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Israel Radio: Damage to the Natanz facility is large, and it touched centrifuges

Good they did Pakistan and the world a favor. Iran doesnt need nuclear technology they have more than enough oil/gas.

Oye bhata, get some knowledge first. It was required, because a conventional war to invade Japan would have cost millions in allied lives. It was not a battle of existence between 2 nuclear powers. Japan was never close to nukes at that time. Any logical nation would have done the same. Iran having nukes will send the middle east including Pakistan into a conflict unforeseen in history. Just because certain idiots and their corrupt generals cannot understand such logic doesnt mean it isnt reality... Think of it this way if today India did not have nukes Pakistan would have invaded and nuked them out of existence long ago and vice versa, thats just how the world works...there is a reason Israel is a economic super power, their people actually think with logic and reason...

If you as a Pakistani want another adversary equipped with nukes to your west to be pincered on both sides especially a nation that is already constantly interfering in your internal affairs for the last 4 decades, then go to hell and read first. Because no Pakistani would want that.
If Israel has nukes....then every country has the right to nukes
In response to post of @Salmanov (now removed)

Yet the jews stand up for muslims in the west more than muslims stand up for themselves or eachother :D jews have been at the forefront of equality of muslim in the west. When our own kind is killing one another and blowing up anything they see over the internet.

It is the palestinians who hate islam so much and have destroyed their land. Look at how palestinians support kashmir so much vis via pakistan vs india :D
Yet the jews stand up for muslims in the west more than muslims stand up for themselves or eachother :D jews have been at the forefront of equality of muslim in the west. When our own kind is killing one another and blowing up anything they see over the internet.

It is the palestinians who hate islam so much and have destroyed their land. Look at how palestinians support kashmir so much vis via pakistan vs india :D
Speechless.....the whole world has gone mad
If Israel has nukes....then every country has the right to nukes

Israel is not going beyond palestinian occupid lands... Iran is, they have interfered in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, KSA, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, UAE, Kuwait, Yemen.... your statement shows itself how stupid most people on this forum are... ask any of those nationalities above other than pakistanis and see what they think of iran having nukes...

Iran is the only nation in the middle east which was at the forefront of the US invasion of Iraq/afghanistan leading to the loss of millions of muslims, iran was at the forefront of the civil war in syria leading to the killing of millions of sunnis. Yet your kind are a trojan hose for them...

Irans homeland is as safe as can be yet they have spread chaos throughout their neighborhood which have led to the loss of life for MILLIONS OF SUNNIS.

If there was million of shia, millions of jews, millions of buddhist/hindu/sikhs, being killed in asia id say the same but unforetunately it is only SUNNI muslims being butchered on a genocidal scale and not by israel but by IRAN.
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Good they did Pakistan and the world a favor. Iran doesnt need nuclear technology they have more than enough oil/gas.

Oye bhata, get some knowledge first. It was required, because a conventional war to invade Japan would have cost millions in allied lives. It was not a battle of existence between 2 nuclear powers. Japan was never close to nukes at that time. Any logical nation would have done the same. Iran having nukes will send the middle east including Pakistan into a conflict unforeseen in history. Just because certain idiots and their corrupt generals cannot understand such logic doesnt mean it isnt reality... Think of it this way if today India did not have nukes Pakistan would have invaded and nuked them out of existence long ago and vice versa, thats just how the world works...there is a reason Israel is a economic super power, their people actually think with logic and reason...

If you as a Pakistani want another adversary equipped with nukes to your west to be pincered on both sides especially a nation that is already constantly interfering in your internal affairs for the last 4 decades, then go to hell and read first. Because no Pakistani would want that.

A very correct assessment. The current equilibrium should be maintained, any disturbance could lead to a catastrophe.
Speechless.....the whole world has gone mad

The only one mad is you and your kind.. i have seen many of your posts here and have been left completely speachless at your lack of knowledge or logic... i dont believe in sunni or shia, I stand for the truth.
Congratulations to the Israelis, or whoever else was behind this act of peaceful sabotage.
Hopefully it will teach the Iranians that any nuclear enrichment efforts by them are not worth the effort.

I also recommend the Biden administration does NOT retreat on sanctions before the Iranians become fully compliant with the original JCPOA and any other additional terms that the West sets for them.
@Philosopher Why is Iran incapable of protecting its crown Jewels deep inside Iran in its most guarded nuclear facility? More importantly, are we going witnesses a barrage of ballistic missile strikes upon Israel any time soon? Based upon your oft repeated claims Israel is well within reach of Iran and it’s unstoppable missiles...
Now if the leaders of all Muslim nations were not self serving punks, you wouldn't have to sit hear listening to no mark gypsies cheer leading yahoodi attacks on a Muslim nation.

The kafir are united in thier attempts to preserve thier power and influence - they see all and any Muslim nation as a potential threat.

Meanwhile our leaderships cannot and will not cooperate for the greater good of the citizens of the nations they claim to represent. They can't see beyond the cages thier former colonial masters put them in. They are too self absorbed and selfish to sacrifice thier ego. Ironically they hide behind national interests all whilst refusing to take the obvious steps to strengthen thier nations.


Good luck to Iran to try and develop nuclear weapons.
Inevitably, the nuclear threat will come to Romania's doorstep. Iran's access to this capability will trigger a chain reaction across the Middle East. Romania is also a very important front line in NATO's BMD strategy.
Romania? What is this thing?
Good they did Pakistan and the world a favor. Iran doesnt need nuclear technology they have more than enough oil/gas.

