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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Never attacked not because out of your good intensions but because of the absolute response guaranteed by Pakistan.
First of all thanks for admitting that your friend posted silly conspiracy here.
Secondly Israel never attacked anyone first. Only responds. Current conflict is no exception.

The only reason that Muslims haven't turned Israel into dust yet is because of the US and Western hegemony that blindly and unconditionally support you (mostly because they don't want you back in Europe probably). Once it's gone, and demographics don't help you here, you will be left with over a billion Middle Easterners and Muslims that hate you with a passion. You can only cry for Messiah to come and save you at that point. The cycle of reproduction and extermination is bound to repeat itself apparently.

The day that you have to clean the shoes of Palestinians to stay in Palestine is not that far. You will probably remain alive to see it, provided that you don't get killed in the war. It's either that, or getting thrown in the sea. Hopefully you can make it back to Poland if you guys are good at swimming and continue to hold your Polish passports.

I'm a student. Hopefully, when I return to Iran, I will spread anti-Zionism more effectively than before because I have learned a lot more about Zionism here.
You are total ignorant. There never was any unconditional support of Israel the West. Not a single Western soldier ever fought for Israel. In 1948 war there was no Western support of Israel at all. On contrary, Britain supported and armed Jordanians who attacked Israel.
Iranianias should stop their propaganda and stop claiming this Palestinian victory is theirs. Because no weapon we've seen thrown on the zionists was made in or by Iran.
Its All made by Palestinian hands inside and below Gaza.
The enemy of Allah Sisi made sure nothing goes in. Nothing !!!
So tone it down !
This is a PURE Palestinian victory !
Sure forum boy.. Let's take a look at what Hamas and other resistance officials themselves say.

Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader, recognizes Iran as the primary supporter of Hamas

So shoo away, take your anti-iran and resistance hate to somewhere where the sun does not shine.
And the reason why Iranians are following this conflict is because WE ARE INVOLVED.
With all respect dear friend those are very weak arguments.You can have your fight against the Islamic state but be in coordination with Hamas and plan with them about weapons delivery,passage etc. Egypt is not doing this because it is afraid of Israel and the US. We both know this and please i am not saying this to bash Egypt.. it is a wonderful nation but the government there is a puppet of the West.

Call it what you want, weal arguments, afraid of Israel of whatever but just remember, much more qualified people are making the decisions and not you of I or all of us here making out points and opinions. Sure we are afraid of the US. So isn't Iran please let's be realistic and not talk macho for the sake of scoring points. The missile launches at the US sites in Saudi was the only retaliation Iran made and that is commendable even though there was no death toll whatsoever. But nothing from Iran towards Israel which has has its way with all Iranian & affiliated groups in Syria. Let's not delude ourselves. Israel and the US are about as powerful as can be and that is understood by all the powers to be. You want to call it "fright?" That's fine, I prefer to call it cautiousness and a look at other alternatives because the point is not to make matters worst by warfare, but to stop the conflict and create a solution that stops the removal of Palestinian homes. That's just me. War is the worst thing EVER and ask anyone who's been in one and they will tell you if they had to do it again, they would've found another solution.

BTW, you don't know how your weapons are getting to Ghaza and you can't offer any valid route. Trust me (even though I hate saying this) we moves hundreds of SAM-2 batteries to the border of the Suez Canal under the super watchful eyes of the Israelis yet when the war started, they had no idea how hundreds of their jets were being brought down. Those Iranian weapons are undoubtedly crossing the Egyptian/Israeli borders as hundreds of them were created but nor all wiped out. Show me any other way they can get into Ghaza.

  • Thursday, May 13, 2021
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Gaza War Theatre: We've seen this show before:

The Western media never learns from previous Gaza wars.

A large percentage of Gaza rockets fall in Gaza, and many Gazans are killed because of them. I've documented this for years. I've shown how Hamas' own videos show rockets falling short.

When a family is killed in Gaza, it is very rare that it is an IDF mistake. Most of the time it is because a terrorist operative is in the house - either because he is a member of the family, sometimes it seems because he is using them as human shields. Other times it is because of Hamas rockets falling short. Sometimes it is because the IDF targeted a legitimate target that had a larger cache of explosives than was thought and it caused far more collateral damage than expected.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad is hiding the names of most of those killed. While Hamas admitted that one of its senior leaders, Bassem Issa, was killed in an Israeli attack, they don't mention the names of the other people with him at the time who were also killed. They do this to make it look like a larger percentage of the dead are civilians - and they did it in previous wars, too.

Speaking of, the Gaza Health Ministry and the "human rights" NGOs in Gaza (PCHR and Al Mezan) downplay any mention of terrorist casualties and often call terrorists "civilians" when they report the circumstances of those who have died. (Amnesty's obscenely dishonest "Gaza Platform" with statistics from the 2014 war relied on PCHR's initial reports, and as a result it lists more "civilians" than even the UN does. They know they are lying, I've let them know enough times, and they refuse to correct it.)

Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch is back to what he has done so many times in the past - tweeting against Israel incessantly, often with lies, and only reluctantly saying anything bad about Hamas once in a while. So far this time he is doing exactly he same thing - a huge number of anti-Israel tweets and a token tweet or two mentioning that Hamas rockets are a war crime, too.

