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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Same people who dream about gassing millions of Jewish children whine when Israel responds to rocket fire.
keep beating your boobies zionist turd your kind is like animal, you turds spread mischeif where ever you go! fk you were not even loyal to your prophets and now you dance at tunes of torah lols! hilter murdered your kind because you guys were fasadi and now in your arrogance you are murdering children! fking jew pig you are not strong you are coward balless turd who cant fight the real fight!
Rouhani: Islamic Countries Must Cooperate in Defending Palestine against Zionist Aggression

May 13, 2021

Iranian President Hasan Rouhani

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says Islamic countries must join hands to defend the people of Palestine and counter hostile and racist acts of aggression by the Zionist regime.

“The bitter events of the last few days and the crimes of the Zionist regime, more than ever, remind us of the need for unity and cooperation among Islamic countries to confront the Zionists’ bullying and occupation,” Rouhani said in a phone conversation with Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Thursday.
“It is necessary for the Islamic countries to work together to defend the Palestinian people and the freedom of this country, and to confront the aggression as well as hostile and racist actions of the Zionist regime that we have witnessed in recent days and during the holy month of Ramadan,” he added.
The Iranian president said the Israeli regime’s assaults on Palestinian people, including Gazans, must be immediately halted, stressing that Palestinians should be protected against the occupying regime’s crimes.
The president also said the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) should play a more active role with regard to the Palestinian issue because the OIC was formed to resolve the issue of Palestine.
The Qatari emir, for his part, lauded the Islamic Republic of Iran’s stance with regard to the recent developments in Palestine.
“Qatar sees eye to eye with Iran in condemning [Israel] and pursuing an immediate end to attacks on Palestinians, and calls on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to play an effective role in this regard,” he said, according to IRNA.
He also praised the “wise” and “tactful” approach of Iran’s chief executive in resolving regional and international issues.
The conversation comes as the death toll from Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip has risen to 86, including seven women and 17 children, as the regime’s military aggression on the besieged territory entered the fourth consecutive day.
Israel’s raids on Gaza have so far left hundreds of civilians injured, some seriously. The Israeli military also said Palestinian resistance groups had launched around 1,600 rockets into the occupied territories since Monday evening.
A new volley of rockets was fired from Gaza toward Ashdod, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv in a Thursday attack, which the Israeli media said involved more than 100 rockets.
Earlier, a senior Hamas leader said the resistance group has not yet used its “main assets” and that it still uses the old ones to “get rid of them,” suggesting that new rockets were underway.
Hamas has repeatedly said that its attacks against ‘Israel’ are part of the Palestinian people’s right to self-defense against the aggressive occupying entity, but it has also warned that it is ready for “every scenario,” whether escalation or ceasefire.

Palestinians used al Aqsa to throw stones and fire firecrackers at Jews who are located under it. That's why police came in.

Next day on Eid there was no stone attacks so everything was super calm:





So the story is simple: if you throw stones there is police reaction, if you dont police does not interrupt. Even you must be able to understand.

Also prior Hamas started firing rocket at Israeli cities no one was killed.

you kikes are thiefs /robbers. ..you were sacred of , eid day, if the jewish swine did soeting on eid day at al aqsa, u will get demnation up ur real tunnel
Same people who dream about gassing millions of Jewish children whine when Israel responds to rocket fire.

Clearly staged photo. We see some destroyed hangar/factory and out of nowhere comes pink cradle infront of it.
Wernt one of your tribes in ancient times turned to monkeys as a punishment from God.

It's basically the same now, just that u filth are in human form, that's all. Non the less the whole of Israel is run by monkeys.
Your army said 70 were intercepted, and Israeli's died that in first barrage. Lots of hits were reported, how are you claiming only two made it through? Those rockets are made in Gaza as well and you know that better than anyone else.
Out of 3100 rockets fired by Hamas:
* About 400 fell short inside Gaza itself.
* About 1400 fell in open areas in Israel.
* About 1200 intercepted by Iron Dome.
* About 100 fell in populated areas in Israel.

Nothing is falling, and casualties in Gaza are documented. There have been zero deaths from any rockets falling short. The ones that fall short fall short on the border. You are more than welcome to try to prove any death occurred from our own weapons. I am waiting.

* The video i posted crearly shows 3 rockets falling short out of barrage of about 20 rockets. In addition u can see at least 2 trails of rockets which fell short from previous barrage.


* All death reports from Gaza are coming from Hamas. Hamas is dictator power there, no one controls their reports.

Israeli settlers are forming armed militias to attack Palestinians

May 15, 2021, 10:00 PM

IRGC Quds Force cmdr., Hamas chief discuss latest development
IRGC Quds Force cmdr., Hamas chief discuss latest development

TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) – IRGC Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani held a phone talk with the Political Leader of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Ismail Haniyeh on Sat. to discuss the latest developments on Gaza.

