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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I am criticizing everyone equally if you have been following the thread since beginning .... I don't believe in too much on plate notion .... Hamas situation worse than everyone else and they are leading the struggle....
Example of Israeli intelligence officer calling and threatening Hamas political spokesman (not related to military). You can see he speaks Arabic, could be Israeli druze or Arab, or Jew that learned Arabic:
That is true and now they have the upper hand replying to Israel on their own terms..How come west Palestine, the one under the PLO is quiet.have they forgotten that they are Palestinien too and a defeat of the Gazans will be their defeat too!
They cant be defeated. How can they be on the verge of total defeat?

A ceasefire after strikes on Tel Aviv is a total defeat for IDF.

Until a week ago, strikes on Tel Aviv was assumed to be the worst case scenario and something so extreme that it would never happen. Now we are already past that point, if the war ends now, it is already a massive defeat for IDF. Israelis are losing confidence in both IDF and Iron Dome as more rockets make it through ID on first shot and hit targets.
A ground invasion would probably suit Iranians fine. It would tie up 10's of thousands of soldiers. Force them to feed and police 2 million Palestinians. Its a dream come true. This could in fact be Iran's goal and would be a huge mistake by Israel.

You go through a lot of mental gymnastics as defensive mechanism for your cowardice, your narrative change every hour, I am putting you on ignore. Don't bother quoting me.
This is EXACTLY what I have been saying for years on PDF. The ONLY way forward for Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim countries is to follow the Chinese and Western models for development and STICK to it earnestly. ALL else has been tried and failed. Look at the Jews and Israel. Some of them are even darker skinned than I am. Over 6 million of them were massacred by the Germans and other White Western European Christians yet hey copied the White Western model for success and look at the now.

PS Before anyone complains I am NOT suggesting that we give up our faith and culture by copying the Chinese/Western model for success. I am JUST suggesting that we copy their models for success in terms of industrialization, economy, scientific and technological progress.
10/10. Look I am gonna be straight with you. We are not 'goray' and never will be. When we see a Pal being killed by some gora from Poland it hurts. I live in a sea of goray. Inside I despise the bastards for what they have done and do.

The othe day I was having a heated debate with one. The truth is Pal is West Asia. Christianity, Judaism, Islam are Asian religions. Civilization itself is from Asia. Even the Roman writing and the so called Greek civilization actually came from Asia. Do you know Roman script is not European. It comes from what is today Lebanon in West Asia. The "Bible" comes from Byblos in Syria. Jesus was Asian man. Yet they have manipulated history and made everything into a blond haired blue eyed guy as Jesus.

For most of history these 'gorays' were savages. Class A savages. The Roman Empire was destroyed by Germanic savages. Today the entire global order and history has been re-invented from a European perspective.

I hope this event wakes up people. Please no more Shia, Sunni and the 99 other divisions. Just ignore all that. Just work hard on science, unity and economic power. So if you care for the cries of those innocent Palestinian children this is what we all need to do.
A ceasefire after strikes on Tel Aviv is a total defeat for IDF.

Until a week ago, strikes on Tel Aviv was assumed to be the worst case scenario and something so extreme that it would never happen. Now we are already past that point, if the war ends now, it is already a massive defeat for IDF. Israelis are losing confidence in both IDF and Iron Dome as more rockets make it through ID on first shot and hit targets.

I agree, I said the amend groups in Gaza cant be defeated.
They don't need, underground rocket launchers suffice, if there is any silo like design it won't protect from airstrike but intended to conceal launchers.

I would have thought anything of any value in Gaza is underground.
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