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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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here is a souvenir to keep.............
That's right. It has legitimate reasons to not want to that you conveniently ignore. Powers much smarter than all of us have been trying to figure out the solution to this problem and haven't been able to come up with anything. What makes you think that allowing weapons to the border will help the situation or create a regional war that no one wants? You have a decent proposition that most of you give, but what eludes you is the terrible consequences that follow that need to be avoided at 100%.
Powers much smarter than us? Like who? The United States? The United Kingdom? France? Do you seriously think that people who established Israel will help resolve the issue now? Really? I'm speechless.

Don't just think of what needs to be done immediately by Egypt or the Arabs that involves weapons introduced to Hamas just to watch more fireworks and a few Isrealis killed compared to the 40+ Palestinians, but also the full picture of the cause and effect and the aftermath that would bring total destruction to the entire area. Most of you are just happy to bash the Arabs (especially Egypt and you're entitled to) but you certainly are missing the the full picture of what happens once full bore war breaks out in the region. This isn't GTA or of what that other video game is called. This is the lives of millions of people at stake.
This argument has been answered before. Powerful weapons translate into deterrence. Deterrence saves lives. Just because your country has sold her honor to Israel and the United States for money, doesn't mean that these weapons are useless or we should stop arming Palestinians. Israel has been committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians for 7 decades, long before Palestinians were armed with rockets and missiles. Long before the 1979 revolution in Iran.
I am not bashing Egypt. I am stating a simple fact that your country is helping Israel impose a blockade on Palestinians. How is that bashing Egypt? I am not blaming Egyptians for this. We all witnessed how the Arab spring was silenced in Egypt.

There are plenty of ways. The only problem is it takes time to coordinate these efforts. Expel US ambassadors from all the Arab states until they put enough pressure on Israel to stop not only the firing, but also the home invasions. Cut all relations with the US in any form and suffer some consequences but tell them we will not deal with you in any efforts to help you get to Iraq, to use Egypt as a platform to deal with any spying entity etc. Get rid of the $1.3 billion in military aid and tell them we will happily rejoin you if you make Israel stop all the crimes it's commiting.
That's wishful thinking. Your Arab brothers like the UAE have even refused to call their ambassadors from Israel. The Emirates has an ambassador in Israel right now that Gazans are being bombed. The least they can do is to call their ambassador and threaten to sever their ties with Israel. If you think that you can expel the US ambassador and the US will give in and accept your condition, you're beyond delusional.
The USA will outright reject all your conditions and will put pressure on you until you regret it and capitulate (which won't take long considering the mentality you're showing now). You have no leverage against the USA. Egypt herself receives aids from the US.

Saudi Arabia, (I dislike speaking for other nations) but they have a huge investments in the US and actually hold much more clout than Egypt. If they can afford to cut ties with the US and still be able to keep their F-15s flying without US support, they could do that immediately. The UAE is a harder bugger to convince since they just bought $23 billion worth of equipment from the US and opened relations with Israel and for them to give all that up (even temporarily,) that might be one of the most effective yet difficult pressures put on the US. Biden will come right out and put Israel in its place if he fails to do something about that and lose his credibility and probably the next election to Trump. Jordan has already warned Israel not to involve itself. All this takes weeks to put together but it can be done and is the diplomatic way to do it. Whether Israel succumbs to Biden or not is another story since he's already said today "Israel has the right to defend itself. Those are the things that need to be done.
Saudi Arabia is a similar story as well. Saudi Arabia cannot demand anything from the US. What can Saudi Arabia do if tomorrow the United States seizes and freezes all Saudi Arabian assets? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Iran in 1980 was way more powerful than most Arab countries combined and yet we could do nothing when the United States seized 2 trillion dollars of our money after the embassy crisis. Saudi Arabia insisted on being present in the JCPOA talks, and the US didn't even bother to take them seriously.

