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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It is a trick, they want Hamas to lay low and do another massive strike tonight. Yesterday they calmed down for two hours and suddenly did 120 airstrikes in northern Gaza. During this strikes they tried targeting a Hamas military commander but he survived.

Feels like the calm before the storm
This is more Zionist psy ops. Hamas is very well aware of these tactics. Ordinary people get fooled
Do not be surprised if there is a sudden ceasefire within 48-72 hours. This is the same game the Israelis-Egyptians and Jordanians are playing for the last decades.
We equate economic prowess to fighting capabilities. Without realizing, that standing up against oppression with be supported by the "Bank of Allah" an not the World Bank.
Prophet SAW had swords and not the luxury bed.there is message for us muslims but we have strayed so far from our path that we have bowed down to zionists!
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Do not be surprised if there is a sudden ceasefire within 48-72 hours. This is the same game the Israelis-Egyptians and Jordanians are playing for the last decades.

That ceasefire itself could be a trap so Hamas shouldn't fall for it

Can you believe a few days ago people thought there would be a ceasefire by Eid lol

Eid turned out to be the most brutal day in Gaza
Do not be surprised if there is a sudden ceasefire within 48-72 hours. This is the same game the Israelis-Egyptians and Jordanians are playing for the last decades.
I don’t believe it that Hamas is looking to cease fire unless all its demands are met. And the Israelis refuse to stop settler expansion in Jerusalem . They bomb Gaza hard looking to force Hamas into concessions.
Not OIC... That is just a Western stooge controlled Zionist Hindutva appeasing committee. They gave Modi the Butcher of Muslims a welcome.

What we need is a new organization made-up of Muslims with Guts like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghan (Taliban), Malaysia, and another brave Muslims with a Muslim Force and Sanctions like NATO.
Iran, Afghanistan don't have a standing Military force,ignoring IRGC or Current Afghistani Army is nothing but a shell to SUCK US dollars.
Malaysian has less than 100K soldiers so in reality, it is a really small force besides doing peacekeeping jobs that far from home won't be able to do much.
KSA has the best weapons but we already know where they stand at the position of KSA Military and other neighbors. Egypt has the numbers but the majority of its military is just too outdated in actual combat and will take a lot of damage if ISRAEL goes aggressive as they the closest.

Turkey & Pakistan are the only 2 real Combat forces that can go head to head against ISRAEL in anyways, Yes ISRAEL has better Aircraft than Pakistan but Pakistan has numbers but the Biggest issue is Pakistan cant put a lot of its assets against ISRAEL as they need to keep balance against India and some deterrence for Afghanistan ( TTP and other groups )
Guys, Hamas is not afraid of Israel or ground invasion, they want conditions to be accepted, and ceasefire can be reached. Israel must end expulsions of Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem and must end incurions of Al-Aqsa mosque. No unconditional ceasefire will be accepted in my opinion.

Israel is looking for unconditional ceasefire. Palestinian sources reporting ceasefire talk efforts have failed once again.

Israeli's just struck another home and are continuing naval shelling. Photo of damage from Palestinian rocket in Sderot:

For single country like Pakistan it is a huge task but with a combined COALITION backed by OIC its do able since Pakistan has always been one of the biggest supporters in terms of the number itself. And I don't think many if asked from Pakistani armed forces happy to go to aid the brothers but it must be a united task taken by OIC and IMCTC has already been created by the problem is its a puppet and show thing created to appease and actually holds no power
OIC is useless entity in my opinion...I sincerely hope somewhere someone is thinking about creating a THINK TANK comprised of few Islamic Countries with the salient features of the Policy should be something like this (in my dreams BTW):

1. There will be no compromise in providing an unabated support militarily, financially, and humanitarian to ANY muslim country attacked by any non-Muslim Country

2. All natural resources assets of the member Countries and other Muslim Countries shall be protected at ALL costs.

3. Major focus shall be given to promote scientific education therefore to catch and then compete with the advancement of non Muslim Countries in the world.

4. Where ever and whenever possible new trade ventures shall be envisioned and established between the muslim countries.

5. A close check on subversive activities shall be carried out at all times from a non member country or countries to undermine the current and future projects.

6. A special group of top intellectuals is created whose sole purpose is to provide inputs on research in the fields of education and innovation. Note this group is also facilitated by top Islamic research scholars so that benefit from Islamic knowledge is utilized.

I can go on and on but you get the picture...
That ceasefire itself could be a trap so Hamas shouldn't fall for it
Everyday that passes with Israeli infrastructure getting hit the anxiety level of the Zionists increases. Hamas performed much better than the previous rounds so that came as a shock. Also Israelis are fine with this kind of conflict.. every 10 years a single 1 week conflict and life goes back to normal. They are just extending their time.
Guys, Hamas is not afraid of Israel or ground invasion, they want conditions to be accepted, and ceasefire can be reached. Israel must end expulsions of Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem and must end incurions of Al-Aqsa mosque. No unconditional ceasefire will be accepted in my opinion.

Israel is looking for unconditional ceasefire. Palestinian sources reporting ceasefire talk efforts have failed once again.

Israeli's just struck another home and are continuing naval shelling. Photo of damage from Palestinian rocket in Sderot:

I believe this as well. And the Israelis show no indications of stopping expansion. They are instead trying to break the will of Hamas to force them to give concessions. They must not surrender
Guys, Hamas is not afraid of Israel or ground invasion, they want conditions to be accepted, and ceasefire can be reached. Israel must end expulsions of Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem and must end incurions of Al-Aqsa mosque. No unconditional ceasefire will be accepted in my opinion.

Israel is looking for unconditional ceasefire. Palestinian sources reporting ceasefire talk efforts have failed once again.

Israeli's just struck another home and are continuing naval shelling. Photo of damage from Palestinian rocket in Sderot:


I mean at this point Hamas has nothing to lose by rejecting ceasefire. This is what Hamas was made for, they have like 10-15K rockets left and there is no way Israel can get rid of those without a messy ground invasion. Airstrikes alone will not get rid of those rockets, this should be obvious to everyone by now. Gaza is in ruins, Hamas has nothing to lose by causing as much damage as they can. Literally all Hamas needs is rockets and people to launch them and they have plenty of both.

Also it should be noted that the longer this war goes on, the more it escalates and every day, chances increase of HZ getting involved, the longer it goes on, it is only a matter of time at this point.

Israel's biggest fear is trying to get a ceasefire before HZ decides to join. Time is on Hamas' side, they need to drag it out as long as they can so it can escalate to the point where HZ has to enter.

It would be better if the new govt forced out Netanyahu before completing 28 days of the govt transition period. In 28 days he will destroy all major cities. He is one crazy person, who kept on stealing Palestinian land and homes. Otherwise, Israel has no future, because now hate is so deep , deeper then before.

My blood is boiling so bad right now. Fucking Zionist scum.
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