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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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😂 okay. They have no nukes and the Israeli airforce is cutting edge

^^ this

And what’s going on with all the chest thumping over emotional bravado?

It’s like some people here are playing a military strategic game, but they have actual no real power to do anything

This so called Islamic resistance of yours seems to be only involved in all kinds of nations besides Israel. They do speeches on weekly basis about Palestine and promise to get involved and back Palestinians in event of war. And when push comes to shove, they never do. If anyone else gave weapons to Palestinians besides Iran, you would not make big deal out of it. If these groups are gonna call themselves resistance groups to Israel, then they have to show that. Only Hamas is leading actual military struggle against Israel and not the other way around. The rest are just watching. If they are just gonna watch then there is no reason for the weekly threats, rhetoric, and empty promises.

You are comparing a country, Palestine, whose territory is occupied by the zionists, with movements and state actors that aren't subjected to zionist occupation.

Depending on this, resisting zionism then means either:

1) Fighting the zionist occupier when they occupy one's own land. Done by Hezbollah whenever zionists entered Lebanon. And presently Hezbollah are the ones deterring Tel Aviv from any repeat of such a misadventure.

2) Assisting local Palestinian Resistance groups militarily. Of course those doing so are perfectly entitled to consider themselves as shareholders in the Resistance against zionist occupation.

Nobody's denying the centrality of local Palestinian actors, who are doing the actual fighting on the ground. But it's not as if the zionist-controlled western powers are going to sit still when a country chooses to engage in military support for Gaza. This sort of policy will have severe consequences and it comes at a hefty price on the largely western-dominated international arena. So we're not talking about some undemanding, simple type of endeavor which any state would be willing to conduct. Otherwise Iran would not be the only one to go ahead with it.

This is in addition to the fact that the strategy of empowering local Resistance movements represents the only sound approach for a country like Islamic Iran, considering not only the geographic distance between it and the Mediterrannean and the subsequent fragility of supply lines, but also the discrepancy in conventional and nuclear military power between the two sides.

As @Surenas nicely underscored earlier in this thread, asymmetry is the way forward for Iran in its struggle against the zionist regime. Direct conventional confrontation would makes no sense at all for Iran, if her goal is to contain, then roll back and ultimately defeat the zionist regime. Direct conventional confrontation makes sense if you want to experience the fate of Arab armies in the 60's and 70's.

3) Opposing international zionism and its globalist and masonic allies. This being off topic I'm not getting too much into it, other than mentioning Iran's commendable resilience in the face of global oligarchic pressures (its avoidance of the long term debt trap and of dependency on IMF and World Bank loans, an Iranian central bank that is neither privatized nor independent from the government, the Supreme Leader's veto against the adoption of UNESCO's 2030 program, which imposes school curriculums integrating gender theory and homosexualism, and so on, and so forth).

There are furthermore two self-contradicting elements in the above quoted statement:

- The claim that the Axis of Resistance is "involved in all kinds of nations besides Israel". In other words, when Islamic Iran assists Ansarallah and the Yemeni army, Iran is involved in Yemen. When Iran arms Iraqi PMU's against ISIS, Iran is involving itself in Iraq. But when the same Iran extends military support to Hamas, PIJ and PFLP, then by contrast it is somehow merely engaging in "weekly rhetoric and empty promises"... This is obviously a double standarded treatment of Iran's interventions in different theaters.

- When you assist someone at the military level, then by essence you are doing way more than simple rhetoric. The quoted comment explicitly acknowledges Islamic Iran's military aid for Gazan Resistance factions ("if anyone else gave weapons to Palestinians besides Iran, you would not make big deal out of it") - and it is indeed hard to deny, given that representatives of both main Palestinian Resistance factions have come out with praise for Iran and have provided detailed accounts of the many dimensions of Iranian military support. But barely a few sentences later, the quoted comment claims Iran is "just watching". Arming someone is not the same as "just watching". This sort of a semantic slip should be avoided.
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Lanat on Muslims Leaders if on Eid a day meant for celebration , Israel can kill Muslims in Holy mosque

What is the point of Egyptian Army ?
What is the point of Turkish Army ?
What is the point of Iranian Army ?
Pakistan is geographically far but still where is our Stance ?

