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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israel has no strategic depth so if Hamas/HZ fires first, they will have first movers advantage. Airbases and missile depot will be the first target of HZ to knock out their ability to retaliate right from the start. They have studied IDF behavior extensively for decades as well as US shock and awe in Iraq. HZ has enough missiles to overwhelm all Iron Domes simultaneously should they decide to go that route. A barrage like that would involve thousands of missiles over the course of an hour or two and would be unlike anything I have ever witnessed in my lifetime but that is what it will take to bring Iron Dome to its knees so the real targets can be hit while AD is knocked out. Either that or HZ could use missiles that are simply too fast for ID to intercept. HZ has some of those, but I am not sure how many.

Yes, the rockets and missiles of Hezb would destroy nearly all military targets. except the missile silos. It is the same as with the missile silos in Iran. It does not have much effect if your rocket/missile explodes 10 meters away of the silo. The silos are heavy fortifyed/reinforced so the missile will still can start. Also some of the missiles will be activ, ready to start 24/7. The rockets/missiles from hezb need time to reach them. Enough time to start the nuclear missiles.

The leaders of Hezb, Syria, Iran are no Idiots. The topic "Israel" is discussed in all its facettes, over decades, including every new information as soon as they apear. This is why it is a proxy war. If Israel would attack Hezb in Lebanon without Hezb has attacked Israel before - then gates of hell are open, including russia with S-400 in Syria. But Israel would avoid this to do. So for now all what can be done is sending millions of armed Palestinians into West Bank and Gaza. Saturating and overrun IDF even if the half will die trying.
Syria virtually have no control over their own country. Iranians rule the east, Russia rules Latakia and Damascus, Turkey has parts of idlib and northern parts and Kurds in the north east. Their are gangs and militias doing whatever the hell they want near the golan.
Its the best time to UNITE...
Hezbollah has been responding to zionist occupation and crimes continually, not only by fighting them whenever they stepped foot in Lebanon - and thereby completely neutralizing their sinister plans for that country, but also by providing all manner of assistance to Palestinian Resistance groups - from training to intelligence sharing and even noble martyrs such as shahid Fawzi Ayub.

Furthermore, there's kind of a self-defeating irony in your rhetoric question. Here's a Hezbollah member who was martyred after crossing the border to Occupied Palestine in order to confront the zionists, and you are implying that the same Hezbollah has been passive...? See the contradiction right there? If you wished to contrast Hezbollah's rank and file on the one hand and political leadership on the other, then be advised that you'd be quite alone in this endeavor, as nobody within Hezbollah sees it that way.

Now when it comes to how Hezbollah should react to this cowardly killing: as highlighted before, in the real world, war is not a matter of tit for tat strikes. Here's a few simple and well established facts you may have overlooked when asking that question:

- When a token Hamas member is assassinated by the zionists, Hamas never unleashes barrages of rockets on so-called Isra"el" either. Hamas reserves this sort of action to instances where zionist occupation forces commit significant, large scale and utterly provocative acts of violence against Palestinians, such as raiding the Al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan prayers while expelling Palestinian civilians from their homes and then murdering 20 unarmed Palestinian protesters including 9 children. Not quite the same as the killing of a single Hamas member. And hence the perfectly natural, logical difference in the scale of Hamas's response to either type of incident.

Surely everyone will agree that Hezbollah is entitled to the same luxury which Hamas enjoys. Afterall, we don't want to discriminate nor apply double-standards between brothers in Resistance, do we.

- Let us now suppose the zionist apartheid regime decides to send its troops storm a mosque in south Lebanon, chase the mo'menin praying there, kick out dozens of Bent Jbeil residents from their homes and then shoot dead 9 south Lebanese children as well as 11 local adults... I think we both know what Hezbollah's reaction to this will be. Of course we do.

