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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Let me lay out the full saying then,
Sticks and stones can hurt me, not words, thats what the mid east despots do, just words.

Works perfectly for everyone now doesnt it?
Americans have too much influence among Middle Eastern governments for now for them to do anything.

Palestinians are alone until the Americans are kicked out when their hegemony starts declining.
Problem is that Israel have whole west on their back, which include 4 nuclear powers and UNSC permanent members.
No its not ..
If arabs just do economical bycott isreal will drown
This isnt the 1970s when arabs were living in deserts..and they almost did that then

France-UK are dying as super powers
Soon there economies will be surpassed by new world powers

russia and china are neutral or may be will side the arabs(if they grow a spine..simple maths)

Growing muslim population has even made UK shameful in openly supporting isreal

USA is indeed a powerful force but it will not get invovlved directly neither it ever has in 1960-70s
Americans have too much influence among Middle Eastern governments for now for them to do anything.
Arabs have never really forces their govt to respond
Yes but as i said, even bringing legislation in US congress to even talk about cutting their aid is bad that no powerful President try it, let alone actually doing it, and its even harder in countries like Germany. Israel will keep getting these aids, the West is shooting two things in one go, 1) Strengthening Jews 2) Killing/Weakening Muslim countries. All of that Arab spring was designed to weaken the countries surrounding the nation so Israel has a easy time.

At the end of the day things will get extremely toxic. The Zionists cannot wipe out Palestinians in its entirety. That will amount to genocide. Population wise the Palestinians still outnumber the Israelis. No matter how much support the Israelis get from their Western backers, certain equations cannot change in the short-term. The Israelis will live in complete anguish and uncertainty. Security will be a huge problem. What is a promised land worth if the immediate surrounding is insecure and hostile? What kind of promised land and paradise would this be for the Israeli populace?
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Americans have too much influence among Middle Eastern governments for now for them to do anything.

Palestinians are alone until the Americans are kicked out when their hegemony starts declining.

Wake me up then, till then half the muslim world is with Israel.

Like it or not.
At the end of the day things will get extremely toxic. The Zionists cannot wipe out Palestinians in its entirety. Population wise the Palestinians still outnumber the Israelis. No matter how much support the Israelis get from their Western backers, certain equations cannot change in the short-term.
No they dont

They will simply push them out to jordan eygpt and in two generation the problem will be solved

Today isreal population is about 9 million wth 1.5m arabs..while palestinian population is 4.5 m

There is only a small amount of people u can stuff into gaza 50x10 km prison
Correct with a note added: There is nothing 'Western' about support to Israel. All we have is a few media outlets, a few hundred congressmen, a few dozen very rich Jewish Americans, and the several million nutjobs of the Evangelical Christians.

Europeans have not as much love for Israel as it is perceived. Israel has been calling itself 'the outpost of the West in the Middle East' but Europe silently chuckles: You are the discarded people from the Europe!

Europe follows America for reasons which have been obsolete since the end of the Cold War: Security from the Soviets, economic benefits/Marshall Plan etc etc. But more than anything, it is the fear that the American dominated media can ruin individual country's 'image' for tourism and investment. Anyone remember the Germans being called 'the Huns' or the French being 'wine drinking, cheese eating surrender-monkeys' because those countries had refused to endorse the American invasion of Iraq in 2003--and invasion wholly orchestrated by the Zionist Lobby in America.

In short, there is no 'Western' support for Israel on a real basis. If/when America decides to turn against Israel then you BET all countries of Europe would change their own tune about Israel.
Bullseye there. Israel and all the Jews combined are nothing in a military sense. Only 70 plus years ago the Germans genocided these people in the millions like sheep to the slaughter. What did they do to the Germans? Nothing.

The problem you have is the Jews dominate USA and through it UK. And that is not about to change anytime soon. As long as that continues Israel will continue to do what it does. This fact that all roads to free Palestine run through USA has been the reason why Arab countries one by one have thrown in the towel. To be fair to the Egyptians they did a incredible effort in Yom Kippur war. Their military performance was staggeringly good. In fact the Egyptian Army crossing of the Suez Canal and breaking through the Bar Lev line line would have humbled the best German Panzer Army blitzkrieg attacks of WW2.

However it was all to no avail because USA stepped in and rescued Israel from defeat. That is when Anwar Sadat saw the futility of fighting Israel. He saw that in fact they were fighting USA. This reality is why all the Arab governments have accepted the reality.
No they dont

They will simply push them out to jordan eygpt and in two generation the problem will be solved

Today isreal population is about 9 million wth 1.5m arabs..while palestinian population is 4.5 m

There is only a small amount of people u can stuff into gaza 50x10 km prison

Don't be too sure of that. This problem won't disappear. Just because Western nations and Israelis are buying loyalty from Arab neighbors doesn't mean it will always remain like that. There is a stark difference between loyalty that is bought/forced and loyalty that is genuine. The relationship between Arabs and Israelis will always remain tense and hostile as long as it isn't resolved justly and permanently. MBS and Sisi won't be the leaders of their respective nations indefinitely. Just because Israel and surrounding Arab nations have found some temporary common ground to cooperate doesn't mean this would last forever. If anything, history teaches us that peace in the ME is very fragile and temporary.
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With Israel? No, but not with Palestinians for sure.

Playing with words now are we?

Actions matter actions, saudi gcc egypt is firmly within this camp, rest of them dont really matter.

One thing Israelis love is condemnation, cuz that means no further action is coming.

Keep throwing those words all day long, suits just fine.

Israel already won this war long ago.
GCC you mean? They were all very weak, (or not countries) countries at those times.
GCC population is 5x more then isreal
Their military combined 5x more
While economy is almost 10x

I am not talkig about arab league just GCC
Their cash reserves is 100x more

Its like comapring an ant to an elephant
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