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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Bus oblireated by rocket in Tel Aviv:

That bus is f***** toast
Holy shit this has been a very impressive reaction by Hamas.
See how only one rocket helps their agenda?

I don't believe that Palestinians are firing these rockets.. They are all Israeli agents to legitimize the Israeli response on innocents.
So, your suggestion is that they should be a sitting duck and let the Israelis kill them? And then what?

It's better to die with dignity than die like a coward. Israel will continue to attack them and target their civilians as collective punishment. Palestinians should attack Israel and impose heavy casualties on Israel or deterrence will never be established.
Now it's hitting Talavev, time for a truce. The situation getting beyond Israeli govt control.
I guess now we know what that Dimona missile was for, it was a dry run for this
if Israel doesn't stop the drone strike will start soon or later
Please no. It’s not an agenda this is to defend the dignity and honour of their own people. Don’t confuse that
As I said, they need some kind of strategy with the help of their friends sitting outside, even if the strategy takes a couple of years to implement.

What dignity if you are finished firing all your rockets in one hour, killing just a dog on a Tel Aviv's street, while losing 10s of your loved ones in response.. and then the world also saying, Palestinians started that.

It looks very fantastic when you start throwing whatever you have, but get very ugly as you are done with what you had.

Strategy, strategy and strategy. Hamas needs to make friends, whether Hizb, or whoever they find. This is how great military alliances are formed. You don't attack without taking your friends in confidence, who you are sure you have backing of.
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