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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hamas is doing something to make living in Ashkelon virtually impossible. Rocket barrage happening now
Returning the favour for what Israelis have done to them for decades.
Sir post the reference cause it seems like rocket barraging has stopped.
Oh lol you haven’t seen anything yet. Hezbollah on paper can do far better if they were involved. Hopefully soon
When? Hezbullah was conventiional engagement in 06'' and inflicted damage on the israeli troops but They don't come close to this
Sir post the reference cause it seems like rocket barraging has stopped.
what ???????????? are you joking with me ? did you see 2006 war results man ?

just look war results please
A few hundred Lebanese stopped an 10,000 unit armoured division... stopped a combined arms offensive right in its tracks......for those who are wondering.
One can make an incredible movie about them
Hamas is doing something to make living in Ashkelon virtually impossible. Rocket barrage happening now
Returning the favour for what Israelis have done to them for decades.

It is definitely something entirely new for the Israelis. Disrupting their lives at a minimum. I hear that sirens are also keeping Israeli families awake. Mobs are ruling the streets. This is definitely impacting the Israelis. Just imagine living in constant fear of rockets hitting at any moment. The sky being lit day and night.
Some one should help Hamas to arm their rockets with chemical or with biological war head, untill or unless Isreali terrorists will not suffer peaceful negotiations are not possible
what ???????????? are you joking with me ? did you see 2006 war results man ?

just look war results please

Repelling them after a month conflict it is something done before but it was nonetheless good deterence but taking it to them is higher..

Oh lol you haven’t seen anything yet. Hezbollah on paper can do far better if they were involved. Hopefully soon

I agree on paper they should be able to do better currently..
In 2014 when Israel was attacking Palestine where was the so called Caliphate/IS?? Where is it now??

Oh wait they only attacked Israel once, by mistake and apologized later on.

Why would they attack their own handler. Shows who Islamic State really worked for.
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So, what happened to the Israeli ground invasion that you were happy about it because you thought your prophecies had come true and kept saying "I told you, I told you"? 😁
Have Israelis already invaded the Gaza Strip or should I go back to do my overdue tasks? 😋

On a side note, I told you that the ground invasion reports were fake. Israel was surprised by the firepower of Hamas and they needed more fire power to punish Palestinian civilians more. Typical terrorist tactics. They didn't actually send their troops in Gaza. Did they?
In 2014 when Israel was attacking Palestine where was the so called Caliphate/IS?? Where is it now??

Oh wait they only attacked Israel once, by mistake and apologized later on.

Why would they attack their own handler. Shows who Islamic State really worked for.
Islamic Chaliphate wannabe first target is to unite All Muslim nations under one banner, so one thing they want to do is to make wars with nearest Muslim country in the world so they can unite Muslim world under one country but will kill 100 million Muslim in the process....:D

They have always have pessimistic view about democracy because Al-Qaeda and ISIS leaders always emerge from Autoritarian Muslim states/failed states,

The real future Chaliphate stated by prophet Muhammad IMO is actually Muslim Nato where Muslim nation states makes a military alliance where one prominent figure (leader of one Muslim country) may act as the leader similar like any US President become a leader within NATO alliance.

Will you be killed or killer?
Will you be killed or killer?

My position is always clear, Israel always use any Hamas military attack as pretext to launch massive massacre. This always happen.

Hamas alone cannot fight Israel, similar like I dont support Uigyur fredom fighters since it is not possible for them to win against China
If anyone still doubts what Israel's strategy is:

Destroying as much as real estate as possible as collective punishment and to put pressure on Hamas.

Israel To US: We Won’t Stop Strikes

TEL AVIV: Israel has told Washington that it won’t yield to American or other pressure to reach a cease fire with Hamas in Gaza in the face of the fiercest fighting since 2014.

The atmosphere is clearly not conducive to negotiation especially with the news late today that Israeli ground troops are moving into Gaza. “This time Hamas will pay the full price for its actions. Gaza will have to perform huge reconstruction work to fix the heavy damage caused by Israel since the fighting began,” a defense source told BD today.

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