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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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yes and NOT for the love we have for israel. Israels continous reasoning and excuse for stealing and killing is attacks on them. Stop the attacks. Build Gaza into a small Monaco (roads , sewage systems , schools , universities ...etc) make them grow stronger , smarter , more powerful ...... they will be far more important in the world stage than they are now. Look at the western so called democracies ignoring their suffering.

their situation is S H I T . i see no hope in them getting out of it. So whats the next best thing ? feed their brains and stomuchs. Give them the best schools and healthcare. this alone will make israeli gov. tremble
Are you serious? You can't be serious. That's satire. Right?

Do you seriously expect the Gaza strip to become like Monaco? Because the West Bank that is under the control of Israel has been such a beacon of development, tourism and technology. Right? And Israel has never tried to force Israeli settlements on the West Bank and wipe them off the map. Right?
Hezbollah won't get involved, even if ground invasion occurs in Gaza. What is required is political pressure from nations to enforce conditions on Israel for ceasefire. Problem is they all side with Israel against Hamas.

Its too early to say. Ground invasion after strikes on Tel Aviv will be something to reckon with. Hamas has done good so far but to put up a level fight with IDF requires bringing out the heavy firepower and possibly opening up a 2-front situation, Hezbollah is the only one that can deliver both punches at once. I would not rule out HZ just yet.
Nope, the responsibility should be for the Arabs, Turkish, Pakistani, Indonesian, Bangladeshi, Iranian....this is the only power that could strike a damage to Israel, not Palestine.

For Saudi, UAE, and Iran if you want to help Palestine, start by making peace in Yemen first.

I don't think you've read me above.
I have said that Syria, Lebanon, and Iran should join the fight RIGHT NOW! None of those countries have a lot to lose economically while Israel has a LOT to lose. If there is any shame and strategic thinking left in that region then they should. The northern 1/3rd of Israel was crippled by Hezbollah in 2006 for weeks. Israel is a First World country. Full of $ussies and softies. It can't bear the financial costs. The Americans can help a lot but this is not 2006 and, despite Biden being another sell out, he is not G.W Bush or a Trump: His 'base' will force Israel to make concessions' and this 'mowing the grass' and the land-grab will stop and a possible honorable solution can even be found for that region. BTW, my position has been a two-state solution based on the 1967 lines or upon equitable swap of land. Or, a truly Binational State

About the violence going on: What worked for the Jews against the Brit in Palestine after 1945 can certainly work for the Palestinians in 2021. Besides, the Chinese are eagerly waiting and ready to pounce on yet another American strategic folly because of the Lobbies in America. American Lobbies are causing America to lose majorly in the Middle East!!

PS. In a way, I do weep for America! MY tax $$, which have been in several thousands every year for over two decades, go into supporting a LEECH like Israel!
Hamas fires rockets from dense populated areas all the time. Just google Gaza rocket and u will get million photos.

Build Gaza into a small Monaco (roads , sewage systems , schools , universities ...etc) make them grow stronger , smarter , more powerful ...... they will be far more important in the world stage than they are now. Look at the western so called democracies ignoring their suffering.
What you are saying is Jews accept Muslims as equal? This is impossible as they have to fulfill the prophecies:
1) To have all the Promised Land.
2) Build The Temple.
3) Control all the land that was under Solomon.
4) Fight a final war with Muslims (Armageddon) Christian will also take part in this was as they have to Protect the JEWS as per their Prophesies.
Palestinians starting to hit back now, seems like Israel rejected all ceasefire initiatives put forth for Eid....

Its too early to say. Ground invasion after strikes on Tel Aviv will be something to reckon with. Hamas has done good so far but to put up a level fight with IDF requires bringing out the heavy firepower and possibly opening up a 2-front situation, Hezbollah is the only one that can deliver both punches at once. I would not rule out HZ just yet.

I do not have faith that Hezbollah would get involved. That does not mean Hamas can no longer put up a fight. They can and they will unleash some firepower tonight. I believe Israel wants to do at a least a week to two weeks long aerial campaign before they agree to a ceasefire.....
us it is build like labyrinth due to it being an urban city.. Going in there is one way ticket to death.. Hamas could deplete the entire Israeli army due to favourable terrain and being in defensive
Merkava tanks are made for urban environments iirc
Muslim world is sleeping

Turkey , Saudi Arabia , Egypt , Pakistan , Malaysia , İndonesia , etc should send military Forces to Palestine in peace keeper role to protect innocent and unarmed Palestinians and Al Aqsa Mosque from bandit İsrael

İsrael wants to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque which is the third holiest site in Islam.

Yup, but Saudi and Iran keep fighting to each other in Yemen. Egypt is in the hand of Sisi who jailed Muslim Brotherhood activist despite MB get majority support of Egyptian in previous fair election. Turkey and Pakistan are currently under economic difficulty.

Indonesia is not strong militarily and we are currently under pressure from secular government (despite Nationalist Religious-Islamist coalition has ruled the nation since 1998 until around 2014)

Actually we dont need to fight if we are united and strong, Israel will accept two state solution without a fight once we are united and strong.
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