During the phone talk, Brigadier General Ghaani hailed the unique and successful response of the resistance movement to the aggression of the Zionist regime’s military forces and the defense of the Palestinian nation.

The commander of IRGC Quds Force strongly condemned the brutality of the occupying regime of Israel.

For his part, Hamas Political Leader Haniyeh said that the battle of Quds was the battle of all children of the Palestinian nation and praised Iran's position in support of the Palestinian people.

The clashes between the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and the Zionist regime broke out on Monday after the end of the resistance movement’s deadline to Tel Aviv over the need for an end to the Zionist regime's aggression on the occupied lands and territories as well as Al-Aqsa Mosque.

While the Zionist regime continues to kill the Palestinian people in front of the eyes of the world, the United States and European countries have thrown their weights behind the fake regime of Israel.

According to the Civil Defense Organization in Gaza, the number of Palestinian people martyred since the beginning of the Zionist regime's attacks and bombings against various parts of Gaza until today has hit more than 140 people including 39 children and 22 women.

Out of 3100 rockets fired by Hamas:
* About 400 fell short inside Gaza itself.
* About 1400 fell in open areas in Israel.
* About 1200 intercepted by Iron Dome.
* About 100 fell in populated areas in Israel.

* The video i posted crearly shows 3 rockets falling short out of barrage of about 20 rockets. In addition u can see at least 2 trails of rockets which fell short from previous barrage.

View attachment 744577

* All death reports from Gaza are coming from Hamas. Hamas is dictator power there, no one controls their reports.
Hamas is the power there giving you rockets up your Hebrew bung hole. How does it feel when someone responds? How does feel when this time is different instead of you killing unarmed civilians they are responding?

May you be cursed and driven out like before you scum. Kul hawa.



in other side in LEBANON citizens went inside Palestine
but IOF never shoot them guess why, BIG BROTHER HEZBOLLAH is there
IOF dont want to mess with them in 2 frontal war.
IOF barely can make it to fight with the Palestine
May 15, 2021, 10:00 PM

IRGC Quds Force cmdr., Hamas chief discuss latest development
IRGC Quds Force cmdr., Hamas chief discuss latest development

TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) – IRGC Quds Force Commander Brigadier General Esmail Ghaani held a phone talk with the Political Leader of Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Ismail Haniyeh on Sat. to discuss the latest developments on Gaza.

During the phone talk, Brigadier General Ghaani hailed the unique and successful response of the resistance movement to the aggression of the Zionist regime’s military forces and the defense of the Palestinian nation.

The commander of IRGC Quds Force strongly condemned the brutality of the occupying regime of Israel.

For his part, Hamas Political Leader Haniyeh said that the battle of Quds was the battle of all children of the Palestinian nation and praised Iran's position in support of the Palestinian people.

The clashes between the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and the Zionist regime broke out on Monday after the end of the resistance movement’s deadline to Tel Aviv over the need for an end to the Zionist regime's aggression on the occupied lands and territories as well as Al-Aqsa Mosque.

While the Zionist regime continues to kill the Palestinian people in front of the eyes of the world, the United States and European countries have thrown their weights behind the fake regime of Israel.

According to the Civil Defense Organization in Gaza, the number of Palestinian people martyred since the beginning of the Zionist regime's attacks and bombings against various parts of Gaza until today has hit more than 140 people including 39 children and 22 women.


waiting for Iran and Resistance for there surprise :)
where are arab countries ? they are silent on whats happening out in palestine. At most just one to 2 lines for peace thats it.

Syria ?
Egypt ?
lebnon ?

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China calls for U.N. council action, slams U.S.

China wants the U.N. Security Council to push for a two-state solution.

A man walks amid rubble in Gaza City

A man walks amid the rubble from buildings that were hit in Israeli airstrikes, on a street in Gaza City on May 16, | Adel Hana/AP Photo


05/16/2021 07:37 AM EDT

BEIJING — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on the U.N. Security Council to seek an early de-escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers. He also blamed the U.S. for the council’s lack of action so far.

“Regrettably, the council has so far failed to reach an agreement, with the United States standing on the opposite side of international justice,” the state-run Xinhua News Agency quoted Wang as saying in a phone conversation Saturday with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

He expressed support for a two-state solution, and said China, which holds the Security Council presidency this month, expects all parties to speak with a unified voice when the council discusses the conflict later Sunday.

Wang said the Security Council should reconfirm a two-state solution and urge Palestinians and Israelis to resume talks on that basis as soon as possible.

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