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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hamas keeps saying that they haven't even used their real arsenal yet and that the biggest is yet to come. Judging by the new videos currently trending that seems to be very credible. Looks like they have actually pulled a mickey on the Israelis LOL. Used all the inferior rockets first (which still causes decent damage) and have exhausted the iron dome to an extent. The latest strikes seem to be more accurate with several Israeli buildings on fire.

I fully believe Hezb and Iran are fully involved with coordinating this, and that they just might enter the scenario a little later when the Israelis are fully stretched thin and exhausted

Yeah, IRGC must have engineered some sequence of escalation to follow, fire off the unguided rockets first, bring in progressively stronger and more precise rockets, at some point there is a line where HZ enters.

In an extreme scenario, I think there is also a point at the very top of the escalation ladder where if IRGC believes that Israel goes for an actual attempt to genocide entire population of Gaza and spare no one, then I can see direct intervention from Iran into this war on humanitarian grounds deploying long range heavy supersonic cruise missiles targeting critical facilities of Israel like Dimona and Haifa to force unconditional surrender of IDF.
Unfortunately Turkey supporting Palestine is a cruel joke. Turkey - Israel trade relations are booming. In fact Turkey had one of the best trade months in March of this year. Turkish hypocrisy is beyond belief.

Turkey has 85 million people to feed and protect. It needs to have high tech and a strong army and economy to protect itself from countries order of magnitude more powerful than Israel. It could never do what Iran is doing. They down want Israel giving rocket technology to PKK. It has to act carefully.
With due respect, while rest of Muslim world was giving Gaza condolences and words, Iran did less talk and more action, supplying guided missiles, launchers, food, and fuel. There are numerous statements from Hamas itself saying that their resistance forces are as strong as they are due to unwavering support from Iran.

With due respect, Palestinians are still being killed many time more than Israelis.
Yeah, IRGC must have engineered some sequence of escalation to follow, fire off the unguided rockets first, bring in progressively stronger and more precise rockets, at some point there is a line where HZ enters.

In an extreme scenario, I think there is also a point at the very top of the escalation ladder where if IRGC believes that Israel goes for an actual attempt to genocide entire population of Gaza and spare no one, then I can see direct intervention from Iran into this war on humanitarian grounds deploying long range heavy supersonic cruise missiles targeting critical facilities of Israel like Dimona and Haifa to force unconditional surrender of IDF.
Iran won't directly involve itself without a credible casus belli.. the consequences to suddenly attacking Israel with BM's from Iranian soil are too negative (That is reserved only for an Israeli attack on Iranian soil) What i hope and possibly can see happen is the ring of fire around Israel that has been established to get activated. That will be doomsday.
make significant progress in economy/ science and technology
This is the bottom line. This should be focus. Get this done by any means. The ends justify means. I was watching a report from China. They are quietly building 10,000 miles of motorway every year. In fact they build more motorways in one month then the whole world does in 10 years. Right now each country should focus on building itself up. Every new university, every mile of motorway, every new steel plant etc ios what this is all about. Everything else should be secondary. If Iran rise be happy. One day you will all unite. Being zeros will mean you will always be zeros.

I am the most westernized Pakistan on this forum probably and many will probably call me kaffir. But I will always cry for the Palestinians. I will alwayts despise the zionists even if it is under my breath. I will still root for Iran or Turkey. I will always oppose India. So we need to stop judging each other. This just divides us.

When I see these goras talk of this 'west' I feel jealous. By the way notice the Iranians that are decried are on this forum standing by the Palestininans. While the Indians are mocking the Pals and siding with Israel.
With due respect, Palestinians are still being killed many time more than Israelis.

What did you expect?
Iran won't directly involve itself without a credible casus belli.. the consequences to suddenly attacking Israel with BM's from Iranian soil are too negative (That is reserved only for an Israeli attack on Iranian soil) What i hope and possibly can see happen is the ring of fire around Israel that has been established to get activated. That will be doomsday.

I think since US wants to stay out of this at any cost, rest of the world is desperate for anyone to step in and stop this, even if it is Iran. Under normal circumstances I think direct Iranian intervention would not be allowed but this is an extraordinary case and IRGC may be able to come out of this looking like the good guys if they hit only Israeli military installations.
The only thing that worries me is that rockets give Israel a chance to kill loads of women and children.

Either Hamas fires something big, or nothing.

The images that come after Israel's response breaks my heart always. Anyway, this time, Hamas' response was better than the last, but no where near what Israel can do to Palestinians.

Anyway, everyone has his own opinion.. I have mine.

Israel was killing them when they had slingshots. So noting has changed except that now they have set Israel on fire. Palestinains will never be able to do to them what Israel does. So their responses will never match. If they ever do match and Palestinians acquire the same level of weaponry, the Israelis will simpley go back to Poland and there will be no more conflict.
@PakSword you guys on PDF need to begin the roll back of slavish mentality of the west by purging imposed divisions. Why do you guys have 'Middle East' section? What fcuk is that. Palestinev is West Asia. Got that? Each of us need to deconstruct the narrative of division that has been imposed on us.

I had a argumant with a American who claimed that Fertile Crescent [modern Palestine/Jordan/Syria], Anatolia [Turkey], Egypt are part of the western sphere.
What did you expect?

I think since US wants to stay out of this at any cost, rest of the world is desperate for anyone to step in and stop this, even if it is Iran. Under normal circumstances I think direct Iranian intervention would not be allowed but this is an extraordinary case and IRGC may be able to come out of this looking like the good guys if they hit only Israeli military installations.
If this drags on IRGC elements could start to do something from Syria and Lebanon, yes. Likely.
In an extreme scenario, I think there is also a point at the very top of the escalation ladder where if IRGC believes that Israel goes for an actual attempt to genocide entire population of Gaza and spare no one, then I can see direct intervention from Iran into this war on humanitarian grounds deploying long range heavy supersonic cruise missiles targeting critical facilities of Israel like Dimona and Haifa to force unconditional surrender of IDF.

Lol, you have a healthy imagination. As if anyone would challenge Israel if it expels the whole Gaza population to Egypt or anywhere for that matter. Nobody would do a thing. Iran will do nothing that would lead to a direct war with Israel.
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