaty with them to protect them in case if an attack. Yet the chinese have been against their nuclear program. Ever asked yourself why? This is because the chinese actually think logically. No power will want it's neighbour to acquire nukes since you never know the dynamics of interest can change and pose a threat to them at their doorstep. In fact if you read history you will know that even Britain and the US was against France developing nuclear weapons for obvious reasons.
It's crazy to see that some of you guys don't see this, Seriously I'm often baffled by how some of you guys think on here. Lol.

Most of them have been brainwashed by Iranian propaganda. Iran under its current regime can never be a friend of pakistan or any sunni nation.
The Iranian hinterlands in the west stop at the argos mountains, anything beyond that is an invasion of others sovereignty.
But yiu support is really and you say they are not invading others....I used your word and gave you evidence and yiu have again shifted goal posts.....best learn some
We don’t need a outsider to tell us who is our friend and who is our enemy

We know very well what is in our best interest

This is how you keep Africa fighting each other but doesn’t work with us
Lol ok if you say so. Was just making an observation.
Hopefully, the damages are extensive. Iranian nuclear program must be stopped at all costs.
Iran is already a nuclear state it doesn’t matter what Israel will do because it’s too late.
Congratulations to the Israelis, or whoever else was behind this act of peaceful sabotage.
Hopefully it will teach the Iranians that any nuclear enrichment efforts by them are not worth the effort.

I also recommend the Biden administration does NOT retreat on sanctions before the Iranians become fully compliant with the original JCPOA and any other additional terms that the West sets for them.
Kikes are the last ones to bark about preventing others from having a nuclear weapons.

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