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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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On the news yesterday I read Shah Mehmood Qureshi imploring Muslims in the West to do make a differance. I felt he was on to something. Better then the chiche like "condemn" or "prays" or croaking for some "calipha" to come along and save the day.

We in the west are in good psition to make a differance. No not by standing in the rain with flags of Palestine or stickers with "Free Palestine" stuck on our cars. Only losers and defeated do this.

Rather we need to get educated. Adopt the ways of the gora like Jews have done. Take position in goverments, armies, in the corporate sector, banks, finance, art, movies. Build global companies. Get elected in governments from USA to UK to Germany. Shave yourbears but keep your heart where it belongs.

People like Riz Khan the Pakistani origin actor, Shahid Khan the Pakistani origin US billionaire, Sadiq Khan the London Mayor, Sajid Javid the ex tory Chancellor. It's people like then who will help to bring about change. Enough of these types and watch what happens. Even a lapsed Muslim will still a Muslim.

The mullahs will not make one differance. People like Bin Laden, Saad Rizvi or the Iranian clergy are part of the problem. Not the solution.

Hamas keeps saying that they haven't even used their real arsenal yet and that the biggest is yet to come. Judging by the new videos currently trending that seems to be very credible. Looks like they have actually pulled a mickey on the Israelis LOL. Used all the inferior rockets first (which still caused decent damage) and have exhausted the iron dome to an extent. The latest strikes seem to be more accurate with several Israeli buildings on fire.

I fully believe Hezb and Iran are fully involved with coordinating this, and that they just might enter the scenario a little later when the Israelis are fully stretched thin and exhausted

Unfortunately Turkey supporting Palestine is a cruel joke. Turkey - Israel trade relations are booming. In fact Turkey had one of the best trade months in March of this year. Turkish hypocrisy is beyond belief.

No one is willing to declare open jihad against the master Israel that controls the finances of many countries.
Yes. And this is understandble. Before you ask others ask yourself. I am not prepared to foresake my personal and family health, safety for these causes. So If I can't why should I expect others. Instead of doing such dumb things we all need to ur combioned global banking, financial, economic, military, scientific power. Like the Chinese are quitely right now doing.
Sajid Javid the ex tory Chancellor.

Sajid Javid

Imagine living in London while terrorists indiscriminately fire 1000s of rockets at your family’s neighbourhood. You’d expect the government to do everything in its power to find and target those attackers.


Sajid Javid

May 12

Replying to
Israel has a right to security and a duty to defend its people, just as much as we do. This new cycle of violence is extremely concerning. The only way to build a lasting peace is through dialogue and de-escalation.

Dear mod,

There is a total blockade going on from all directions. Iran is the only nation to provide Palestinians in the Gaza strip with weapons through few smuggle routes. I agree that we must do more but it seems that we have hit a limit here. This is the max support that can be provided.
The only thing that worries me is that rockets give Israel a chance to kill loads of women and children.

Either Hamas fires something big, or nothing.

The images that come after Israel's response breaks my heart always. Anyway, this time, Hamas' response was better than the last, but no where near what Israel can do to Palestinians.

Anyway, everyone has his own opinion.. I have mine.
I don't expect you to show sympathy to the people whose land is grabbed and are bombed with hundreds of jets and continue to live as prisoners in their own land. After all this is exactly what you are doing in Kashmir where more than 60,000 civilians have been killed by Indian forces. So yeah once you have a small willy syndrome you side with the oppressor and not with the victim.
don't talk like a 13 year old but I knw most of you can't help it.
Borders don't decide size of Willy. Do u want me sent pictures?

More I don't support either Israel or Palestine.
And think though Palestine have better case, both must live in same country.

Coming to kashmir, let me tell u Kashmir is historic Hindu land.
Had Pakistan taken all muslims in 1947, then it would have been a different matter but as long as Muslims live in India, Kashmir cant be parted just because they are muslim majority.
On the news yesterday I read Shah Mehmood Qureshi imploring Muslims in the West to do make a differance. I felt he was on to something. Better then the chiche like "condemn" or "prays" or croaking for some "calipha" to come along and save the day.

We in the west are in good psition to make a differance. No not by standing in the rain with flags of Palestine or stickers with "Free Palestine" stuck on our cars. Only losers and defeated do this.

Rather we need to get educated. Adopt the ways of the gora like Jews have done. Take position in goverments, armies, in the corporate sector, banks, finance, art, movies. Build global companies. Get elected in governments from USA to UK to Germany. Shave yourbears but keep your heart where it belongs.

People like Riz Khan the Pakistani origin actor, Shahid Khan the Pakistani origin US billionaire, Sadiq Khan the London Mayor, Sajid Javid the ex tory Chancellor. It's people like then who will help to bring about change. Enough of these types and watch what happens. Even a lapsed Muslim will still a Muslim.

The mullahs will not make one differance. People like Bin Laden, Saad Rizvi or the Iranian clergy are part of the problem. Not the solution.



The positive change will ONLY come from becoming EDUCATED and holding senior positions in government, politics, science, technology, economy and the arts. ALL else will fail. The Jews realised this in the 19th century. Look at them now. We need to follow this model.

The corrupt Mullah syndrome will ONLY lead to another 1000 years of failure and massacre. We NEED to fight this rot.

Sajid Javid

Imagine living in London while terrorists indiscriminately fire 1000s of rockets at your family’s neighbourhood. You’d expect the government to do everything in its power to find and target those attackers.


Sajid Javid

May 12

Replying to
Israel has a right to security and a duty to defend its people, just as much as we do. This new cycle of violence is extremely concerning. The only way to build a lasting peace is through dialogue and de-escalation.

An apt response under his nonsensical bootlicking tweet
Yes. And this is understandble. Before you ask others ask yourself. I am not prepared to foresake my personal and family health, safety for these causes. So If I can't why should I expect others. Instead of doing such dumb things we all need to ur combioned global banking, financial, economic, military, scientific power. Like the Chinese are quitely right now doing.
This is what I am trying to tell people. We must forge alliances, make significant progress in economy/ science and technology and then openly threaten Israel. For that to happen, a Chinese type model.. a socialist model has to be adopted in the Muslim countries where resources are spent on a common cause of making progress in these fields.

How a population of few million people controlling a superpower and its dogs is a perfect case study for us.

Until then, we will continue to see Palestinian children embracing martyrdom.
don't talk like a 13 year old but I knw most of you can't help it.
Borders don't decide size of Willy. Do u want me sent pictures?

More I don't support either Israel or Palestine.
And think though Palestine have better case, both must live in same country.

Coming to kashmir, let me tell u Kashmir is historic Hindu land.
Had Pakistan taken all muslims in 1947, then it would have been a different matter but as long as Muslims live in India, Kashmir cant be parted just because they are muslim majority.
Small willy syndrome is a metaphor for inferiority complex, i thought you were old enough to understand...

60k Civilians killed and here you are concerned about a hindu land, you sound exactly like Israelis.
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