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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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A UAE religious figure condemned Hamas and described them as being terrorists, Israel's Avichay adraee retweeted him and agreed with him.

No one in a dictatorship like the UAE speeks without permission or guidance from the country's leadership so this "muslim preacher" has definitely recieved the blessings from the UAE leadership.

Arab leadership has sold itself out to Israel. They have already accepted Israel not so long ago. Don't expect anything at all from neighboring Arab countries. They are hand and glove with Israel.
A UAE religious figure condemned Hamas and described them as being terrorists, Israel's Avichay adraee retweeted him and agreed with him.

No one in a dictatorship like the UAE speeks without permission or guidance from the country's leadership so this "muslim preacher" has definitely recieved the blessings from the UAE leadership.

UAE is starting to disgust me more than Israel and Indians.
UAE is starting to disgust me more than Israel and Indians.

Time out.


"They say I am evil. That I even look like the Green Goblin. Well, I do like making a deal with the devil."
Arab leadership has sold itself out to Israel. They have already accepted Israel not so long ago. Don't expect anything at all from neighboring Arab countries. They are hand and glove with Israel.
The Arab leaders yes. Most of their citizenry. No.
Well I suppose Bulgarian orthodox I would not classify as a terrorist organisation. The others yes. Look at what armenaians, Russians, Serbs, and even Ukranians have done. Historically and recently. Makes the Israelis now look like humanitarians.

See what Israel is doing bombing the kids and killing them, well if it was the Serbian Army, they would capture the little kids alive, 5 or 6 years old and cook them on the barbecue in front of their parents. rape the mother and torture the father. in the end let the mother go after the kids are killed.

Please trust me own this.
Ok let me dig though and I will give you with reference links my side of the argument again "not all five fingers are equal" keep that in mind.
Another family of 7 massacred after a strike on their home. Some residents fleeing eastern central Gaza due to carpet bombing of homes a neighborhood.
Honestly problem with Muslims is low imaan, not lack of man power or technology. Too scared to die and make sacrifices. They don't need other nations.
I would not blame it on lack of Imaan of the masses but the greed to stay in Power. All leaders in the Muslim world are somehow linked to the west be it in business deals or their families might be national or their children's studying there. Unfortunately then we have STATE interests in terms of exports and other strategic reserves. So it becomes very difficult. Remember KSA was unable to withdraw cash from USA on state as well as personal accounts.
A UAE religious figure condemned Hamas and described them as being terrorists, Israel's Avichay adraee retweeted him and agreed with him.

No one in a dictatorship like the UAE speeks without permission or guidance from the country's leadership so this "muslim preacher" has definitely recieved the blessings from the UAE leadership.
His Twitter ratio 48K comment to 4.5k likes shows how much hate he’s getting for that comment
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