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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I believe in every word in Quran is true and this conflict will end the Israel.
Earlier prediction was about 2022.

These predictions are very difficult to come true. No one can predict the exact time/ day/ month/ year for a future event to happen.

While I believe Israel will be eliminated, that time is far from now.. maybe in a few decades.
There are 3 countries that will do it:

1. Iran
2. Iran
3. Iran
I don't think. No one will provide Palestinians with anything useful. At least not in the coming few years.

I will be the happiest person if Iran does that.
First look at the provocateur. Who started it? This is a pattern on PDF. Action is taken against the provoked. Provocation is overlooked.

@Gibbs @denel

I haven't taken any action against you. But even if anyone provokes you, just ignore that person and provide your valuable comments, if you have any.
What about loads of Indian Muslims and Pakistanis supporting Palestine, are their willy dragging on the ground?
I don't expect you to show sympathy to the people whose land is grabbed and are bombed with hundreds of jets and continue to live as prisoners in their own land. After all this is exactly what you are doing in Kashmir where more than 60,000 civilians have been killed by Indian forces. So yeah once you have a small willy syndrome you side with the oppressor and not with the victim.
I don't think. No one will provide Palestinians with anything useful. At least not in the coming few years.

I will be the happiest person if Iran does that.

With due respect, while rest of Muslim world was giving Gaza condolences and words, Iran did less talk and more action, supplying guided missiles, launchers, food, and fuel. There are numerous statements from Hamas itself saying that their resistance forces are as strong as they are due to unwavering support from Iran.
I don't think. No one will provide Palestinians with anything useful. At least not in the coming few years.

I will be the happiest person if Iran does that.
Dear mod,

There is a total blockade going on from all directions. Iran is the only nation to provide Palestinians in the Gaza strip with weapons through few smuggle routes. I agree that we must do more but it seems that we have hit a limit here. This is the max support that can be provided.
10/10. Look I am gonna be straight with you. We are not 'goray' and never will be. When we see a Pal being killed by some gora from Poland it hurts. I live in a sea of goray. Inside I despise the bastards for what they have done and do.

The othe day I was having a heated debate with one. The truth is Pal is West Asia. Christianity, Judaism, Islam are Asian religions. Civilization itself is from Asia. Even the Roman writing and the so called Greek civilization actually came from Asia. Do you know Roman script is not European. It comes from what is today Lebanon in West Asia. The "Bible" comes from Byblos in Syria. Jesus was Asian man. Yet they have manipulated history and made everything into a blond haired blue eyed guy as Jesus.

For most of history these 'gorays' were savages. Class A savages. The Roman Empire was destroyed by Germanic savages. Today the entire global order and history has been re-invented from a European perspective.

I hope this event wakes up people. Please no more Shia, Sunni and the 99 other divisions. Just ignore all that. Just work hard on science, unity and economic power. So if you care for the cries of those innocent Palestinian children this is what we all need to do.

Bro, when it comes done to it, you are probably one if the best Muslims around. You say it how it is and what EXACTLY needs to be done to improve our situation. Your sentiments above are EXACTLY the same as mine. Until we don't progress, we will continue to be slaughtered. There is NO WAY around this. Problem is that most Pakistanis and Muslims in fact don't want to believe this. They don't want to acknowledge this reality.
Earlier prediction was about 2022.

These predictions are very difficult to come true. No one can predict the exact time/ day/ month/ year for a future event to happen.

While I believe Israel will be eliminated, that time is far from now.. maybe in a few decades.
Agreed , Time and space are under Allah control and he knows better when will this event occurred.
While I believe Israel will be eliminated, that time is far from now.. maybe in a few decades.
Maybe less than a few decades. The people in Europe and North America are turning out to be more and more liberal, in a few years time leading political powers in those countries wont be able to tolerate Israel brutality against women and children...
AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt has released the following statement: We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza. They have long known the location of our bureau and knew journalists were there. We received a warning that the building would be hit. We are seeking information from the Israeli government and are engaged with the U.S. State Department to try to learn more. This is an incredibly disturbing development. We narrowly avoided a terrible loss of life. A dozen AP journalists and freelancers were inside the building and thankfully we were able to evacuate them in time. The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today.
indians are not humans. They are not a part of humanity.
Hey man, stay on the topic. There are many nations supporting Israel, not just India or Indians. The United States, that is very dear to us Pakistanis, and many of us want to immigrate there if given a slight chance, is the main reason of Israel's existence.
First look at the provocateur. Who started it? This is a pattern on PDF. Action is taken against the provoked. Provocation is overlooked.

@Gibbs @denel

Fuxk off indian filth. You sponsor terrorism all over Pakistan and when some local agitated kashmiri youth blows up your cunt soldiers, you go berserk and try to to bomb pakistan. We gave you a bloody nose that day because we still have military might, but that is not the case with Palestinians, they have nothing but obsolete rocket tech. Israel is the provocateur, oppressor and genocidal maniac, same as the indian army in IOK.
Normally this forum has oversupply of guys dishing out Islamic knowledge so I thought I would tap into this reservoir of knowledge. To a ignorant like me what is happening to the defenceless Pals is grounds for jihad. I mean on one hand you have one of the worlds best equipped military in the form of the IDF and on other women, children being killed.

So just wondering wy has jihad not been declared and why we don't have lines of mujihads?
No one is willing to declare open jihad against the master Israel that controls the finances of many countries.
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