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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I think this is it guys the resistance did its best it doesn't have the breath to do more. We should not have unrealistic expectations.
Daring to face unimaginable power with your limited resources in itself shows it was a victory.
1 ISRAEL is winning by destroying by homes, but they are losing at the battle of will,
The cycle will only show Palestinian people where they and the rest of the Muslim Ummah stand and no help is coming, so they can only depend on themselves and get stronger by believing and building themselves up.
When your house is burning you will be the first to put water on it the fire.

Whoever last the life were Shaheed. May Allah bless them in their next life.
Ina lila
and whoever is standing may Allah give them more Sabar and power

When they stood up for their families, Homes, Islam and Aqsa
what will the rest of the Muslim ummah show at Qayamat
I think this is it guys the resistance did its best it doesn't have the breath to do more. We should not have unrealistic expectations.

Probably no one here expects this to be the "final battle between good and evil", however personally what I do hope is that after the current battle settles down (it always ends the same way.. de-escalation) Hamas will step up it's efforts to start an armed revolution in the west bank, but first they will have to go through Mahmood Abbas and his security apparatus, ofcourse Hamas doesn't want a Palestinian civil war, so that is the riddle they need to solve.. how to cleanse the Palestinian authority from the traitors without causing major infighting between the Palestinians. Only time will tell whether Hamas can solve this problem.
Can you please not post from Youtube - If you want I can also make a video about Pakistan sending 100K troops and Alkhalid Tanks , Jf 17 & Al khaklid to Ghaza tomorrow to feel good.
Majority of crap on youtube is just to hype channels and clickbait nothing else
try to verify these news on google-just search it. if it is wrong then your comments makes sense here.
I wake up in sweat just thinking that I will have what 30-40 years of me left, and then I am dead and everything I was/used to be is gone while the world keeps ongoing. Its followed by the question that if there is nothing of the side, then yes I lost in empty oblivion but if there is a creator on the side and he starts asking the question then do I have satisfactory answers for him? Don't they fear that one day and it is the reality that despite all the money/Power/Friends they will die and face the almighty? If that thought can't bring a word of condemnation out of their mouths, then why should I believe that they are Muslims?
Brother in these times believe me NOT just you many brothers and sisters are going through these experiences and believe me these are the LUCKY ONES because Allah SWT is waking you up because HE loves you more than you can imagine and how HE can let you sway to the bad side. As Allah SWT said in Holy Quran:

They have hearts wherewith they do not understand, eyes wherewith they do not see, and ears wherewith they do not hear. They are like cattle.

But you are NOT a cattle your heart feels when it sees injustice, your eyes cries when it sees oppression and your body trembles when you hear the screams of the oppressed ... it proves YOU are NOT a cattle... so be happy and feel so fortunate in these time.
A UAE religious figure condemned Hamas and described them as being terrorists, Israel's Avichay adraee retweeted him and agreed with him.

No one in a dictatorship like the UAE speeks without permission or guidance from the country's leadership so this "muslim preacher" has definitely recieved the blessings from the UAE leadership.
What position is he in now?


Phull sapport from India to Israel.
try to verify these news on google-just search it. if it is wrong then your comments makes sense here.
Please provide 1 legit source where you see Pakistan & Turkey are making a secret plan of sending Forces to fight in Palestine. Please do 1 I m waiting.
I m not really mood to waste my life on trolls when all this is going on. People are creating BS videos on youtube to get VIEWS and people here are sharing them as God's WORD.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality - Infraction Issued
You are the ones that are fucked up currently and even we dont know where that will end

How do I **** up when Israelis and Palestinians kill each other like rabid dogs

Maybe they deserve each other, no skin off my back.
We shall see I guess right? I'm still not sure why an Indian cares about this very much.

Nobody cares thats the point, let them kill each other, no kew or.muslim gives a **** apparently.

The only mild inconvenience i have out of this shytshow is gas above 3 now, so again **** these mid east retards.
How do I **** up when Israelis and Palestinians kill each other like rabid dogs

Maybe they deserve each other, no skin off my back.

Nobody cares thats the point, let them kill each other, no kew or.muslim gives a **** apparently.

The only mild inconvenience i have out of this shytshow is gas above 3 now, so again **** these mid east retards.
@PakSword surely these is bannable
Reminds me how Imran Khan intervened to resume air transit for Indian air through Pakistani airspace, soon after 27 February 2019.

We'll deal with you soon, when this is done just stay on stand by like that Air Bus in the air running around.
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