- But wait, isn't the so-called Isra"el"i regime occupying the entire land of Palestine save Gaza and West Bank? It sure is. This is as if the zionists were occupying the entirety of Lebanon except for some suburbs of Beirut and a handful of tiny districts... Again, what do you think Hezbollah's reaction under such circumstances would be? I'll stop right here, because I'm not going to step into the trap certain others seem to be susceptible of falling into, and I shall refrain from contrasting brothers in Resistance. Each deserve our respect, and any attempt to drive wedges between them or to portray them in opposition to each other merely serves the common enemy's interests.

Conclusion: no difference whatsoever between Hamas and Hezbollah in terms of their readiness, willingness and propensity to engage in the noble act of anti-zionist Resistance. None whatsoever. The two movements follow the same broad strategy, resort to armed retaliation under identical circumstances and so on. Both movements (one composed of Sunni Muslims, the other of Shia Muslims, a beautiful tandem of trans-confessional Islamic unity) are furthermore armed and militarily assisted by Islamic Iran (with Islamic Iran, and to a lesser extent Syria, being the only state actors to do so). Quite the commonalities if I'm asked.
I think you are confused Salar Jan. The tweet is about a Hezbollahi member crossing the border and my question was ''where is Hezbollah's response'' to the martyrdom of one of its members? Are you suggesting that Hezbollah sent him on a dangerous one-man mission? If that is the case that is very unfortunate and careless. If he went on his own and got martyred then there is no proper communication between the martyred person and his superiors which also is unfortunate of course.

Now while this man is undoubtedly brave he himself is not the main point of discussion and frustration among people worldwide. Over the past few months me and you have talked about the lack of any meaningful response by the resistance and each time you brought up several points which were acceptable to me and sufficient enough for the time being and it seemed to tick all the boxes. But this doubt about the sincerity of resistance forces is coming back..what better case we have now before our eyes than the solo struggle of Hamas?

Like i said before here in this thread while the weapons delivery and training is admirable the lack of a coordinated and united response is more damaging to the resistance than it does any good. It does not make sense for one brother of the resistance (Hamas) to receive all the blows in the ring while the other brothers are just standing on the sidelines providing lip service and a shoulder massage and a water bottle once in a while. The spirit of resistance has always been unity and a common fight but what we are witnessing is a poor one-man show by one member trying its best to stay alive.

Hezbollah and others will lose a lot of respect if they do not join this fight at least on a very limited scale. The psychological and material damage that is going to take place and the issue of a second front will deliver an unprecedented blow to the enemy. IMO this is a golden chance and should be picked up as soon as possible.
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Hopefully it's a unifying voice in the long run.
In all honesty, a joint military force is needed to be sent to Gaza and West Bank to counter Israeli's this 70+ conflict has gone on for far to long, and the West is more to blame than the Israeli's at this point.
Yeah normally I say social media is cancer but I will make an exception here.

Increasing awareness of Gaza atrocities is correct use of social media
Facebook (and Instagram ) are already suppressing muslim and non-muslim
Bloggers supporting Palestinians - giving no reason and just suppressing views along with blocking accounts.
Its the best time to UNITE...
Never - never going to happen until muslims change their character, even if it is 50.00001%.
Lanat on Muslims Leaders if on Eid a day meant for celebration , Israel can kill Muslims in Holy mosque

What is the point of Egyptian Army ?
What is the point of Turkish Army ?
What is the point of Iranian Army ?
Pakistan is geographically far but still where is our Stance ?

Just to fight each other clearly they can't see the enemy in front called Israel

Beloved King of Jordan visits Israel , and in his fantastic French Language give out a fantastic speech about Modernization of Islam ?

When Syria was burning , Qater / UAE / Saudia were pointing towards Yamen ?

Let us see where they will point now ?

he who dares wins
The Zionists are taking this very personally. It is a shock and awe moment. As long as the Palestinians continue to mount rocket attacks against their cities, Netanyahu and his Zionist scum brigade will feel the pressure. It will be a loss for Israel if a ceasefire happened. This despite Palestinian losses. This is not the old Palestine and Hamas that would throw with rocks. A sea change.

