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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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If really any Muslim country's leadership is just a little bit serious, instead of tweeting, showing solidarity, lightening building/ walls, it should provide few.. just FEW advanced ballistic missiles to Palestinians.. that's it.. That will be the end of Iron dome.
Who is talking about 1971? Not me. I am referring to another big defeat that awaits Pakistan.

Do you want to wait outside of this thread for 7 days?
I believe in every word in Quran is true and this conflict will end the Israel.
My 2 Cents Analysis:-

1. The way Hamas has fought this - is quite incredible and they must have found newly built respect of their skill and tactics around the world. Must be having confidence boost.

2. The image of Israel is SHATTERED - Thoughts of an invincible power that can blow up Nuclear Scientists of another country to carpet bomb helpless people in open tiny strip of land without any repercussions - had a rude awakening this time. Now, some one else must be thinking as well -

"THEY" are not that powerful as they appeared and made out of themselves.

3. Iranians must be appreciated for their rational and soft attitude towards Palestine - It does appear they do feel for Palestinians though for whatever reasons. They are helping hamas to some extent and it is quite commendable. Image of Iran would sky rocket in Sunni World if Iranians/Hezbullah jumped in into this conflict at whatever point.

4. Most of the people in Larger Sunni world are angry as well for Palestine - Just because some of leaders are sold out - doesn't mean ALL are. The differences and little bitterness b/w Sunni and Shia worlds will go straight out of the window if they end up being united for Palestine cause. Palestine can bring these two poles a lot closer - The harmony among certain communities on this very forum is testament of that.

5. If Hamas gets armed with sophisticated WEAPONRY - It will ALONE bog down Israel - let alone Iran or else.

6. The issue is of ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS - Instead of firing rockets into all over Israel - targeting settlements through rocket barrage would be more sensible.

7. The coordination b/w Hamas and Hezbullah/Allies is VERY CRUCIAL - Israel must have been receiving Intel from her allies so should Hamas be.

8. As we are in currently now - Ceasefire without any significant guarantee is useless - The focus of Israel MUST BE diverted - They went too far. They, for once, need to be humbled. There is ZERO reason for Hamas to go for CEASEFIRE as of now. You don't go for ceasefire the moment enemy as vicious as Israel, request you to do so.


Please - correct me if I am wrong in my analysis.
If really any Muslim country's leadership is just a little bit serious, instead of tweeting, showing solidarity, lightening building/ walls, it should provide few.. just FEW advanced ballistic missiles to Palestinians.. that's it.. That will be the end of Iron dome.

There are 3 countries that will do it:

1. Iran
2. Iran
3. Iran
Small willy syndrome. These guys want to be part of something bigger to feel better in their bigoted and miserable lives.
What about loads of Indian Muslims and Pakistanis supporting Palestine, are their willy dragging on the ground?
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