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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There are no such thing in China... If it exists it would be laughable what like 8 mio uighurs vs 1.4 billion:lol: According to Islam it is rebelion in China is forbidden.. it is equal to one guy against the ocean.. If outnumbered to such an extent you retreat from that area which is what uighurs they leave china whenever they want

Correct, similar like Tatar or Checnya better to stay within Russia. Checnya how ever can be very Islamic under Russia, I salute Putin to let them exercise Islam into the fullest within Christian Russia.

Actually the reason of Xi Jin Ping hard measure to Uigyur is due to some terrorist act which is linked to freedom movement of Uigur to set up new nation.

Xi Jin Ping now punish Uigyur for such act, and this is actually due to some stupid Uigyur believe in ISIS agenda and launch terrorist act across China
Not entered Gaza Strip: Israeli army contradicts earlier statement

JERUSALEM 14 MAY 2021 04:02 IST
UPDATED: 14 MAY 2021 14:01 IST

"Israeli planes and troops on the ground are carrying out an attack in the Gaza Strip," the army said in a brief message.

Hours after Israel said that it sent ground forces into action in Gaza in response to a new barrage of rocket fire from the Hamas-run enclave, the Israeli army issued a clarification contradicting it's earlier statement.

"Israeli planes and troops on the ground are carrying out an attack in the Gaza Strip," the Israeli army had said in a brief message on Friday. However, it later clarified that its troops had not entered the Gaza Strip as it had earlier stated, blaming an “internal communication” problem for the confusion.

Israel continued to bombarded Gaza with artillery and air strikes on Friday, as a part of an intensifying conflict that has now claimed 127 lives. Additionally, Israel security forces are scrambling to contain deadly riots between Jews and Arabs, with projectiles also fired on Israel from Lebanon.

U.S. reacts

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington was "deeply concerned about the violence in the streets of Israel", voicing support for a United Nations Security Council meeting "early next week" on the crisis.

"We believe that Israelis and Palestinians deserve equal measures of freedom, security, dignity and prosperity," Mr. Blinken said.

There were intense artillery exchanges Thursday night, and AFP reporters saw Israeli troops assembling at the security barrier.

Balls of flames rose high into the sky after strikes smashed into densely packed Gaza.

Dozens of rockets were fired from Gaza towards the southern Israeli coastal cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon, and in the vicinity of Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport.

"We are prepared, and continue to prepare for various scenarios," Mr. Conricus said, describing a ground offensive as "one scenario".

In Gaza, AFP photographers said people were evacuating their homes in the northeastern part of the enclave ahead of possible Israeli attacks, with Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, warning of a "heavy response" to a possible ground incursion.

'Massive reinforcement'
With the conflict showing no signs of easing, Israel has been rocked by an unprecedented wave of mob violence, in which both Arabs and Jews have been savagely beaten and police stations attacked.

Defence Minister Benny Gantz ordered a "massive reinforcement" to suppress the internal unrest.

The heavy bombardments coincided with the start of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, and saw the faithful pray at mosques and amid the rubble of Gaza's collapsed buildings.

Israel's air force launched multiple air strikes, targeting locations linked to Hamas, with the air force saying jets had struck a "military compound" of the group's "intelligence headquarters".

So, what happened to the Israeli ground invasion that you were happy about it because you thought your prophecies had come true and kept saying "I told you, I told you"? 😁
Have Israelis already invaded the Gaza Strip or should I go back to do my overdue tasks? 😋

On a side note, I told you that the ground invasion reports were fake. Israel was surprised by the firepower of Hamas and they needed more fire power to punish Palestinian civilians more. Typical terrorist tactics. They didn't actually send their troops in Gaza. Did they?
It's not a prophecy Astaghfirullah. It's kind of a repeat telecast.

Ground invasion or not (I don't even care if they do ground invasion tbh), they kill many times more Palestinians with missiles, air raids and lynchings in return, with no coward country coming to their help.

In our religion, value of the life of a Muslim is more important than anything of this world.

Tell me if I am wrong.
My position is always clear, Israel always use any Hamas military attack as pretext to launch massive massacre. This always happen.

