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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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so you think they are letting missiles hit Israel? you are great at comedy.

May be Israelis are allowing few missiles to slip through so that "FIGHT" doesn't seem "UNFAIR"

Though they CAN'T stop all rockets coming towards them
Absolutely not! They must not join in. Their job is to secure the border and prevent further Israeli expansion. They are there to checkmate Israel. Mission accomplished. For the next 100 years stay on that border. Don't provoke.

southern border is being established now. Border in syria is also being established and over the next decades they will push toward Golan heights just as what happened in Lebanon in the 1990's.

Once you contain them only then can you even consider a campaign to wind the borders back and get some sort of settlement.

Lame excuses for your cowardice, nothing new. Understand if a ground invasion occurs Israel will seek to reoccupy Gaza. If Hezbollah stays silent than Hezbollah is dead in everyone's eyes in the Middle East. Would be strategic error.
Stay safe, study theoretical physics.
Normally this forum has oversupply of guys dishing out Islamic knowledge so I thought I would tap into this reservoir of knowledge. To a ignorant like me what is happening to the defenceless Pals is grounds for jihad. I mean on one hand you have one of the worlds best equipped military in the form of the IDF and on other women, children being killed.

So just wondering wy has jihad not been declared and why we don't have lines of mujihads?
Lame excuses for your cowardice, nothing new. Understand if a ground invasion occurs Israel will seek to reoccupy Gaza. If Hezbollah stays silent than Hezbollah is dead in everyone's eyes in the Middle East. Would be strategic error.

Yeah but in that scenario, I cannot see HZ staying silent. They will do something.

My opinion is that HZ has not moved yet because they know a ground invasion is inevitable and they are just waiting for the moment that they IDF formally announces ground invasion to step in. If that is what they have in mind, it is a wise move so HZ does not look like the aggressor.
Yeah but in that scenario, I cannot see HZ staying silent. They will do something.

My opinion is that HZ has not moved yet because they know a ground invasion is inevitable and they are just waiting for the moment that they IDF formally announces ground invasion to step in

And if they do nothing, then what?
Please don't insult dogs.
Hey mate have you done your bit for Palestine? Went out in the rain and stood holding flags "Free Palestine" in the rain? After that nipped into Mcd's for hot cup of chai?
Hey mate have you done your bit for Palestine? Went out in the rain and stood holding flags "Free Palestine" in the rain? After that nipped into Mcd's for hot cup of chai?
I ask because I got a ping on my phone asking me to take part in a demonstration tommorow. Might go along and do my bit for the jihad.
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