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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I have a feeling what comes next is going to be the biggest barrage we have seen since the start of the conflict

Shock and awe level
Electricity in Gaza will be permanently out if diesel can't get into Gaza soon according to official in charge of electricity company.

Strike on home in central Gaza. Thankfully it was empty.
No its not cowardice. This is a game of chess. And we/you are the pawns and pieces. Gaza is a pawn, and the overall objective is the only thing that matters. You Arabs have had a chance for 70 years, and I think Iranians are calling the shots now. And they are very rational.

As much as everyone loves gaza, the 6 million unoccupied people of Lebanon and their accesss to the sea and to syria is much more important. Lebanon has to have a safe and secure border with Israel. They fought for it for decades.

I suspect the Iranians believe the palestians will have to fight their own battles with unlimited support. Only when you can establish a beachhead where supplies and people can be brought in will it get easier for you guys. This will not happen soon.

It's a really tough thing to say, but you have to be realistic. This can only end with a ceasefire. All Israel will get out of this is the cost of attacking gaza again. If it's high enough, Gazans may have established that hard solid border.

I didn't your garbage, you are cowards and nothing more. It's not a game of anything.
Normally this forum has oversupply of guys dishing out Islamic knowledge so I thought I would tap into this reservoir of knowledge. To a ignorant like me what is happening to the defenceless Pals is grounds for jihad. I mean on one hand you have one of the worlds best equipped military in the form of the IDF and on other women, children being killed.

So just wondering wy has jihad not been declared and why we don't have lines of mujihads?

Thats beyond my level of expertise. And irrelevant. Declarations dont bring victory. Only clever tactics and strategy.
Something really big is coming, I can feel it
LMAO at those talking about game of chess and what not while Palestinians are getting slaughtered. Hezbollah ain't do sh/t. They are here to kill sunnis in Syria but are nowhere to be seen to defend Palestinians against injustice.
They won't

Hezbollah rush to Syria, Iraq, Yemen to stage attacks on rebels there and on Saudi Arabia. But, when it comes to Israel, the one they scream about on a weekly basis, they do nothing. Everyone should shame Hezbollah and Iran if an ground invasion commences and they stay silent. Right now we are being fair and giving them benefit of doubt.
Hey mate have you done your bit for Palestine? Went out in the rain and stood holding flags "Free Palestine" in the rain? After that nipped into Mcd's for hot cup of chai?
I ask because I got a ping on my phone asking me to take part in a demonstration tommorow. Might go along and do my bit for the jihad.

The Jihad me and you need to be fighting is the one against the indians bringing the deadly covid-variant in to the UK:

Looks like Hamas saving Tel Aviv strike for night time.
Hezbollah rush to Syria, Iraq, Yemen to stage attacks on rebels there and on Saudi Arabia. But, when it comes to Israel, the one they scream about on a weekly basis, they do nothing. Everyone should shame Hezbollah and Iran if an ground invasion commences and they stay silent. Right now we are being fair and giving them benefit of doubt.

It's not over until its over.

Things are changing so quickly, if you blink, you will not recognize the situation from 1 minute ago
Hezbollah rush to Syria, Iraq, Yemen to stage attacks on rebels there and on Saudi Arabia. But, when it comes to Israel, the one they scream about on a weekly basis, they do nothing. Everyone should shame Hezbollah and Iran if an ground invasion commences and they stay silent. Right now we are being fair and giving them benefit of doubt.

Maybe the months leading upto this, Israeli attacks in Iran have deterred any response.

There are 80 million excuses.
Translation of the description | Channel 12 Hebrew: The costs of the war so far are more than a billion and a half shekels for the army, and the losses of the war on the home front as of Friday amounted to more than half of the losses of the entire 2014 battle.

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