Israel, the US and European powers are finding out that things have drastically changed.
From European media reports its seems the Israeli government is most concerned about the conflict between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs while the fighting with Hamas is going on. As I noted in my posts yesterday....hard to fight an external threat when you are fighting internally. This was an aspect of the conflict missing in previous wars. Time to flip the script. The Zionists have plotted sectarian rifts in MENA (using the Americans as their hammer). Time we do the same.
When people cannot refute the message they resort to attacking the messenger. Same thing happened to our Prophet PBUH.

Here is the Munafiq Sheikh with his "Sunnah" beard... Snakes in Muslim clothing

He is evil. If he has a Muslim blood, let alone being an Muslim scholar, he wouldn't be cursing the only Muslims defending Gaza.
From European media reports its seems the Israeli government is most concerned about the conflict between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs while the fighting with Hamas is going on. As I noted in my posts yesterday....hard to fight an external threat when you are fighting internally. This was an aspect of the conflict missing in previous wars. Time to flip the script. The Zionists have plotted sectarian rifts in MENA (using the Americans as their hammer). Time we do the same.

If they were worried about that, maybe they should've stopped their settler animals from invading the homes of Palestinians then.
Israel has no strategic depth so if Hamas/HZ fires first, they will have first movers advantage. Airbases and missile depot will be the first target of HZ to knock out their ability to retaliate right from the start. They have studied IDF behavior extensively for decades as well as US shock and awe in Iraq. HZ has enough missiles to overwhelm all Iron Domes simultaneously should they decide to go that route. A barrage like that would involve thousands of missiles over the course of an hour or two and would be unlike anything I have ever witnessed in my lifetime but that is what it will take to bring Iron Dome to its knees so the real targets can be hit while AD is knocked out. Either that or HZ could use missiles that are simply too fast for ID to intercept. HZ has some of those, but I am not sure how many.
As long as IDF Airforce and subs are available second strike capability remains. Taking out Air force along with land targets is easy but subs is not.

Israel will fire a Nuclear weapon on Turkey as first strike.
Time out.


"I never had to worry about incoming rockets before. Now I have to lie down on the floor and pray the rocket doesn't land."
I think you are confused Salar Jan. The tweet is about a Hezbollahi member crossing the border and my question was ''where is Hezbollah's response'' to the martyrdom of one of its members? Are you suggesting that Hezbollah sent him on a dangerous one-man mission? If that is the case that is very unfortunate and careless. If he went on his own and got martyred then there is no proper communication between the martyred person and his superiors which also is unfortunate of course.

Now while this man is undoubtedly brave he himself is not the main point of discussion and frustration among people worldwide. Over the past few months me and you have talked about the lack of any meaningful response by the resistance and each time you brought up several points which were acceptable to me and sufficient enough for the time being and it seemed to tick all the boxes. But this doubt about the sincerity of resistance forces is coming back..what better case we have now before our eyes than the solo struggle of Hamas?

Like i said before here in this thread while the weapons delivery and training is admirable the lack of a coordinated and united response is more damaging to the resistance than it does any good. It does not make sense for one brother of the resistance (Hamas) to receive all the blows in the ring while the other brothers are just standing on the sidelines providing lip service and a shoulder massage and a water bottle once in a while. The spirit of resistance has always been unity and a common fight but what we are witnessing is a poor one-man show by one member trying its best to stay alive.

Hezbollah and others will lose a lot of respect if they do not join this fight at least on a very limited scale. The psychological and material damage that is going to take place and the issue of a second front will deliver an unprecedented blow to the enemy. IMO this is a golden chance and should be picked up as soon as possible.

I think you have it mixed up.

Their were small protests on the lebeanese Israeli border in the morning. He cut and crossed the fence and was shot by Israeli border guards. He was in civilian clothing and unarmed just like any other protestor. It turned out he was a member of Hezbollah.

Apparently they are saying their was an attempt on penetrating the village at night as retaliation
As long as IDF Airforce and subs are available second strike capability remains. Taking out Air force along with land targets is easy but subs is not.

Israel will fire a Nuclear weapon on Turkey as first strike.
Turks have use of 100 nukes as being part of NATO

Its will take couple to wipe out 8 million Jews...

I would suggest that don't even go there in your dreams
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