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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Western media finally realizing what we have known for decades

Well, frankly I am impressed and surprised by our Indian friends not gloating about the deaths of the Palestinians on this forum! A remarkable restraint--and a wise-one too. After all, Indians are employed much more by the Muslim Middle Eastern countries than by the Israelis!! I know the history of Indians on this forum--cheering for Israel. They even cheered when the Turkish Flotilla was attacked by Israel.

There must be some internal discussion amongst the Indian members here-- keep out of the Muslim issues unless you want to lose your Muslim $$. You don't bite the hand that feeds you!! Still, kudos to them. At least they are keeping their hypocrisy secret.

GCC should deport the Pajeets
He is evil. If he has a Muslim blood, let alone being an Muslim scholar, he wouldn't be cursing the only Muslims defending Gaza.

We have many evil wolves in sheikhs clothing these days..
As the Prophet foretold. He said in the End Times the "Ullamah" would be the worst of the people. ... I e. Munafiqs.

Now we have two types of Evil Sheikhs:
1. The extremist ISIS Khawarji Sheikhs
2. The new breed of Zionist Neoliberal Sheikhs

Stay away from both of them
Well, frankly I am impressed and surprised by our Indian friends not gloating about the deaths of the Palestinians on this forum! A remarkable restraint--and a wise-one too. After all, Indians are employed much more by the Muslim Middle Eastern countries than by the Israelis!! I know the history of Indians on this forum--cheering for Israel. They even cheered when the Turkish Flotilla was attacked by Israel.

There must be some internal discussion amongst the Indian members here-- keep out of the Muslim issues unless you want to lose your Muslim $$. You don't bite the hand that feeds you!! Still, kudos to them. At least they are keeping their hypocrisy secret.

Honestly I have seen that on issues like this, there is no middle ground in India. Either there are RSS types or the rest of the Indians who will condemn this as a crime against humanity.
Israeli settlers showing up at Shiekh Jarrah at 3:00 am to intimdimate the residents there once again. Shiekh Jarrah calling on other Palestinians residents from Jerusalem to help them.
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