Just to fight each other clearly they can't see the enemy in front called Israel

Beloved King of Jordan visits Israel , and in his fantastic French Language give out a fantastic speech about Modernization of Islam ?

When Syria was burning , Qater / UAE / Saudia were pointing towards Yamen ?

Let us see where they will point now ?

Egypt and Turkey have the best shot at changing the situation on the ground but they are also the least likely to do anything in the current situation since they have a peace treaty with Israel. Everyone already knows Iran is doing the most.

Pakistan will not do anything for next 10 years at least, unless by some incredible luck we get a farsighted leader like Khomeini who wipes out the old system for good and can see beyond just Pakistan. Technically Pakistan is the only large country besides Iran that does not recognize Israel formally or secretly so if this happens then things will get really interesting.

I think Pakistan will need some almost radical level figure like Zia level for direct intervention in Gaza to be an actual possibility. Its not impossible because Zia did some operations like this in Jordan (against PLO) but its unlikely because too many Pakistanis these days are afraid to get involved in messy conflicts far from their borders like Iran in Yemen or Turkey in Libya. Leaders like Imran Khan and those before him who are so narrowly focused on domestic situation that they completely abdicate their role on foreign policy besides US-Taliban talks and occasionally praising Saudis and China. The current leadership is doing a disservice to Pakistan both in the short and long term by not taking any action to intervene in regional situations like Gaza. Because of this, Pakistan has become shockingly irrelevant geopolitically for a country of this size, mainly because we underplay our power projection capabilities in the region to an extent that people assume Pakistan is weaker than it actually is. This is clearly evident even here on PDF because Iran is discussed so much more frequently in the regional context than Pakistan that really this website should be called Iran Defence Forum with a section on Pakistan. Turkish and Iranian generals both famously say that fighting in far away lands is better to keep the war from reaching their borders, Pakistan has not done this and is paying a heavy price for this mistake. Often times, Pakistanis don't realize that had we shown a strong force in Gaza, it might also serve the dual purpose of showing Indians what Pakistan is capable of back home.
leaders who only look for the riches of this world. Nothing good has come out of it nor will in future.
People like you are heights of hypocracy. Your thrashing the leaders for what you practice in your life. If the ummah and your Muslims are so important nobody has stapled to the riches Norway or UK. You could set an example of what your preaching by giving up your comfortable life and joining the Hamas. You won't though and instead expect Muslim leaders to place some other guys in harms way.
One of the rockets in Beer Sheva hit a military base. More rockets now:
As long as IDF Airforce and subs are available second strike capability remains. Taking out Air force along with land targets is easy but subs is not.

Israel will fire a Nuclear weapon on Turkey as first strike.

Yes. But there are not much nuclear missiles, if any, on israeli subs by now. The subs are to small. Only can fire missiles out of the torpedo tubes, and here nuclear cruise missiles are planned. So a country like Iran have high chances to shot most if not all of them down with their SAM. Some, let there be 10-15, Cruise missiles with a velocity of max mach3 (more likly mach2) are not really a problem for Iran SAM. But the real problem are the (this now is the number i think what is fire away ready nuclear missiles in israel) 50-60 land based nuclear missiles. If 20 of them fired against Iran then there is a chance that 2-3 break through cause of the very high velocity of the incomming BM. And that means a lot death if the capital is hit, or other big cities in Iran. So it is essenziell that there are many very long range SAMs in Lebanon and Syria to take some of these missiles out in the start phase.
The Front Page of the NY Times. Arguably, THE most influential news outlet of the world. Imagine this for Israel for some more weeks or months or years?????

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