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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I don't think Israel will be as strong and relevant without US and European aid and military support. The Israelis receive an immense amount of monetary support. Additionally they also receive a lot of assistance from various US and European corporate sector. The Israelis also get access to advanced weapon systems. Without these amenities no nation on earth can advance and develop as rapidly as Israel has done. Israel is often promoted and presented by its backers as the next best thing since sliced bread. Often this is over exaggerated.
Western support for Israel will not stop.They are not impartial and will never work toward a viable solution. Most Jewish peoples that I have met are very productive and highly educated. They are not an opponent to take lightly.

Status quo is not acceptable. A two state solution will never work. A "New York model" of a non factional democracy where Jews and Muslims live and work together in a non apartheid state is the most viable approach, IMO.....but this will never be accepted by Zionists.

Only real chance for a solution is for a MENA bloc to defeat the Zionists and "democratize Israel" by imposing the New York model. I would incite internal turmoil inside Israel, get Israeli Arabs and Jews to fight among themselves. Throw in the Palestinians as well. Then a large regional military coalition will should go in and eliminate the Zionists. Jews that will live in peace are welcome to stay in Palestine. Zionists must be eliminated or shipped off to the USA. USA will not accpet this action easily. Best to sync any actions with a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. USA will be hard pressed to fight for both Taiwan and Israel at the same time. This is a fictional war plan but one that is viable, IMO.
Not sure where Al-Arabiya gets their sources from but they claim the following:

Egypt putting forth a 1 year ceasefire proposal and if Israel rejects it will suspend a number of agreements(economic/security) with them.

Also report that Israel will not agree until to a ceasefire until Hamas's military wing is destroyed.
GCC population is 3x more then isreal
Their military combined 5x more
While economy is almost 5x

I am not talkig about arab league just GCC
Their cash reserves is 100x more

Its like comapring an ant to an elephant
In the 60s, and 70s GCC was quite weaker and many of them were not even independent or newly independent.

Modern day Egypt, and Jordan are not very hostile to Israel so that is a non-starter for them.
GCC holds so much power then even US comes and dance with them
They say money is power
But power in hands of child is nothing
In the 60s, and 70s GCC was quite weaker and many of them were not even independent or newly independent.

Modern day Egypt, and Jordan are not very hostile to Israel so that is a non-starter for them.
Which is the whole crux of this discussion

Arabs havent abandone palestine..infact they are allies to isreal...
Its time everyone stop blaming the USA and non muslim countries

To problem has always been the arabs themselves fighting each other and betraying each other
Half the Muslim world is with Israel because they haven't declared war on Israel. Hindu logic!
It is true..half of the arab world has very warm relations with isreal and have slapped sanctions on palestinians representatives..
Palestine flag with Jordan is quite similar, I guess it was part of Jordan kingdom in the past right ?

Because there is USA

USA gonna be there always, so we can accept this is how its gonna be forever in the mideast arabia?

Israel will rule that part of the world now, and in the future.
Palestine flag with Jordan is quite similar, I guess it was part of Jordan kingdom in the past right ?
No, the Arab colors were used during Ottoman revolt to represent Arab unity which is why most Arab countries have a similar flag in terms of color.
Let me know when Indonesia actually matters, or does something for that matter, ypubguys are chill being away from this mideast mess.

I've been to indonesia, and afghanistan and iraq/ Jordan, trust me.you guys wont like what's out there. Be sane

You should went to my thread, Indonesian NGO supplied thousands liter of fuel to Gaza hospitals and 100 ton of free food during the Israeli attack
the one that says israel is slapping around Palestine with none of the muslim nations making a squeak.

if you cant provide proof then shutup and help your kinsmen from dying from corona. hail gaw muttar.
It is true..half of the arab world has very warm relations with isreal and have slapped sanctions on palestinians representatives..

Even the Arab countries which have normalized ties with Israel have publicly condemned Israel on some level. UAE and Saudi Arabia come to mind here. Even then, half of the Arab countries don't represent one half of the Muslim world. This deranged Dindoo genuinely thinks because we haven't all declared war on Israel and started sending troops in, we're supporting Israel.
Hindu, jews, christians, shamans, anyone left for you islamists to alienate?

Anyone who disagrees with me = Islamist. Dindoo logic!
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