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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I believe these are the events that are currently unfolding in Palestine. The fulfillment of the Hadith of the attack on the Al Aqsa mosque is the foretold turning point. Arrival of the Mehdi.

I still think what will happen next is the Israeli army and settlers will again attack Al Aqsa but this time violate it more

Depends, you could try overwhelming it with GPS guided missiles and rockets I suppose. Targeting radars, and launchers with thousands would likely work.

It doesnt work, Palestine has launched about 2000 rockets and only very few are landed in Israel land
It doesnt work, Palestine has launched about 2000 rockets and only very few are landed in Israel land
They have no guidance, GPS guided rockets can reach 10 meter accuracy. That would be good enough to take care of launchers in large barrages.

Inertial 100 meter CEP.

With penetration warheads you could probably take out Israeli airbases as well.
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True but does that matter? It has been like this for a very long term
Look at general assembly voting for example

Only USA france and UK(occationally) support or hold ground
As long as arabs love isreal everything should be fine

Second isreal is moving fast in 20 years there will be no palestine problem only internal strife as all palestine will be annexed sane gaza prison

There were about to do it but stopped when UAE BHARIAN AND several other countries accepted isreal..but isrealis arent happy they were promised pakistan and saudi arabia too

Once that happens next step will be simply annex west bank and kick out all palestininans to eithet gaza prison or sourrounding jordan eygpt


A lot of ifs and buts. The Israelis are nowhere near full approval they would like to have among Islamic nations. Even KSA hasn't officially accepted Israel. UAE is really one of the very few notable nations that has accepted Israel. Others aren't even worthy of mention. This whole farce was facilitated in an election hurry by Trump. Like I said, don't make too much of it. This is a very fragile and temporary facade. Arabs don't love Israel.

You cannot predict whether Palestine will be here in 20 years or not. This is a very crude presumption on your part. Besides, even if Palestine were non-existent the surrounding Arabs won't disappear. Israel also has Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt in its sights for greater Israel LOL You think the Arabs don't know that? Who do you think the Israelis will come for after annexing Palestinian land? Did you think that greater Israel only consisted of Palestinian land?

None of the non-Arab nations will accept Israel in its current manifestation. Not even worth discussing.
There is sect of christians in USA that beleives messiah will come with isreal

This is unique to USA

Dont confuse catholics with them..

An irrelevant sect. Catholics and Protestants are by far the biggest streams in Christianity.
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As long as Western powers remain shackled to Israeli Holocaust blackmail support won't halt. Having said that, there is a growing consensus among Western masses that Israel shouldn't get preferential treatment just because they suffered in the past. Let's see how this unfolds in the future. The Israelis have lost a lot of goodwill over the years.

Very valid points and let me add to it one of the most substantial reason behind never ending support for Israel is based on Christian Evangelical belief that ONLY after the third temple is built Hazrat Essa P.B.U.H will descend from heavens. I use to wonder a lot that how it is possible for any denomination of Christian faith to support Israel so fervently even though in the crucifixion of Hazrat Essa P.B.U.H as per historical events suggested were caused by the conspiracies hatched by the Rabbis at that time but then voila I found the concept of "Christian Zionism" see the excerpt below from a paper, click here to access it.


These Evangelical Christians raised funds for Israel as well and any muslim Country or group who oppose the construction of third temple will automatically looked upon as enemy to Israel and thus enemy to the US. That is the reason Israel enjoys bipartisan support across both party lines in US.

Therefore, any solution to the Israeli - Palestine conflict have to address a method of developing common grounds between Jewish-Christian Zionist and muslims which is definitely a very difficult task to undertake.
It is unfortunate Muslim fight Jews, our God is similar. It is Christian that has weird believe where their God is three of one and one of three and must be hanged by Roman soldiers to erase human sin
If GCC, Iran, and Turkey ally the Middle East would be unstoppable.
A MENA bloc would be a potential super power. 1 billion + people, 30% of global strategic resources, a huge military and Nukes.

With Israel inciting the region and the USA shifting to Asia....the west and E Asia in demographic decline. A MENA bloc would be a super power that could develop in the next 100 years.
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Bro you don’t even need that, you need like 4 BM-21 grad launchers and the whole battery is dead and open for precise munitions
You can also launch them at standoff distances, vehicles like Polonez have 200km range and an 150kg warhead.


Israelis could try using Arrow, and David Sling but it wouldnt help against sheer volume.

