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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Lame excuses for your cowardice, nothing new. Understand if a ground invasion occurs Israel will seek to reoccupy Gaza. If Hezbollah stays silent than Hezbollah is dead in everyone's eyes in the Middle East. Would be strategic error.
A miscalculated involvement by Hezbollah without a good casus belli by Israel can lead to a civil war in Lebanon. How does a civil war in Lebanon help the Axis of Resistance? Hezbollah should get involved only if Israel gives them a good excuse or Hamas is on the verge of defeat.
Hey mate have you done your bit for Palestine? Went out in the rain and stood holding flags "Free Palestine" in the rain? After that nipped into Mcd's for hot cup of chai?

Bro, I admit that I am too weak and meaningless to do anything for even Pakistan let alone Palestine. If I could help them I would. The ONLY solution is that we become so powerful that our enemies fear us. That can ONLY happen if we follow the Chinese model of success. ALL else has been tried and failed.
Yeah but in that scenario, I cannot see HZ staying silent. They will do something.

My opinion is that HZ has not moved yet because they know a ground invasion is inevitable and they are just waiting for the moment that they IDF formally announces ground invasion to step in. If that is what they have in mind, it is a wise move so HZ does not look like the aggressor.

Either that, or may be plan is to really wear out the Israelis and their defense systems as much as possible over the next 30-60 days and then launch a front of their own from both lebanon and syria, that would be extremely devastating and demoralizing then.
Hamas is claiming all their strikes independently and not through the Joint Operations room.

This is a message to the PIJ to know that they should stop behaving in competitive manner to Hamas and know their place. Also message to Iran, Hezbollah, and Hezbollah media channels that try to downplay Hamas's role and try to make PIJ stronger than them.

Hamas is much stronger, much better trained, and more disciplined. All the strikes that inflicted casualties were done by Hamas and Hamas armed wing made sure to make this known.
The best way to prevent Israeli expansion is to obliterate Tel Aviv. Hamas and Hezbollah both know that. Hamas is already doing it and would not be surprised to see HZ step in and finish the job.

It will never happen. They will never get involved. Their fight is probably over less they are attacked.

You cant stop expansion of an army by destroying cities. If that were possible Germany would have beaten Soviet Union. You can Destroy every city in Israel but soldiers could fight on, or even be safer at the front than back in the city. It would achieve nothing.

You stop them on the battlefield, establish a line of contact that is stable.
A miscalculated involvement by Hezbollah without a good casus belli by Israel can lead to a civil war in Lebanon. How does a civil war in Lebanon help the Axis of Resistance? Hezbollah should get involved only if Israel gives them a good excuse or Hamas is on the verge of defeat.

I think HZ has enough firepower to end the war on their terms if they're serious about it. Beirut will be damaged in the process but that is what its gonna take to win.

Lebanese probably don't want a war, but if Hezbollah steps in, they should be in it to win it. if they win and end with ceasefire on HZ/Hamas terms, then it will be worth it for Lebanese and definitely Gaza.
A miscalculated involvement by Hezbollah without a good casus belli by Israel can lead to a civil war in Lebanon. How does a civil war in Lebanon help the Axis of Resistance? Hezbollah should get involved only if Israel gives them a good excuse or Hamas is on the verge of defeat.

It will certainly not, they should do calculated strikes, anything besides nothing for 15+ years. If they are going to threaten Israel on weekly basis and claim to be fighting them than they should. Otherwise , they might as well drop the weekly rhetoric about Palestine.
I think HZ has enough firepower to end the war on their terms if they're serious about it. Beirut will be damaged in the process but that is what its gonna take to win.

Lebanese probably don't want a war, but if Hezbollah steps in, they should be in it to win it. if they win and end with ceasefire on HZ/Hamas terms, then it will be worth it for Lebanese and definitely Gaza.
There is no "should".
Lebanese has all kinds of people, including people who publicly requested to become a French protectorate again. The leftovers of the Phalanges in Lebanon basically threatened a civil war against Hezbollah just after the Beirut explosion. Sure, they will get massacred by Hezbollah and they stand no chance, but how does another Syria in Lebanon help the Axis of Resistance?
Just a prediction I made earlier this year, not saying this will happen during this round:

“Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion”
They won't

This war has been full of a lot of surprises
Hamas is claiming all their strikes independently and not through the Joint Operations room.

This is a message to the PIJ to know that they should stop behaving in competitive manner to Hamas and know their place. Also message to Iran, Hezbollah, and Hezbollah media channels that try to downplay Hamas's role and try to make PIJ stronger than them.

Hamas is much stronger, much better trained, and more disciplined. All the strikes that inflicted casualties were done by Hamas and Hamas armed wing made sure to make this known.

Seems like something big is coming

In Gaza, it is reported that all the factions of the resistance will issue a joint response to the bombing of the Al-Jalaa tower.

It will certainly not, they should do calculated strikes, anything besides nothing for 15+ years. If they are going to threaten Israel on weekly basis and claim to be fighting them than they should. Otherwise , they might as well drop the weekly rhetoric about Palestine.
Lebanon is on the verge of collapse now. Food prices are soaring in Lebanon, there's a shortage of food after the Beirut explosion destroyed their strategic food reserves, the economy is down the toilet, people do not trust each other, the extent of discord among the Lebanese people at this moment is at its peak. Christian Phalanges have recently threatened to launch a civil war against Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese entity. And as I have reiterated it a million times here, it should remain so if it wants to remain a powerful entity against Israel. Had the Syrian civil war not weakened Syria, Hamas and the Axis of Resistance in the region would've been much more powerful now. Things would've been multiple times more painful for Israel.

The only situation that justifies Hezbollah taking the risk is when Hamas is on the verge of complete defeat, or if Israel gives them a good casus belli. Hamas is far from getting defeated yet.
Lame excuses for your cowardice, nothing new. Understand if a ground invasion occurs Israel will seek to reoccupy Gaza. If Hezbollah stays silent than Hezbollah is dead in everyone's eyes in the Middle East. Would be strategic error.

No its not cowardice. This is a game of chess. And we/you are the pawns and pieces. Gaza is a pawn, and the overall objective is the only thing that matters. You Arabs have had a chance for 70 years, and I think Iranians are calling the shots now. And they are very rational.

As much as everyone loves gaza, the 6 million unoccupied people of Lebanon and their accesss to the sea and to syria is much more important. Lebanon has to have a safe and secure border with Israel. They fought for it for decades.

I suspect the Iranians believe the palestians will have to fight their own battles with unlimited support. Only when you can establish a beachhead where supplies and people can be brought in will it get easier for you guys. This will not happen soon.

It's a really tough thing to say, but you have to be realistic. This can only end with a ceasefire. All Israel will get out of this is the cost of attacking gaza again. If it's high enough, Gazans may have established that hard solid border.
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