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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Now it's hitting Talavev, time for a truce. The situation getting beyond Israeli govt control.

Understatement of the night
How many casualties so far?
Israeli Air Force now doing warning strikes on another highrise tower in Gaza city
The odds of striking the oil tank with an unguided rocket are pretty low especially when only 1-2 of them can get through. This has got to be some kind of precise munition like a drone
but putting out that oil tanker fire is going to be WORK...will probably burn all night
So, your suggestion is that they should be a sitting duck and let the Israelis kill them? And then what?

It's better to die with dignity than die like a coward. Israel will continue to attack them and target their civilians as collective punishment. Palestinians should attack Israel and impose heavy casualties on Israel or deterrence will never be established.
No, I am not saying you have to be a sitting duck.. but you don't throw everything that you have in just few hours.

Hit when it is least expected, with the coordination of your friends.

While I don't hope, but I think tomorrow's news will sadden us.
Can anybody tell me what are the chances of Hizb jumping into the conflict? That will definitely be the sight to watch for.
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