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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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@Falcon29 knows a lot more than me, but I've been around this conflict since the early 70's and you don't even need to go that far, just the late 1990's - 2006-7 or so and from then on that Israel will not stop until the rockets have been defeated and unfortunately, Ghaza with heavy losses. They will never admit to being defeated by Hamas no matter how much destruction is caused in Israel.

But the difference this time is whether the psych of the Israeli people (especially the settlers stealing and destroying homes) will change because they won't want to see this kind of thing again. The psychological effect is huge and usually underestimated. Palestinians are used to being bombed and killed and losing family members and get up the nest morning, burry their dead and mourn according to Islam and then go back to work. How are the Israelis going to deal with such a new "enigma" for the lack of a better word. Will they turn against Israeli violence or will they support it even more and become totally out of control?

Thoughtful post.

This may well turn out to be another a la Taliban resistance: You have the watches, but we have the time. The Palestinians, especially the million+ strong in Gaza, don't have much to lose. Yes, lives. But they are very brave, and proud people. They saw what was being done in the West Bank recently and they responded.

Israeli $ussies don't even have a half the courage, the resilience compared with the Palestinians. Remove Uncle Sam's Total Guarantee Umbrella from these cowards and you will see them crumble to their knees when Hezbollah and Hamas rain them with projectiles from the north and south.
Damn...these images:

A very knowledgeable military Egyptian twitter member said that each iron dome missile is around $30,000. So running dry a possibility?

"It says: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu contacted Egypt, asking for Egyptian help in establishing a ceasefire in the event of a crisis. Turkish news agency EHA claims with reference to sources."

Could be true since Turkey is trying to reconcile with Egypt the last few months.
It isn't about money its about power, and especially Western influence which makes the Jews powerful.

Jews are very small in population yet have more soft power among the Western world than all Muslims combined.
Other than the Gulf, majority of the muslim countries are poor *** and country. They got other things to worry about other than Al Aqsa.

The modern jews are europeans, so its no wonder west love to suck their d***
A very knowledgeable military Egyptian twitter member said that each iron dome missile is around $30,000. So running dry a possibility?

They cost between $40k-50k.


The barrages are likely intended to oversaturate and/or to probe saturation in general. Iran/Hezbollah are likely paying very close attention.
"For the first time, we utilized the tactic of firing Sjeel missiles at Ashkelon, which have a high destructive power and succeeded in overcoming the Iron Dome," Hamas' armed wing said in a statement.
Whats Sjeel missiles? The Iranian Sejjil missile has a 2000km+ range
Sounds like he is talking about God, don't think this guy understands arabic.
He is literally saying Qasem Soleimani, are you sure youre an arab?
Lots of fake threats being thrown around on Twitter attributed to Palestinian factions. It's advised to verify the information before passing it around.

Whats Sjeel missiles? The Iranian Sejjil missile has a 2000km+ range

He is literally saying Qasem Soleimani, are you sure youre an arab?

They are S40 rockets, meant to replace industrial grade grad rockets which they can't smuggle anymore.
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