Here's a fact: You need the United States. You follow what the US dictates. But it doesn't go the other way around. I'm not bashing you, I'm just telling you the truth. You cannot demand anything from the US, particularly when it comes to the security and integrity of Israel.
Israeli terrorists bombed Iranian proxy’s and assets in Syria and no whisper from Russia or Tehran. so it’s not just the Arabs alone who failed to respond
Iranianias should stop their propaganda and stop claiming this Palestinian victory is theirs. Because no weapon we've seen thrown on the zionists was made in or by Iran.
Its All made by Palestinian hands inside and below Gaza.
The enemy of Allah Sisi made sure nothing goes in. Nothing !!!
So tone it down !
This is a PURE Palestinian victory !
Some where on this thread is a Hamas official saying how the Iranians and gen. Solemni helped them.
LOL look who is here. The warmonger.

Al salam alikum Dalit. Did you get the chance to see the translated version of that 2017 post by al sajwani ? if you did , do you have any insight or opinion to share
Dear Egyptian friend.. you and i have different POV. Let's just cease the argument it will lead to nowhere. We can agree on one thing though. The Palestinian people need to be helped. How we do that.. our opinions differ.

And... i do not know what routes the IRGC uses but it will not be revealed to the public.

BTW.. Nasser would have disagreed with you.

Agreed on both points. The only thing I will say is Gamal Abdel Nasser's time was MUCH different. He was partnered solely with Russia as its super ally. I also hold him accountable for 1967 disaster that has entirely changed the geopolitical position today. Heroes of the past cannot be be used to compare the realities on the ground today.
This forum was so much better when he was gone. Now he's going to flood every thread with disinformation and article taken from shady sources

I hope he disappears soon and never returns.
Iranian source

Hezbollah sent a message using one of the palestinian militias in southern lebanon, the rocket fire is a warning against a ground invasion

@krash terrorists have activated Pakistan wing to flood this forum with misinformation, please keep an eye on them.
"...As I sit here typing by a window in Jerusalem, many seem to believe that Israel is attacking Muslim worshippers at prayer and ethnically cleansing the Arab population of this city, which is more than a third of our population and growing...

"In the spirit of 2021, exciting video clips are ripped from their context here and injected into ideological circulatory systems to prove whatever needs to be proved. Explosions in the Al-Aqsa Mosque could mean that Israeli police are firing tear gas inside, desecrating the holy site, or that Muslim rioters are shooting off the stores of fireworks they hoarded inside to use against the police, desecrating the holy site. An Israeli driver hitting a Palestinian man near Lions’ Gate on Monday might be attempted murder, or a driver losing control of his car while escaping Palestinians who were trying to kill him. A video of Israelis dancing at the Western Wall as a fire burns on the Temple Mount is evidence of satanic intent, or of the coincidence that the annual Jerusalem Day celebrations at the wall were going on at the same time that one of the firecrackers set off by Palestinian rioters ignited a tree in the mosque compound above.

"The subtleties seem beside the point -"

You are total ignorant. There never was any unconditional support of Israel the West. Not a single Western soldier ever fought for Israel. In 1948 war there was no Western support of Israel at all. On contrary, Britain supported and armed Jordanians who attacked Israel.
Why do you keep jumping up and down when you're presented with facts?

You owe the very establishment of your fake country to the UN Security Council. The US has vetoed probably more UNSC resolutions against Israel than all the resolutions vetoed by the other permanent members combined.

But as I said earlier, rhetoric is not useful when there's an ongoing war. Enjoy the war. Why don't you? I thought you said that Israel could invade both Lebanon and Gaza in a week? You said that Hamas rockets fell in Gaza and killed only Arab-Israelis? Then there should be no worries. Go ahead with your ground invasion plan. We both will be here and discuss the results.
Al salam alikum Dalit. Did you get the chance to see the translated version of that 2017 post by al sajwani ? if you did , do you have any insight or opinion to share

WS. That Zionist doesn't impress me with his selective BS. His nation is killing and stealing Palestinian land as we speak and I am supposed to take his Hamas propaganda seriously.
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