Oye bhata, get some knowledge first. It was required, because a conventional war to invade Japan would have cost millions in allied lives. It was not a battle of existence between 2 nuclear powers. Japan was never close to nukes at that time. Any logical nation would have done the same. Iran having nukes will send the middle east including Pakistan into a conflict unforeseen in history. Just because certain idiots and their corrupt generals cannot understand such logic doesnt mean it isnt reality... Think of it this way if today India did not have nukes Pakistan would have invaded and nuked them out of existence long ago and vice versa, thats just how the world works...there is a reason Israel is a economic super power, their people actually think with logic and reason...

If you as a Pakistani want another adversary equipped with nukes to your west to be pincered on both sides especially a nation that is already constantly interfering in your internal affairs for the last 4 decades, then go to hell and read first. Because no Pakistani would want that.
Yez, never ever trust Iranian member crocodile tears about US action in the Middle East.
They loved it, actually Iran benefitted so much from US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The US defeated Isis in Iraq and Syria and these nutjobs jumping up and down claiming that their noob militia won the war lmao.
Israel is not going beyond palestinian occupid lands... Iran is, they have interfered in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, KSA, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, UAE, Kuwait, Yemen.... your statement shows itself how stupid most people on this forum are... ask any of those nationalities above other than pakistanis and see what they think of iran having nukes...

Iran is the only nation in the middle east which was at the forefront of the US invasion of Iraq/afghanistan leading to the loss of millions of muslims, iran was at the forefront of the civil war in syria leading to the killing of millions of sunnis. Yet your kind are a trojan hose for them...

Irans homeland is as safe as can be yet they have spread chaos throughout their neighborhood which have led to the loss of life for MILLIONS OF SUNNIS.

If there was million of shia, millions of jews, millions of buddhist/hindu/sikhs, being killed in asia id say the same but unforetunately it is only SUNNI muslims being butchered on a genocidal scale and not by israel but by IRAN.
So occupied....doesn't mean anything and it's your words.

Attacking Syria is not beyond
Lebanon is not beyond.
Sanai in Egypt is not beyond.
Attacking iraqi nuclear families is not beyond.
Being spotted of karachi is not beyond.

Claiming land from nile to the empharates is not beyond.

Please wake up and stop wasting bandwidth.
there is only one small problem with that argument

US+ Russia hold 1000s of nuclear missiles and Iran getting 1 or 2 won't make any difference

but Irans chances of survival will go up by 1000 if it does get nukes

so on that balance I say GO IRAN
Some of you pakistanis are difficult to understand. So you want another neighbour of yours to acquire nuked, especially a neighbour that isn't your ally and have often had frosty relations with you guys and have even had close tied with your arc enemy India Lool. Sometimes I can't understand how some of you think. Lol. It seems you guys often have some strange found love for foreign powers over your own national interests. Lol
In fact even powers like China have been against North korea acquiring nukes even though north korea had been a close chinese ally and China has a defence treaty with them to protect them in case if an attack. Yet the chinese have been against their nuclear program. Ever asked yourself why? This is because the chinese actually think logically. No power will want it's neighbour to acquire nukes since you never know the dynamics of interest can change and pose a threat to them at their doorstep. In fact if you read history you will know that even Britain and the US was against France developing nuclear weapons for obvious reasons.
It's crazy to see that some of you guys don't see this, Seriously I'm often baffled by how some of you guys think on here. Lol.
there is only one small problem with that argument

US+ Russia hold 1000s of nuclear missiles and Iran getting 1 or 2 won't make any difference

but Irans chances of survival will go up by 1000 if it does get nukes

so on that balance I say GO IRAN
Preferably, no one should have nukes

That's it. Whether India, Pakistan, Russia, France, Britain etc, no one should have nuclear weapons.

The UNO should do three immediate actions : Speak for the resolution of the Syria war, speak for the resolution of the Venezuela conflict, speak for fast global nuclear disarmament and re-purposing of that nuclear material for spacecraft propulsion through the NPP way ( Nuclear Pulse Propulsion ) which will allow fast space travel.

Oh really so we can trust Americans who have actually used nukes in Japan, Americans have been the biggest warmonger of the universe ,
What about Israel who has policies of Apartheid how can you trust this friggin country...

America had almost used the nuclear bomb against North Korea in the Korea War.

Israel is not going beyond palestinian occupid lands

Israel interfered somewhat in a field far away. It had sent an assassin to Venezuela some years ago.

Also to speak of Israel destroying the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear facilities before they went operational.

More importantly, are we going witnesses a barrage of ballistic missile strikes upon Israel any time soon?

There is the much touted Samson Option.
Some of you pakistanis are difficult to understand. So you want another neighbour of yours to acquire nuked, especially a neighbour that isn't your ally and have often had frosty relations with you guys and have even had close tied with your arc enemy India Lool. Sometimes I can't understand how some of you think. Lol. It seems you guys often have some strange found love for foreign powers over your own national interests. Lol
In fact even powers like China have been against North korea acquiring nukes even though north korea had been a close chinese ally and China has a defence treaty with them to protect them in case if an attack. Yet the chinese have been against their nuclear program. Ever asked yourself why? This is because the chinese actually think logically. No power will want it's neighbour to acquire nukes since you never know the dynamics of interest can change and pose a threat to them at their doorstep. In fact if you read history you will know that even Britain and the US was against France developing nuclear weapons for obvious reasons.
It's crazy to see that some of you guys don't see this, Seriously I'm often baffled by how some of you guys think on here. Lol.

We don’t need a outsider to tell us who is our friend and who is our enemy

We know very well what is in our best interest

This is how you keep Africa fighting each other but doesn’t work with us
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