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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Same people who dream about gassing millions of Jewish children whine when Israel responds to rocket fire.

Clearly staged photo. We see some destroyed hangar/factory and out of nowhere comes pink cradle infront of it.

They should nuke the Ashkenazi Europeans instead because of the settling strategy which is a slow land grab process

Israel's an American child which would drown alone, killed its own sayaret matkal terrorists in operation bramble bush.
I fail to understand why Pakistan talks so much about Kashmir and what importance does Kashmir holds? Bro Jinnah was cheated in 1947 the day where the borders were being drawn..

He left so many lands behind it is ridiculous where is Delhi, Acre, Bihar, Hyderabad etc etc.. The funny thing is that his been given the borders of pre- Muhammad of Ghor which means he was colliding with the british but he somehow ended up as a founding father WTF? He sold pakistan but ended up as a hero.. It is hilarious how India got all the lands it wanted except only East Bangladesh without firing a bullet..

He only got East Bangladesh... Pakistan doesn't need Kashmir and never did and I don't understand why Pakistan invaded Kashmir and took half of it.. Kashmir has no stargetic value for Pakistan lets be real here but Pakistan needs Delhi, Acre, Hyderabad and the remaining of the north
Sorry but you are Lower than talking about sir Jinnah who gave freedom of life/religion/belief to 200 million people regardless of their faith. People like you cannot Manage their Personal life but dare to challenge a great leader who managed his family of 200 million people while severly suffering from lung disease. Jinnah wasn't only a leader but also a warrior of his own kind.
Kindly, refrain from talking about the individuals that are above ordinary people.
Sorry but you are Lower than talking about sir Jinnah who gave freedom of life/religion/belief to 200 million people regardless of their faith. People like you cannot Manage their Personal life but dare to challenge a great leader who managed his family of 200 million people while severly suffering from lung disease. Jinnah wasn't only a leader but also a warrior of his own kind.
Kindly, refrain from talking about the individuals that are above ordinary people.

He left huge vast of lands behind and all this Kashmir talk was started by his admin to distract from the real claim which was the vaste lands that has been left behind inside India.. I always viewed all this Kashmir as I fuking joke.. Where is Delhi, Acre, Where is Hyderabad? Where is all the lands north of India and south of the Himlayas etc etc.. Even the Deccan regions..

These vast lands were the legacy of Mohammed of Ghor (raḥimahu llāh) 700 years of campaign by legendary figures like Aladdin Khilji, Malik Kufar, Mohammed bin Tughlaq, Razia Sultana, Auranzeb, Quth deen-Ayibk etc etc..

He shouldn't have laid claim on all of it but atleast 30% because we held a big chunk of land during these negotiations inside India
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One Palestinian member, who is stressed over situation in his hometown , got harrassed and attacked by Iranians and Pakistani Shia over and over again because he told a Bosnian Shia member to not suggest Palestinians are firing on behalf of Iran.

I suppose this is a personal insult against me. 99.9% of Bosnians not know or care about who is a shiite and who is a sunni. If you went to a Bosnian and said, stay away from those evil shiites, they would probably say "oh ok, thats nice, what part of Israel do you come from?"
I think the Ethiopians should revolt also against the white supermacy in israel lol..

those ethiopians getting their *** kicked all the time by their own people.
I suppose this is a personal insult against me. 99.9% of Bosnians not know or care about who is a shiite and who is a sunni. If you went to a Bosnian and said, stay away from those evil shiites, they would probably say "oh ok, thats nice, what part of Israel do you come from?"
that's not correct since I already have lot of bosnian friends even my brother's wife is bosnian from zenica ..I know their mentality.
Any damage reported??

I doubt it is accessible to anyone with the the exception of the Israeli military, and they don't release any information about the attacks on their military bases. Btw, this base receives daily attacks from the Palestinian resistance ever since this new conflict was escalated.
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