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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There is no ground invasion as per aljazeera
Israeli artillery shells continue hitting northern, southern and eastern Gaza.
As expected, they are not going to leave it all to iron dome.... perhaps this was the objective of hamas handlers.
I see, but you are deleting those posts who are debunking the off topic posts!
Not just me, other mods are at work as well... and we are all doing our job.

But your posts were not on topic as well.

Just share the news of what's happening, and what could be done to help our brothers there.

No need to bring sectarian angle, hateful speech etc, while others are sharing the recent reports. Don't make this thread a place of refuge of political/ sectarian bigots. Thanks.
These Muslims scared out of their mind that Palestinians are fighting back, and at same time begging Allah to send the Mahdi, LOL....

What you think the Mahdi can do?? You are aware of the major sacrifices and fighting that will need to happen when he come?? What's the point of God sending him if there is no men??
Yeah.....quite a coincidence that they threw stun grenades' into Al-Asqa mosque....It's not beyond the possibility that this was escalated on purpose to provoke a Gaza response.

Like Gaza was ever ready with their missile batteries right from middle of civilian infrastructure. I don't buy it.
This is 100% fake, verify information before you post.
News can be fake, but few hundred dollar rockets is not a doubt making defense bill exceeding. Single missile average cost is 1 million bucks. If they launch few rockets in the air, they don't harm anyone, but they are making Iron dome restless. On a strategic point of view, whoever trained them, trained them very well and develop the strategy and transfer gyroscopic technology. And we all know who did that.
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So you support Hamas now? Typical anti-Semite.
can the mods remove this troll????? @PakSword this dude is trolling and provoking people, can u pls take care of him as u said u would for people distracting from the topic? pls!
Just share the news of what's happening, and what could be done to help our brothers there.
That's the problem... anything that doesn't support militancy of Hamas is considered off topic. Hamas is not my brethren, they have engineered killing of Palestinians, they are thugs among Palestinians even in times when they are not firing rockets.
They are deplorable bunch... and their masters are sitting out of Palestine.
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