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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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LOL and now you will be part of the ones that will deny him. Chaliphate is just the system, even during Chaliphate there will be Governor and autonom region, this is why Muawiyah can emerge since he has autonomy and soldiers.

Chaliphate like happen in the old days is already failed system, it only can sustain until Ali and lead to the war between Muslim.

Chaliphate lack succession system, it will lead to the war.

When prophet Muhammad talk about Chaliphate, he think in essence way, he is clever person and probably the most clever human ever
You read the concept of Parliament and Islamic State ... then you would understand.
a emp device would be gud knock all electronics then go all out.

half of muslim where did you get that data.
Middle east arabia, uae gulf...everyone's on board, Egypt as well for a while, ypu missed reading the news bro?
Middle east arabia, uae gulf...everyone's on board, Egypt as well for a while, ypu missed reading the news bro?
They don't actually like the Israelis they are just looking to exploit the Americans, and Israelis into getting benefits by signing a fancy piece of paper.
People are speaking up against Israel. Just look at the mass criticism Israel is receiving from various influential celebrities. Huge criticism on social media. Unthinkable in the past. Not to mention the ordinary civilians all over the world including Western societies. Even criticism from actual Israel supporters. It is one thing to expand illegal settlements through court orders. It is an entirely different thing to orchestrate civil unrest provoking the Palestinians at Al Aqsa during the holy month of Ramadan and pretending Hamas is the cause of all problems. People aren't mad.

You are right about Zionist influence at higher levels. It is true that Zionists have infiltrated at the highest levels of power corridors. Especially in the US and Western nations. You have to remember one thing. The Western nations feel powerless when the Zionists emotionally blackmail and remind the Europeans of their Holocaust crimes. There is a very weird connection between Israel and the Western powers who oppressed them during WWII. The Zionists are in full control over their Western comrades. They are allowed to control the narrative because the Western powers believe they owe them that much. When I commit an egregious crime, my conscience will always hold me back.

Brother, the Social media and tweets won't save the Palestinian child that lost his life, Israel has become to powerful to be even talked about in the west let alone held accountable. These Celebrities won't do much damage because the US state policy will remain unchanged when it comes to Protecting Israel.

As for Holocaust that is their Ace card of blackmail, they will keep using this card while they are ethnic cleansing the Palestinians, ever wondered why this nation was once so beloved to Allah but now cursed?
they are gutting out america ready for transfer of power, they used and abused america and stole tech and give to china and russia. a sweet deal.

What the Zionists are good at is manipulation. They have learnt some dire lessons from a terrible experience in the past that almost wiped them out. They learnt that they have to be organised and on top to be able to control the proceedings. Where things have gone wrong is Zionist greed for expansion. They are very small in numbers, but they have this extreme urge to expand. Not only in numbers, but also territorial expansion. Anyone who knows the greater Israel ambitions knows what I am referring to.
This is no longer a religious war anymore.

Half the muslims support Israel now.

At brasstacks it's just a land grab issue now, Israelis and palestinian just want more prime land now.

Its a money issue, people just need to chill out and not make it a globak issue for some greedy peoples mony issues.
The thing is the only religious war that can be fought today is against the infidel. This is true for all three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Unfortunately over the years political gain has brought us to this point we do not know who is our try enemy. Brother against brother is the order of the day.
I don't think Israel will be as strong and relevant without US and European aid and military support. The Israelis receive an immense amount of monetary support. Additionally they also receive a lot of assistance from various US and European corporate sector. The Israelis also get access to advanced weapon systems. Without these amenities no nation on earth can advance and develop as rapidly as Israel has done. Israel is often promoted and presented by its backers as the next best thing since sliced bread. Often this is over exaggerated.

Yes but as i said, even bringing legislation in US congress to even talk about cutting their aid is bad that no powerful President try it, let alone actually doing it, and its even harder in countries like Germany. Israel will keep getting these aids, the West is shooting two things in one go, 1) Strengthening Jews 2) Killing/Weakening Muslim countries. All of that Arab spring was designed to weaken the countries surrounding the nation so Israel has a easy time.
The thing is the only religious war that can be fought today is against the infidel. This is true for all three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Unfortunately over the years political gain has brought us to this point we do not know who is our try enemy. Brother against brother is the order of the day.

Keep alienating the infidels, cuz atbthe end of daybwhat infidels do metter in this world, maybe you can have your imaginary victory in your next imaginary world.
I don't think Israel will be as strong and relevant without US and European aid and military support. The Israelis receive an immense amount of monetary support. Additionally they also receive a lot of assistance from various US and European corporate sector.

Correct with a note added: There is nothing 'Western' about support to Israel. All we have is a few media outlets, a few hundred congressmen, a few dozen very rich Jewish Americans, and the several million nutjobs of the Evangelical Christians.

Europeans have not as much love for Israel as it is perceived. Israel has been calling itself 'the outpost of the West in the Middle East' but Europe silently chuckles: You are the discarded people from the Europe!

Europe follows America for reasons which have been obsolete since the end of the Cold War: Security from the Soviets, economic benefits/Marshall Plan etc etc. But more than anything, it is the fear that the American dominated media can ruin individual country's 'image' for tourism and investment. Anyone remember the Germans being called 'the Huns' or the French being 'wine drinking, cheese eating surrender-monkeys' because those countries had refused to endorse the American invasion of Iraq in 2003--and invasion wholly orchestrated by the Zionist Lobby in America.

In short, there is no 'Western' support for Israel on a real basis. If/when America decides to turn against Israel then you BET all countries of Europe would change their own tune about Israel.
Brother, the Social media and tweets won't save the Palestinian child that lost his life, Israel has become to powerful to be even talked about in the west let alone held accountable. These Celebrities won't do much damage because the US state policy will remain unchanged when it comes to Protecting Israel.

As for Holocaust that is their Ace card of blackmail, they will keep using this card while they are ethnic cleansing the Palestinians, ever wondered why this nation was once so beloved to Allah but now cursed?

Surely the lives of Palestinians cannot be saved through social media. Don't underestimate the power of perception and image. The US and European governments can continue to support Israel, but popular opinion is massively against both.

Having said this, the Israelis too cannot continue on this path of self-destruction. We are already seeing how Israelis who used to isolate themselves in their neighborhoods are now being targeted by angry mobs. When people have nothing to lose, justice is sought by all means.
Al Arabiya: Israel rejects any mediation before the complete eradication of the armed wing of Hamas

Seems like the Iron dome is unable to handle a barrage of more than 100 rockets at a time there or their interceptors are running low.

I remember you saying you estimate they have a few thousand interceptors, what are you basing that on? The US did give them something like $825 million, twice, to produce additional interceptors and further develop the Iron Dome. It's ridiculous that they won't even pay to produce their own weapons and make US taxpayers pay for both development and production of interceptors.
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