IAF would have to hunt them which would be quite difficult when you are so far.
A lot of ifs and buts. The Israelis are nowhere near full approval they would like to have among Islamic nations. Even KSA hasn't officially accepted Israel. UAE is really one of the very few notable nations that has accepted Israel. Others aren't even worthy of mention. This whole farce was facilitated in an election hurry by Trump. Like I said, don't make too much of it. This is a very fragile and temporary facade. Arabs don't love Israel.

You cannot predict whether Palestine will be here in 20 years or not. This is a very crude presumption on your part. Besides, even if Palestine were non-existent the surrounding Arabs won't disappear. Israel also has Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt in its sights for greater Israel LOL You think the Arabs don't know that? Who do you think the Israelis will come for after annexing Palestinian land? Did you think that greater Israel only consisted of Palestinian land?

Some good points.
Yesterday saw an interview of Erdogan's Spokesman (Ibrahim) who clearly hinted that some countries, like Sudan, had been lured by Trump to recognize Israel to get political benefits in Washington. But, as you pointed out, they are doing it to only gain economic and political benefits--as well to look like 'moderate Muslim countries' globally. They don't like Israel. I bet all Muslims countries don't like Israel. And going by the UNGA votes, most of the WORLD doesn't like Israel.

As to the Doomsday talk about the Palestinians disappearing. Oh , please! There are 5 MILLION of them between Jordan and the Med. Sea alone. They are not going anywhere. You can't push them out to the sea or expel to Jordan or Egypt or wherever. Even the Israelis know that Israel missed the chance in 1948 for the total ethnic cleansing and have to live with that decision.
Israeli ground troops carrying out strikes into Gaza Strip, IDF says
Dozens of civilians have been killed since tensions escalated Monday.
ByMorgan Winsor andHatem Maher
13 May 2021, 18:24
• 15 min read


UN official warns Israeli-Palestinian conflict could be headed for ‘full-scale war’
The U.S. is attempting to deescalate the situation as residents live in fear of constant attack.
Contributor/AFP via Getty Images
LONDON and CAIRO -- Israeli air and ground troops have carried out strikes into the Gaza Strip, authorities said, as the latest round of fighting between Israel's military and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group ruling the Gaza Strip, continued.

Israel Defense Forces tanks and artillery operating at the border fired into Gaza, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus told ABC News. However, Israeli troops were not operating on the ground in the Palestinian territory, as previously announced by IDF. Conricus said the error was due to a miscommunication between forces operating in Gaza and his media team. There will be a press briefing in the morning to clarify further, he said.

Early Friday, IDF Home Front Command had ordered all Israelis living at the Gaza border to go into their safe rooms and stay there until further notice as well.

In a new statement released at about 1 a.m. local time Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the military operation will continue as long as it takes to restore law and order to the cities of Israel.

So far, 103 people, including 27 children and eight women, have been killed in the Gaza Strip since tensions escalated Monday. At least 580 others have been injured, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

MORE: Death toll rises as violence escalates between Israel, Hamas

The ministry also said that some of the dead who arrived at Dar Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City were suspected to have been killed by nerve gas. The ministry did not specify who the victims were, but sources told ABC News they were Hamas fighters who were in a military tunnel.

Meanwhile, a total of seven people, including a soldier and a 6-year-old child, have been killed in Israel. An eighth Israeli, an 87-year-old woman, also died after falling while on her way to a bomb shelter, according to the Israeli Emergency Services. More than 150 others have been wounded, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

PHOTO: People gather in front of the rubble of the Al-Sharouk tower that collapsed after being hit by an Israeli air strike, in Gaza City, May 12, 2021.

Mohammed Abed/AFP via Getty Images
Mohammed Abed/AFP via Getty Images
People gather in front of the rubble of the Al-Sharouk tower that collapsed after being hit by an Isr...Read More
Hamas, which gained a majority in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 after battling rival Palestinian forces, began firing a barrage of rockets toward Israeli territory on Monday evening. In response, the Israel Defense Forces unleashed hundreds of airstrikes aimed at what it said were Hamas and other terror targets in the Gaza Strip, a 140-square-mile territory where 2 million Palestinians have lived under a blockade imposed by neighboring Israel and Egypt since Hamas seized power.

The Israel Defense Forces said more than 1,500 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into southern and central Israel since Monday, of which 350 failed and fell on the Palestinian territory. Israel's sophisticated air defense system, known as the Iron Dome, has also intercepted hundreds of rockets, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

So far, Israeli airstrikes have hit over 600 terror targets in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israel Defense Forces, including three high-rise buildings that Israeli officials said were used by Hamas. The Israel Defense Forces said it warned civilians in the buildings to evacuate before striking the targets.

