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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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You don't have to be pious to care about the suffering of your fellow human being.

You have to be human.
The issue is not caring. That is ingrained and is humanity. However this is about Islamic obligation and duty to other oprressed Muslims. This is right now relevant. What are the pious doing beyond what rest of humans 'care'.
So why is not rest of the pious and god fearing not right now going off to fight the occupier instead of ranting on PDF? That includes countries and individual Muslims. After all we live in 2021. I can even provide a map where to go to help your fellow Muslims. Please see below. To make it easy I have even drawn easiest routes. One is from Europe for any pious believers. @Azadkashmir you paying attention boy?

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I get a feeling @Zarvan has already gone. I am, hoping he logs in and gives us feedback. And for those of you who try pointing fingers at me. No, no, no. I am not religious, I don't give a flying frigg about Palestinians truth be told. So cut me out. I am just a no good lapsed Muslim who will go to hell. But my concern is with the pious here. The ones who wear Islam on their sleeves.

indus cut the bull shit you speak language of the enemy. my take is simple throw ot bank print our own currency and barter trade with friendly countries. accepting israel wont get you anything except applause from master colonist. laqat ali refused, sultan hamid refused, many anti colonist refused why, they could have accepted and eat nicer meal but they didn't. some principles have no price.
It’s possible IRGC will make a move from Syria , against the wishes of the Iranian president and government especially if Hezbollah refuses to get themselves involved. IRGC cannot force them to fight and die while Iranians can drink tea in comfort in Tehran. Either we fight together directly or not at all.

Groups in Syria and Iraq may make moves in my bet. Many pro-Assad Syrians hate Israelis anyway
From what you're saying, my deduction is that Houthis are in the best position to hit ISrael...it seems so.
Massive casualties in Gaza, dozens have been killed in last few hours.

Death toll in the morning will be horrific

Ya Allah, punish those who massacre innocents on the blessed day of Eid with thunder and lightning.

I have made duaa for Hezbollah to join the war and I encourage you all to do the same

If you have even an ounce of Islam in your veins, please make this duaa
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