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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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That is about the best reply on this thread. Bravo. The reality the prayers of every Muslim for next 100 years will not dry one tear of a innocent Palestinian child. What is happening therev is a tragedy. I have family as you will. Think about what those innocent children will be going througth. Under threat from some of most lethal weapons the world has ever seen that are supplied in massive quantities by USA to Israel. Against F-35s stealths the poor Pals bring stones and sticks. The result is same everytime. Massacre and war crimes. But the world does nothing. And will do nothing.

The only lesson is this. That the ordinary people of Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan work hard to build economies that math China and USA. Then put religion away in private space. Unite together into economic block like EU and military block like NATO. Trust me nobody would dare do what you see happening in Palestine.

It also begins with western imposed an colonial era thinking. No more European imposed ideas like Middle East. What the fcuk is that? Do we carve out part of Europe in to "Midde West"?

Palestine is West Asia. West Asia needs to unite. Why for instance is Karachi in South Asia and Oman in Middle East? These are western imposed divisions on our people. Do we call Greece "Near West" and Italy "Western Europe". They are all united under terms like Europe or the West.

Once you free from mind of slavery of the west. Then you copy the west. Copy the bastards. Copy them. Copy the Chinese. Copy the Japanese. But please, oh please do NOT copy Saudi's. Copy the Turks. Learn from them the formula that has made them the global powers. Then when one day you rise like China has nobody will touch you.

Economic power is what makes the world go around.

* Many years ago I ws in Milton Keynes and I ran into this zionist Jew. The most vile thing I ever come across. I got into a argument with him. He said some things that really hurt me. They hurt me because inside because they were true. All of West Asia combined has less scientific output then Israel a country with population less than Lahore.

This is EXACTLY what I have been saying for years on PDF. The ONLY way forward for Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim countries is to follow the Chinese and Western models for development and STICK to it earnestly. ALL else has been tried and failed. Look at the Jews and Israel. Some of them are even darker skinned than I am. Over 6 million of them were massacred by the Germans and other White Western European Christians yet hey copied the White Western model for success and look at the now.

PS Before anyone complains I am NOT suggesting that we give up our faith and culture by copying the Chinese/Western model for success. I am JUST suggesting that we copy their models for success in terms of industrialization, economy, scientific and technological progress.
Hezbollah rush to Syria, Iraq, Yemen to stage attacks on rebels there and on Saudi Arabia. But, when it comes to Israel, the one they scream about on a weekly basis, they do nothing. Everyone should shame Hezbollah and Iran if an ground invasion commences and they stay silent. Right now we are being fair and giving them benefit of doubt.
Jordan and Egypt have border with Palestine, how come you talk about Lebanon ie Hizbollah cowardice and Iran’s and you avoid to talk about those two..Egypt has done more harm to Gaza than Israel…
Lebanon is on her knees, her harbor was just blown to pieces few months ago, I am sure Hizbollah didn’t join Hamas, for fear that the toll on Lebanon was too much to bare..Iran , too, has too much in his plate…but still they are doing a lot more that the other members of the Arab league are doing.
Shame on Israel, the irony of becoming what you once hated!
Jordan and Egypt have border with Palestine, how come you talk about Lebanon ie Hizbollah cowardice and Iran’s and you avoid to talk about those two..Egypt has done more harm to Gaza than Israel…
Lebanon is on her knees, her harbor was just blown to pieces few months ago, I am sure Hizbollah didn’t join Hamas, for fear that the toll on Lebanon was too much to bare..Iran , too, has too much in his plate…but still they are doing a lot more that the other members of the Arab league are doing.

I am criticizing everyone equally if you have been following the thread since beginning .... I don't believe in too much on plate notion .... Hamas situation worse than everyone else and they are leading the struggle....
Example of Israeli intelligence officer calling and threatening Hamas political spokesman (not related to military). You can see he speaks Arabic, could be Israeli druze or Arab, or Jew that learned Arabic:
The only situation that justifies Hezbollah taking the risk is when Hamas is on the verge of complete defeat

They cant be defeated. How can they be on the verge of total defeat?

Hezbollah rush to Syria, Iraq, Yemen to stage attacks on rebels there and on Saudi Arabia. But, when it comes to Israel, the one they scream about on a weekly basis, they do nothing. Everyone should shame Hezbollah and Iran if an ground invasion commences and they stay silent. Right now we are being fair and giving them benefit of doubt.

A ground invasion would probably suit Iranians fine. It would tie up 10's of thousands of soldiers. Force them to feed and police 2 million Palestinians. Its a dream come true. This could in fact be Iran's goal and would be a huge mistake by Israel.
and this is some great revelation to you? take your brownie points and bury the past
it is great revelation to everybody , why suddenly 180 degree shift for Anad Bhakats.

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