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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Out of 3100 rockets fired by Hamas:
* About 400 fell short inside Gaza itself.
* About 1400 fell in open areas in Israel.
* About 1200 intercepted by Iron Dome.
* About 100 fell in populated areas in Israel.

* The video i posted crearly shows 3 rockets falling short out of barrage of about 20 rockets. In addition u can see at least 2 trails of rockets which fell short from previous barrage.

View attachment 744577

* All death reports from Gaza are coming from Hamas. Hamas is dictator power there, no one controls their reports.
Nazis didn't kill any Jews either you yourself gasses your people. No one forced yoh to the gas Chambers
Are the borders in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria buffer zones or something? It’s so bizzare no Palestinians are able to get things through in those countries unlike other countries that are in warzones who are able to smuggle things from neighboring countries.
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This is new type of urban hybrid war world is learning, do you know why Palestinian president only thanks to Pakistan among 57 mulims countries. Our lips are tight but world can feel it and this was a reason Natayan didnt include the india flags in his thanks tweet becuase india was failed to engaged us on eastern border. The capacities of the armies to fight & win the wars would not depend so much on the superiority of weapons BUT on the psychological, mental, spiritual strength of the civilian population backing the combatants in urban warfare.
Israelis were weaker than Palestinians here.
What we are seeing In this age of Internet & Social Media, it is almost impossible even for the Zionist & state of Israel to dominate the battle of the narratives.
The role of ordinary Citizen Journalists have become a game changer.
For the first time all tradition methods are lost , Israel decisively lost the propaganda war.

But what the f are these takers going to do?
Palestinian message to Pakistan and Pakistanis

"Don't worry about us. We know very well that you can't do anything for us in real. You have been failed to do anything for your Kashmiris in the past 7 decades so how you can do anything for us? So far whatever we have done against Israelis, If you would have done just 50% of that, today Jammu and Kashmir would be a part of Pakistan. Sorry to say but you guys are the highest level of hypocrites and untrustworthy.

When India revoked the special status of J&K, Mahathir (Malaysian PM) and Erdogan (Turkey President) both had shown their strong support to you and at diplomatic front stand against India. But your Prime Minister and the establishment backstabbed. You guys left both of them in the middle under Saudi's pressure and here, you're expecting us to believe you? We are absolutely fine without your fake emotions and empathy. We have seen many protests across the globe including many in the non-muslim countries except yours. You were celebrating the Eid festival while we were bombed. Your nation is dead. Please continue your job of making songs and dramas.

You’re absolute stupid if you rely or expect anything from a country whose foreign polices are driven by Saudis and UAE, a country whose financial polices are driven by World-bank & IMF, a country whose military objectives defined and driven by Americans, a country whose politicians are on a pay-roll of British and last but not least a nation who is still confused about what to adopt and what not... “
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Yeah but you lobbed a bunch of missiles right at a US military installation in Iraq and didn't get any retaliation from them for something they would consider an automatic act of war. I was very surprised they didn't unleased hell on you for that, so what make you think Biden would even have the courage to act militarily when he's trying to get the JCPOA back in order? And that was when that lunatic Trump was in office.

You're basically saying exactly what most of us who understand war consequences very well. But if there was ever a time for Iranian retaliation, this is it and take out all their airports. Cripple their airforce capabilities and watch how vulnerable they become. We always hear about the great Iranian missiles use them now!

You must be crazy or hate iran. or both. Iran is trying to avoid being like gaza.
So condscendig to a respected and polite elder. And yes we know your country and it's Shia militias will never attack the Jews. As Hassan Nasrallah himself said the real Jihad is against Saudi Arabia and more important than attacking Israel. What a disgusting and shameful regime.

This is the sort of stuff you hear from a Typical Israeli or America neocon.
where are arab countries ? they are silent on whats happening out in palestine. At most just one to 2 lines for peace thats it.

Syria ?
Egypt ?
lebnon ?

Syria and Lebanon did a lot, got destroyed for it

The others indeed are quiet
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