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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Excuses everywherw, from asia to africa, one thing that tells us is israel can bomb away, nobody out here has the heart to hurt Israel, maybe that's for the good, Israel is the hope of that fuxked up region

You are the ones that are fucked up currently and even we dont know where that will end
We shall see I guess right? I'm still not sure why an Indian cares about this very much.

No, they care a lot. Hindoos are going insane on social media trying to show "phool sappart" to their "Isrally masters". I've even seen some 5'6 Hindoo midgets trying to volunteer to join the IDF. I don't think their slum cops or cow brigades would recruit someone with that height lmao.
I think the Egyptians are mad Israel is not accepting the one year ceasefire, we shall see if they take any action at all.

Not sure if they could force a ceasefire without tearing up the Camp David accords.
Consensus in the west is no longer with isreal sance countries with islamophobia(like france) and countries with specific type of christian sect that beleive isreal has to be saved(USA)

Wrong. The general perception of Israel is that of an apartheid state. There are supporters of Israel too, but they are getting smaller in numbers. The Israelis definitely enjoy firm support at governmental levels. My opinion is that over the years this will decrease too. Many people are tired of preferential treatment for Israel.
If...then...but...till the the cows come home brother.
And the goats and the sheep’s..Turkey is pro Israel..and odds for a war Iran/Israel are inexistant..We might see Hizbollah intering the war if Lebanon is attacked…and forget about Arab states..all are-praying for an Israeli win.
Hindu, jews, christians, shamans, anyone left for you islamists to alienate?

Just because we are opposed doesn't mean we are wrong. Since the beginning of Islam and the Prophets days... All were opposed to Muslims and Islam.

We are not here to appease. We are here to bring justice and peace.

At the end of the day things will get extremely toxic. The Zionists cannot wipe out Palestinians in its entirety. That will amount to genocide. Population wise the Palestinians still outnumber the Israelis. No matter how much support the Israelis get from their Western backers, certain equations cannot change in the short-term. The Israelis will live in complete anguish and uncertainty. Security will be a huge problem. What is a promised land worth if the immediate surrounding is insecure and hostile? What kind of promised land and paradise would this be for the Israeli populace?

You are missing the religious angle to this conflict, its not just about the Promised land, but the Promised messiah that comes with it.
Wrong. The general perception of Israel is that of an apartheid state. There are supporters of Israel too, but they are getting smaller in numbers. The Israelis definitely enjoy firm support at governmental levels. My opinion is that over the years this will decrease too. Many people are tired of preferential treatment for Israel.
True but does that matter? It has been like this for a very long term
Look at general assembly voting for example

Only USA france and UK(occationally) support or hold ground
As long as arabs love isreal everything should be fine

Second isreal is moving fast in 20 years there will be no palestine problem only internal strife as all palestine will be annexed sane gaza prison

There were about to do it but stopped when UAE BHARIAN AND several other countries accepted isreal..but isrealis arent happy they were promised pakistan and saudi arabia too

Once that happens next step will be simply annex west bank and kick out all palestininans to eithet gaza prison or sourrounding jordan eygpt

You are missing the religious angle to this conflict, its not just about the Promised land, but the Promised messiah that comes with it.

I meant the entire religious dimension. There is another angle by the way we often overlook. The Israelis have played this very cunningly in their favor. LOL Judeo Christian bhai bhai against evil Muslims. The Jews and Christians are the biggest enemies of each other. The Christians accuse the Jews for betraying Jesus PBUH. Basically the Christians hold Jews responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus PBUH. Today they have found common ground against Muslims LOL
If GCC, Iran, and Turkey ally the Middle East would be unstoppable.
One thing is for sure
Combined GCC economy is larger then any other entity except USA-china..put in actual cash reserves it even it eclipses USA

GCC have been given enormous power yet zero guts...this is the irony of the situation

Now GCC is only small part of arab world..arab world is much bigger..
I think the Egyptians are mad Israel is not accepting the one year ceasefire, we shall see if they take any action at all.

Not sure if they could force a ceasefire without tearing up the Camp David accords.

If Israel is dealt with capable nation like Egypt or Turkey, how do you thing they can destroy their Iron Dome system ?
I meant the entire religious dimension. There is another angle by the way we often overlook. The Israelis have played this very cunningly in their favor. LOL Judeo Christian bhai bhai against evil Muslims. The Jews and Christians are the biggest enemies of each other. The Christians accuse the Jews for betraying Jesus PBUH. Basically the Christians hold Jews responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus PBUH. Today they have found common ground against Muslims LOL
There is sect of christians in USA that beleives messiah will come with isreal

This is unique to USA

Dont confuse catholics with them..
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