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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Sderot rocket hit, no one was there at the time but did some damage:
When you also pick up a gun and volunteer.... By you I mean all of us armchair generals and cowards too afraid to put their lives in harm's way...

Our forces are present right behind Israel in Golan heights. I am of no use at the moment, otherwise i would be more than happy to pick up a gun and kill Israelis.

Erdogan is a talker bro, he cannot act against NATO interests.

Btw, My apoligies if it triggered you.
They didn't promise anything, but based on pattern over past few nights the Palestinian factions direct large barrages after 9:00 pm, maybe for security related reasons(harder for collaborators to collect intelligence and so forth). 45 minutes from now....
Can you explain what that war criminal meant by all out removed? Are they planning to just kill or expel millions of Palestinians?
TBH this is the best time of Muslim Countries to take at least a stand use the Newly created IMCTC ( Islamic military CT Coalition ) and deploy some few hundred troops since its a Coalition it will be taken as a Step from the whole Muslim block and no country will step out of it.
I concur, this is one of many chances muslims had and we should utilize it to the most. An Islamic Military coalition force is the need for the time similar to NATO.
If we don't help our oppressed brothers, we will be crushed too..

Being neutral, making excuses, making "peace treaties" with enemy while they bomb our cities, kill our women and children.

It's a matter of time Allah will replace us with better muslims who will not show any fear when confronting the enemy.


The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

Ref: Sunan Abi Dawud 4297
I love how all the Israelis said every day for last few days that IDF had destroyed all launchers and tunnels and 9PM the same night, Hamas hits Tel Aviv and everyone acts surprised like no one could have seen this coming, and then after airstrikes these Israeli fools say the exact same thing the next day. This has been ongoing for like last 3 days/nights straight.

Hamas has like 10-15K rockets and IDF did not eliminate all of those last night. Hamas Metro is still very much alive under urban corridors of Gaza and unless they light up every building in Gaza, most of those rockets are still there.

Israelis are so f***** stupid, I saw so many of them on Twitter who were genuinely surprised and scared that Hamas can still launch rockets after all the airstrikes.

Every day there is a new piece of fake news about a ceasefire
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Our forces are present right behind Israel in Golan heights. I am of no use at the moment, otherwise i would be more than happy to pick up a gun and kill Israelis.

Erdogan is a talker bro, he cannot act against NATO interests.

Btw, My apoligies if it triggered you.

My comment wasn't targeted at you but the pathetic plight of all the Muslims... Which doesn't exclude me.

Turkey, Iran are perhaps the only two showing some guts here. Imran Khan of Pakistan needs to do more. He is too worried about IMF and world bank sanctions....
A few dozen Lebanese protestors getting near Israeli border in the north. Three injured by Israeli gunfire.

Two more homes/buildings were hit by rockets on Sderot. Iron Dome is not intercepting enough rockets anymore. More are getting through.

Can you explain what that war criminal meant by all out removed? Are they planning to just kill or expel millions of Palestinians?

They want to expel Palestinians from Jerusalem to declare all of Jerusalem as Israeli capital ....
Nethanyu did something no Daw'ah could have achieved.. You know what he facilitated the fall of the current liberals and secularists that dominate the muslim world and brought back unity plus created billions of hardliners...

Even Ibliss is somewhere today screaming how did this happen.... All of our project has been lost because of this fool.. Yes indeed.. The biggest winners of this are the hardliners in every country.. :coffee:
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