PHOTO: Palestinians attend a funeral for people killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza City, May 13, 2021.

Haitham Imad/EPA via Shutterstock
Haitham Imad/EPA via Shutterstock
Palestinians attend a funeral for people killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza City, May 13, 2021...Read More
The Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 25 combatants in the Gaza Strip, most of which are affiliated with Hamas but also with Islamic Jihad, a smaller Palestinian militant group. Several senior commanders in Hamas' "general staff" were also "eliminated," according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Islamic Jihad confirmed seven militants had been killed, while Hamas said 13 of its militants had been killed, including a senior commander.

MORE: Rockets launched at Jerusalem by militant group Hamas, leading to unrest
Abu Obeida, a spokesperson for Hamas' military wing, said in a video statement that the decision to attack Israeli cities was "easier for us than drinking water." Meanwhile, Netanyahu has vowed to continue retaliatory attacks.

It's the worst outbreak of violence between Israeli forces and Hamas since a 50-day war in the summer of 2014.

PHOTO: A burnt vehicle is seen after violent confrontations between Israeli Arab demonstrators and police in the city of Lod, Israel, May 12, 2021.

Ronen Zvulun/Reuters
Ronen Zvulun/Reuters
A burnt vehicle is seen after violent confrontations between Israeli Arab demonstrators and pol...Read More
As both sides continue to trade airstrikes and rockets with no signs of backing down, violence between Arabs and Jews has broken out on the streets of Israel. Authorities responded to "wide-scale riots" in various Israeli cities on Wednesday night, according to Israel Police spokesperson Micky Rosenfield. A dozen officers were injured while responding to the incidents and hundreds of people were arrested, Rosenfield said.

Authorities imposed a curfew in Lod, where buildings and cars were set ablaze on Wednesday night. A young Arab resident was shot and killed there on Monday night amid clashes between Arab and Jewish mobs, according to Rosenfield.

There were also several different instances of Arabs attacking Jews, Rosenfeld said. In Acre, rioters torched a famous Jewish-owned seafood restaurant.

An attack on an Arab man near Tel Aviv was televised live by Israel's public broadcaster late Wednesday. The shocking footage shows a mob dragging the man out of his car and beating him until he lay motionless.

PHOTO: A restaurant in Acre, a mixed Arab-Jewish town in northwest Israel, is heavily damaged after being attacked, May 13, 2021.

Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images
Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images
A restaurant in Acre, a mixed Arab-Jewish town in northwest Israel, is heavily damaged after b...Read More
Israel’s prime minister condemned the rioting and violent clashes as "unacceptable."

"Nothing justifies the lynching of Jews by Arabs and nothing justifies the lynching of Arabs by Jews," Netanyahu said in a statement Wednesday.

"To the citizens of Israel I say that I do not care if your blood is boiling. You cannot take the law into your own hands," he added. "You cannot grab an ordinary Arab citizen and try to lynch him -- just as we cannot watch Arab citizens do this to Jewish citizens."

PHOTO: Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces in the city centre of the West Bank town of Hebron, May 12,2021.

Hazem Bader/AFP via Getty Images
Hazem Bader/AFP via Getty Images
Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces in the city centre of the West Bank town of Hebron, May 12,2021.
The escalating violence in Israel has prompted at least three U.S. airlines -- American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines -- to cancel all flights to and from the Middle Eastern country, telling ABC News they are monitoring the situation and will continue to reevaluate.

Hamas warned international airlines from flying to Israel, and said they will target airports.

MORE: Israel is leading the world in its vaccinations, but the program is not without controversy
U.S. President Joe Biden had a telephone call with Netanyahu on Wednesday in which he "condemned the rocket attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups" and "conveyed his unwavering support for Israel's security," according to a press release.

"My expectation and hope is that this will be closing down sooner than later," Biden told ABC News after speaking with Netanyahu. "But Israel has the right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory."

PHOTO: A member of Sror family inspect the damage of their apartment after being hit by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip over night, in Petah Tikva, central Israel, May 13, 2021.

Oded Balilty/AP
Oded Balilty/AP
A member of Sror family inspect the damage of their apartment after being hit by a rocket fired fr...Read More
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters Wednesday that he was deploying Hady Amr, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Israel and Palestinian affairs, to meet with leaders from both sides in the coming days. Amr was expected to arrive in the Middle East on Thursday.

Blinken again condemned the rocket attacks by Hamas and repeatedly backed Israel's right to defend itself.

