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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I concur, this is one of many chances muslims had and we should utilize it to the most. An Islamic Military coalition force is the need for the time similar to NATO.
For single country like Pakistan it is a huge task but with a combined COALITION backed by OIC its do able since Pakistan has always been one of the biggest supporters in terms of the number itself. And I don't think many if asked from Pakistani armed forces happy to go to aid the brothers but it must be a united task taken by OIC and IMCTC has already been created by the problem is its a puppet and show thing created to appease and actually holds no power
No offence you lot are the dumb baskets. Why would you castrate your own country for good for nothing Palis who are no even your neighbours or your ethnic group? Learn a lesson from Turks. See how they do business with Israel, America, Europe and then Erdogan does a act on media. He comes across as the ghazi of Islam. What have you lot got out of it? Most of Muslim world vilifies you. In Pakistan Shia's are murdered for being Shia.

With regards to cheap gas how can Pakistan import it? One look in that direction and IMF, WB, Saudi's will squeeze our testicles so tight you will hear our screams on top of Mount Demavand.

How I wish the Shah was still in power. Think of all that cheap gas, oil and Iranian made cars pouring across the Taftan border with agri products going in reverse direction. We could easily have had $20 billion trade going.

And together with the Imperial Iranian Army/Pak Army Baloch insurgency would have been wipe out. But instead you guys went revolutionary and placed the beards in power.

Alas ...
Man that's funny. You can always come to damavand to scream😂
Nethanyu did something no Daw'ah could have achieved.. You know what that is he facilitated the fall of the current liberals and secularists that dominate the muslim world and brought back unity plus created billions of hardliners...

Even Ibliss is somewhere today screaming how did this happen.... All of our project has been lost because of this fool.. Yes indeed.. The biggest winners of this are the hardliners in every country.. :coffee:

I hope so... But I am still doubtful... We still need more of a wake-up call before w en all the infighting BS!
More rockets now on Ashkelon:
This israeli women is representative of her kind

This shows you exactly why these peole could never form a country in Europe and had to go to the middle east. After they couldn't get along along with their European neighbours and faced armed troops, they basically just did this. So you can see how enraged they are whenever they see the bravery of the people they occupy.

it drives them mad with rage that there are people out there with dignity. Thats why they shoot unarmed people and kids.

New government surely would include Netanyahu, and would include only right wing parties.

You have no government, you heave the international cabal of elders.
For single country like Pakistan it is a huge task but with a combined COALITION backed by OIC its do able since Pakistan has always been one of the biggest supporters in terms of the number itself. And I don't think many if asked from Pakistani armed forces happy to go to aid the brothers but it must be a united task taken by OIC and IMCTC has already been created by the problem is its a puppet and show thing created to appease and actually holds no power

Not OIC... That is just a Western stooge controlled Zionist Hindutva appeasing committee. They gave Modi the Butcher of Muslims a welcome.

What we need is a new organization made-up of Muslims with Guts like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghan (Taliban), Malaysia, and another brave Muslims with a Muslim Force and Sanctions like NATO.
For house to house combat you need AK-47S

The afghans have defeated two superpowers with it... Not cruise missiles and advanced jets
Afghanistan is completely different to Palestine. The Northern Alliance never went into the IEA mountain strongholds.
What role exactly is Pakistan playing to help Palestinians?
Pakistan is in the front followed by Saudia Arabia. My guess is Gen Raheel Sharif and the Islamic Alliance force is being deployed .... soon.
Pakistan assures Saudi Arabia of 'unequivocal support' for Palestinian cause

Foreign ministers of both countries agree to continue close consultations and coordination on evolving situation

That Lebanese who was killed is a confirmed HZ member

HZ stepping into this conflict alone will be enough to end it and force Israel to surrender unconditionally.

They have hundreds of thousands of rockets, essentially unlimited.
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