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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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If it wasn't for Iran taking the Iran-led Palestinian factions in Gaza to the school of professionals, there wouldn't have been a 450+ page thread on PDF in the first place. The only reason why Hamas and PIJ have the durability to keep the Israelis engaged for one week now, is because of all the assistance and know-how Iran has provided.

Iran gave much more weapons to Hezb-Al Shaytaan and other Shia militias in the region but we can't and won't even have one thread for Israeli conflict between them. It will never happen, so what you say isn't true.
We all know where the orders are coming from. Hamas knows, PIJ knows, Israel knows, the Americans know.
Ignore the keyboard warriors.

@PakSword @LeGenD

Iranians need to be thread banned from here. They are disrespecting the martyrs in Palestine in a disgusting manner.
If it wasn't for Iran taking the Iran-led Palestinian factions in Gaza to the school of professionals, there wouldn't have been a 450+ page thread on PDF in the first place. The only reason why Hamas and PIJ have the durability to keep the Israelis engaged for one week now, is because of all the assistance and know-how Iran has provided.
If a Muslim helps his Muslim brother to fight back, its out of Duty. If a Muslim helps a non Muslim, its out of mercy.
Hence Palestinians do not have to feel obligated.
Moreover, we will ARM them again and again when ever wherever we can.
Hezb-Al Shaytaan and Iran Shia militias are only good for killing kids in Syria and journalists in Iraq. What a lame terrorist groups. They're scared to fire one rocket at Israel .

A game of chess according to some. :lol:

"We'll liberate Al Quds but without waging war or firing a single rocket at Israel". :lol:
A game of chess according to some. :lol:

"We'll liberate Al Quds but without waging war firing a single rocket at Israel". :lol:

Exactly , super advanced chess game that will continue unto at least the year 2080. What a clowns..:lol::lol:
If it was not Khamenei izrael had occupied to Eufraat and take Jaziya from lockdown Muslims.

This is delulu... Lets stop trolling the ''Restraint patience'' I absolutely dislike it with great passion...

Read this article...

Why Iran absorbs Israeli-inflicted blows

No, it is Hezbollah who did and hand them over. Hezbollah just sent them messages to do nothing from Lebanon. Your Hezbollah and Imam Kharameni are no different from UAE anymore. You are not in position to criticize anyone.
If it was not Khamenei izrael had occupied to Eufraat and take Jaziya from lockdown Muslims.

Idol worshippers of Mekka (Abu lahab, Abu Sofian, Yazeed and his grand grandson who will fight against Imam Mahdi in syria) and the Jews are the worst enemies of believers.
Imam Kharameni is a terrorist only good for killing children. He had to beg Russia and America to come save him in Syria and Iraq.
Terrorist are daesh.
Youre the one who always derails the thread every single time. You have problems with any user who doesnt agree with your delusional world views.

Nope, you guys just spammed the topic again with your typical attention seeking. Get lost with your attention seeking. You even try to make Palestinian conflict about you. Stay on topic and let people follow the news.
You have nothing to do Imam Mahdi, clown. Your country don't even believe in him, just him as propaganda. They won't even spare religious figure.

Your country had to beg America and Russia to come very fast to Syria and Iraq. Do not make you embarrass you, stay on topic.

Lets stay on topic brother...
Iran hasn't provided Hamas and PIJ with all these weaponry, technological know-how and funds for reconstruction and re-armament, without firmly placing these organizations under the strategic decision-making emanating in Tehran.

This latest flare up in Gaza is just an extension of the wider regional power struggle between Iran and Israel.

If It wasn't for Iran, Hamas and PIJ would still throw stones at Israel.
Nope, you guys just spammed the topic again with your typical attention seeking. Get lost with your attention seeking. You even try to make Palestinian conflict about you. Stay on topic and let people follow the news.

How are you different from them, Hezbollah is arresting Palestinians for firing at Israel. Syria not doing nothing, same Iran. If you want them to go to war you better be ready to go to war yourself.
No, it is Hezbollah who did and hand them over. Hezbollah just sent them messages to do nothing from Lebanon. Your Hezbollah and Imam Kharameni are no different from UAE anymore. You are not in position to criticize anyone.
Hezb-Al Shaytaan and Iran Shia militias are only good for killing kids in Syria and journalists in Iraq. What a lame terrorist groups. They're scared to fire one rocket at Israel .
Iran gave much more weapons to Hezb-Al Shaytaan and other Shia militias in the region but we can't and won't even have one thread for Israeli conflict between them. It will never happen, so what you say isn't true.

@PakSword @LeGenD

Iranians need to be thread banned from here. They are disrespecting the martyrs in Palestine in a disgusting manner.
Imam Kharameni is a terrorist only good for killing children. He had to beg Russia and America to come save him in Syria and Iraq.
You have nothing to do Imam Mahdi, clown. Your country don't even believe in him, just him as propaganda. They won't even spare religious figure.

Your country had to beg America and Russia to come very fast to Syria and Iraq. Do not make you embarrass you, stay on topic.

Youre right. It wasnt you. Maybe you are schizofrenic.

@PakSword @waz @LeGenD We can clearly see who is flamebaiting here.
Iran hasn't provided Hamas and PIJ with all these weaponry, technological know-how and funds for reconstruction and re-armament, without firmly placing these organizations under the strategic decision-making in Tehran.

This latest flare up in Gaza is just an extension of the wider regional power struggle between Iran and Israel.

If It wasn't for Iran, Hamas and PIJ would still throw stones at Israel.


Here it is again. They are only interested in their selves.
Youre right. It wasnt you. Maybe you are schizofrenic.

@PakSword @waz @LeGenD We can clearly see who is flamebaiting here.

I am giving time to mods to deal with you , and you should be grateful for that. Those are simply responses to your flamebaiting. Go take your narcassim to Iranian section before I put you all under my mercy again.
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