"There is, first, a very clear and absolute distinction between a terrorist organization, Hamas, that is indiscriminately raining down rockets, in fact, targeting civilians, and Israel’s response, defending itself," Blinken told reporters.

But he also noted that Palestinian children have been killed in the Israeli airstrikes, saying, "Israel has an extra burden in trying to do everything they possibly can to avoid civilian casualties."

"The Palestinian people have the right to safety and security and we have to, I think, all work in that direction," he added.

PHOTO: A Palestinian man views the damage in the aftermath of Israeli air strikes that destroyed a tower building, amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in Gaza City, May 13, 2021.

Suhaib Salem/Reuters
Suhaib Salem/Reuters
A Palestinian man views the damage in the aftermath of Israeli air strikes that destroyed a tower buil...Read More
Despite talking to Netanyahu, Biden has not spoken to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the lack of contact by Biden on Thursday, saying Blinken had spoken to Abbas.

"The secretary of state is an incredibly high ranking member of the administration," she said. “Fourth in line for the presidency, if I'm getting that correct. He’s very close to President Biden, and certainly that sends a clear message about the importance of communicating with all parties in the region."

Israel and the United States both consider Hamas a terrorist organization. The U.S. government has voiced support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which would create an independent Israel and Palestine.

Conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has raged on for decades, but tensions have heightened in recent weeks over a long-running legal battle on the potential expulsion of Palestinians from their Jerusalem homes.

MORE: 4 Palestinians killed, including teen boy and disabled man, by Israeli snipers in Gaza
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled or were displaced from their homes during a war that accompanied Israel's creation in 1948. Some Palestinian refugees were rehoused in east Jerusalem by the Jordanian government in the 1950s -- before Israel captured the city from Jordan during the 1967 war. Now, several Palestinian families are facing possible eviction from land that Jewish settlers claim they lost to Arabs during the 1948 war. Israeli law allows citizens to take back such land but it does not allow Palestinians to do the same.

On Sunday, the Israeli Supreme Court decided to delay a ruling on the case by up to 30 days after the attorney general requested more time to review it.

PHOTO: Rescue workers evacuate a woman by ambulance, amidst a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, May 12, 2021.

Yehuda Perez/AFP via Getty Images
Yehuda Perez/AFP via Getty Images
Rescue workers evacuate a woman by ambulance, amidst a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, i...Read More
The recent fighting comes as Muslims mark Eid al-Fitr, the end of of Islam's holy month of Ramadan. The religious holiday is typically a festive time but the celebrations were much more somber this year. Thousands of Palestinian Muslims gathered at the al-Aqsa mosque in east Jerusalem early Thursday to take part in communal Eid prayers. In the Gaza Strip, Hamas has urged people to pray inside their homes or the nearest mosques rather than out in the open.

"The explosions, airstrikes are not stopping," Suhair Zakkout, a spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza City, told ABC News on Wednesday. "And instead of now celebrating Eid by buying new clothes or buying toys for their children, people rush to the hospital and live their days in pain to lose their loved ones."

Nasser Atta, Guy Davies, Conor Finnegan, Ben Gittleson, Matt Gutman, Luis Martinez, Bruno Nota, Becky Perlow, Joseph Simonetti, Cynthia Smith, Sam Sweeney, Christine Theodorou, Karen Travers and Sami Zayra contributed to this report.
Pakistan should provide the Palestinians Baktar shikan atgms asap would be more than enough to destroy isrhelly tanks.
If GCC, Iran, and Turkey ally the Middle East would be unstoppable.

GCC would be completely useless against israel.. just look at the previous record of arab mililitaries vis via against Israel. More like Pakistan Iran Indonesia and Turkey alliance (all none arab) is whats going to make a difference. Arabs are only good to eat free food.
Pakistan should provide the Palestinians Baktar shikan atgms asap would be more than enough to destroy isrhelly tanks.
No it won't, Trophy can stop anything like that. Taking out the radar is the part you need to do, 40mm AGLs would work I suppose.
No it won't, Trophy can stop anything like that. Taking out the radar is the part you need to do, 40mm AGLs would work I suppose.

Your the same person who stated GCC/arabs could do anything for the palestinians against israel :D like the last 70 years made a difference. The baktar shikan proved itself many times including bosnia/syria/iraq, while hezbollah only used russian atgms again israel in 2006... now your all of a sudden an expert to pass judgement on pakistani weaponry when your own arab and western imported weaponry has been completel crap in your hands :D
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