Hamas alone cannot fight Israel, similar like I dont support Uigyur fredom fighters since it is not possible for them to win against China

You didn't get the point.
Correct, similar like Tatar or Checnya better to stay within Russia. Checnya how ever can be very Islamic under Russia, I salute Putin to let them exercise Islam into the fullest within Christian Russia.

Actually the reason of Xi Jin Ping hard measure to Uigyur is due to some terrorist act which is linked to freedom movement of Uigur to set up new nation.

Xi Jin Ping now punish Uigyur for such act, and this is actually due to some stupid Uigyur believe in ISIS agenda and launch terrorist act across China

These entities themselves had no political interest in China but it was some activists who wanted independence... While these extremists left china by themselves in the hundred thousands to Syria and other countries but it was the democratic activists who provoked china and still waging this western propaganda from foreign countries..It is entirely western propaganda..

Hijrah is an obligation the religious once have been leaving China in scores since 70s, 80s, 90s, 00, 10, 20, until today.. They have zero political interest in China while Hijrah is obligation for the.. Don't confuse them with democratic activists
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It's not a prophecy Astaghfirullah. It's kind of a repeat telecast.

Ground invasion or not (I didn't even care if they do ground invasion tbh), they kill many times more Palestinians with missiles, air raids and lynchings in return, with no coward country coming to their help.

Tell me if I am wrong.
Well, let's call it a prediction then. But it was kind of surprising that you were absolutely silent when Hamas was firing hundreds of missiles and then you appeared immediately after the reports of Israel launching a ground invasion. That was confusing.

It has always been the same when a weaker force resists against a stronger force. Israel with billions of foreign aids from countries like the US and Germany is obviously stronger than a small piece of land that is under siege by Israel and Egypt. It doesn't make what they are doing less admirable though.

People have to understand that if Gaza falls, Palestine will disappear completely. Israel will make life so hard for the remaining Arabs that they would voluntarily travel abroad to finish their ethnic cleansing project. The West Bank has already been reduced to a bunch of isolated scattered lands, most of which will disappear very soon when Israelis expand their settlements. The Gaza Strip is the only connected piece of land that remains of Palestine.

He will probably have to pretend for a long time to come.

godforbid if Muslims did the same Cnn,bbc,dws etc would fill the rivers with their tears and end the droughts!

if this is not a wake up call for Muslim world i dont know what is and if we dont unite now we deserve to become jews slave!

The Muslims and especially the Arab nations won't wake up. Just have a good look at the Arab nations surrounding Israel. Facing Israel is a far cry. These people don't even have the courage to speak up or take simple measures to obstruct Israel. Forget other non-Arab nations for a moment. The direct responsibility squarely falls on Arab nations.
Well, let's call it a prediction then. But it was kind of surprising that you were absolutely silent when Hamas was firing hundreds of missiles and then you appeared immediately after the reports of Israel launching a ground invasion. That was confusing.
I think you didn't see my posts.

I said, while I am happy seeing the response, but that happiness is always short-lived. Tell me if I am wrong.

And of course I will be vocal when I see my brothers/ sisters/ children getting killed.

I have always, and will always emphasize on something militarily planned. Rockets don;t make much of a difference, when the enemy has so many other things. Again tell me if I am wrong.

I am in favor of somehow (I don't know if it's possible though) taking all the families of Palestinians settled in other Muslim countries, and then making that whole land a warzone.. but that too once we are sure we can at least kill an equal (or even half) of Israeli soldiers, which is not the case now.. Tell me if you disagree.

What we are seeing is a rag tag militia up against an extremely cunning and fully supported enemy. which doesn't follow Geneva conventions or anything when they respond. They don't care if children die, mosque are blown up, women are raped.. Tell me if I am wrong if I want a coordinated response.

I will be very happy, if just one country.. just one.. comes to their help with full force.. whether it's Iran/ Pakistan/ KSA/ Turkey, Lebanon... any country... Rag tag militias haven't inflicted much damage in the past.

godforbid if Muslims did the same Cnn,bbc,dws etc would fill the rivers with their tears and end the droughts!

if this is not a wake up call for Muslim world i dont know what is and if we dont unite now we deserve to become jews slave!

There are also Muslim killing in Yemen by another Muslim and Muslim fight one another in Afghanistan. I am happy Libyan is now getting more sane.
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