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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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@Slav Defence @LeGenD

Brothers please take care of this person, he is posting Israeli propaganda that is passing off the recent events as some kind of Iranian operation. The events are 100% related to Palestinian arena and nothing else. All his posts are about Iran on this thread instead of updates around situation in West Bank and Gaza.

@Slav Defence @LeGenD

Nobody can deny Iran's involvement in the Palestinian arena. Whether on the political, diplomatic or even military level. Palestinian Islamic Jihad just recently released a video statement thanking Iran for its military support, which I mentioned above. That is not "Israeli propaganda", it is simple, hard fact (albeit unpleasant to some).

Statements by Iranian officials about the situation in Gaza, which I also shared, are completely on topic as well. As far as I know, there is no rule prohibiting a user from focusing on one particular aspect of the topic at hand, is there?

The article from the Jerusalem Post I cited is relevant insofar as it hints at IRGC tactical support for Palestinian Resistance factions. Indeed, due to the fact that smuggling arms into Gaza has become increasingly difficult, Iran's military support for Palestine now mainly takes the shape of advisory assistance, transfer of technology and know-how, including the knowledge to manufacture some of their rockets locally etc. See the similarity between the Al-Qasim rocket used by pro-Iranian PMU units in Iraq, and the PIJ's Badr-3 rockets fired from Gaza, as highlighted by Fabian Hinz, who is not Isra"el"i and is a regular defence analyst:

Another important aspect touched upon in said article, is general Salami's insistence on Isra"el"'s reduced geographic depth as a major vulnerability, and today we can see how Palestinian resistance groups are using this factor to their advantage. There is therefore, at a minimum, a similarity in strategic thinking and planning between the IRGC and Hamas / PIJ, whom are all facing the same adversary. More likely however is direct communication and coordination between the named parties in this regard.

I don't care for possible hidden agendas the author might pursue, nor for its anti-Resistance tone or exaggerations, I care for some of the important realities it alludes to, and which I listed above. So it shouldn't be a problem to post a link to that article here, no "propagandistic" aims on my part whatsoever.

The user has a well known bias against Iranians, and even if you shared his subjective stance on Iran, that should not lead you to censor factual on-topic statements or valid analyses. Thank you.
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Indians be like:
Have issue with anyone suggesting Iran is directing these strikes or make it sound like they are doing it themselves. Iran doesn't attach conditions to its support to Palestinians.

What are you talking about? Of course Islamic Iran isn't interested in taking control of Palestinian factions, nor in dictating policies to them. So obviously, these Palestinian groups remain independent entities, while Islamic Iran seeks to assist and when possible, coordinate with them and advise them in Resistance matters. And it is the only state actor worldwide to do so. Likewise, none of my posts contained anything along the lines that it is Iranians, not Palestinians firing those rockets. Stop misquoting me.
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Iran's support has been noted plenty of times in the thread. I would prefer we focus on updates/developments related to the topic. Have no issue talking about military aspects of Iranian support. Have issue with anyone suggesting Iran is directing these strikes or make it sound like they are doing it themselves. Iran doesn't attach conditions to its support to Palestinians.

Nobody tries to take credit away from the Palestinians if that is what you're thinking . In the end, any (moral) victory will come at the hand of Palestinian will and determination. From Gaza to Haifa.

But that doesn't take away from the fact that there has only been one country that has stuck its neck out to assist the Gazan factions, at the expense of its own economy and security.

Nevertheless, I wish you guys all the best. The Israelis had it all coming with their arrogance and misplaced supremacy.
I am utterly shocked by this Palestinian response, I guarantee you the Israelis themselves only expected those measly qasam bottle rockets they used to fire in the past which did virtually nothing. They have obviously acquired a crap load of stuff and most obviously from Iran and Co., this was years in the making.

Netanyahu could not form a govt before the deadline and it is obvious all this started in the last 2 weeks because of that, they were purposely trying to provoke a hamas response which they thought would be a few bottle rockets here and there.

Like I said before, it has been shock and awe by the Palestinians.
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