The media still has no idea what "proportionality" means in the context of international law. They make scorecards of how many have been killed on both sides as if the results are supposed to be "fair," implying that if only more Jews would be killed, then they can all be happy.

Then again, the media is also part of the problem. Hamas has almost complete control over the media in Gaza. Citizens who speak freely to media know that they will be punished. Everyone sticks to the Hamas-approved script. International reporters know that they will be kicked out if they say anything not to Hamas' liking. Yet the media hardly ever mentions this, giving a false impression that their reporting is objective.

The media will also ignore most of Hamas' war crimes. Using ambulances or "press" credentials to transport weapons, using Gazans as human shields, using mosques as weapons depots, shooting from schools- - I once counted 19 different war crimes that Hamas has done in the Gaza wars, but "human rights groups" somehow only notice and denounce one.

People don't learn.

Then again, most people don't want to learn.
Call it what you want, weal arguments, afraid of Israel of whatever but just remember, much more qualified people are making the decisions and not you of I or all of us here making out points and opinions. Sure we are afraid of the US. So isn't Iran please let's be realistic and not talk macho for the sake of scoring points. The missile launches at the US sites in Saudi was the only retaliation Iran made and that is commendable even though there was no death toll whatsoever. But nothing from Iran towards Israel which has has its way with all Iranian & affiliated groups in Syria. Let's not delude ourselves. Israel and the US are about as powerful as can be and that is understood by all the powers to be. You want to call it "fright?" That's fine, I prefer to call it cautiousness and a look at other alternatives because the point is not to make matters worst by warfare, but to stop the conflict and create a solution that stops the removal of Palestinian homes. That's just me. War is the worst thing EVER and ask anyone who's been in one and they will tell you if they had to do it again, they would've found another solution.

BTW, you don't know how your weapons are getting to Ghaza and you can't offer any valid route. Trust me (even though I hate saying this) we moves hundreds of SAM-2 batteries to the border of the Suez Canal under the super watchful eyes of the Israelis yet when the was started, they had no idea how hundreds of their jets were being brought down. Those Iranian weapons are undoubtedly crossing the Egyptian/Israeli borders as hundreds of them were created but nor all wiped out. Show me any other way they can get into Ghaza.
Dear Egyptian friend.. you and i have different POV. Let's just cease the argument it will lead to nowhere. We can agree on one thing though. The Palestinian people need to be helped. How we do that.. our opinions differ.

And... i do not know what routes the IRGC uses but it will not be revealed to the public.

BTW.. Nasser would have disagreed with you.
Sure forum boy.. Let's take a look at what Hamas and other resistance officials themselves say.

Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader, recognizes Iran as the primary supporter of Hamas

So shoo away, take your anti-iran and resistance hate to somewhere where the sun does not shine.
And the reason why Iranians are following this conflict is because WE ARE INVOLVED.

Long live the Axis of resistance

Long live Al Quds

Long live Al Aqsa

If Gaza is going down, we are taking Israel down with us
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Iranianias should stop their propaganda and stop claiming this Palestinian victory is theirs. Because no weapon we've seen thrown on the zionists was made in or by Iran.
Its All made by Palestinian hands inside and below Gaza.
The enemy of Allah Sisi made sure nothing goes in. Nothing !!!
So tone it down !
This is a PURE Palestinian victory !

get down from Chefchaouen cannabis, so u can see beyond the cloud

  • Thursday, May 13, 2021
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Gaza War Theatre: We've seen this show before:

The Western media never learns from previous Gaza wars.

A large percentage of Gaza rockets fall in Gaza, and many Gazans are killed because of them. I've documented this for years. I've shown how Hamas' own videos show rockets falling short.

When a family is killed in Gaza, it is very rare that it is an IDF mistake. Most of the time it is because a terrorist operative is in the house - either because he is a member of the family, sometimes it seems because he is using them as human shields. Other times it is because of Hamas rockets falling short. Sometimes it is because the IDF targeted a legitimate target that had a larger cache of explosives than was thought and it caused far more collateral damage than expected.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad is hiding the names of most of those killed. While Hamas admitted that one of its senior leaders, Bassem Issa, was killed in an Israeli attack, they don't mention the names of the other people with him at the time who were also killed. They do this to make it look like a larger percentage of the dead are civilians - and they did it in previous wars, too.

Speaking of, the Gaza Health Ministry and the "human rights" NGOs in Gaza (PCHR and Al Mezan) downplay any mention of terrorist casualties and often call terrorists "civilians" when they report the circumstances of those who have died. (Amnesty's obscenely dishonest "Gaza Platform" with statistics from the 2014 war relied on PCHR's initial reports, and as a result it lists more "civilians" than even the UN does. They know they are lying, I've let them know enough times, and they refuse to correct it.)

Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch is back to what he has done so many times in the past - tweeting against Israel incessantly, often with lies, and only reluctantly saying anything bad about Hamas once in a while. So far this time he is doing exactly he same thing - a huge number of anti-Israel tweets and a token tweet or two mentioning that Hamas rockets are a war crime, too.

The media still has no idea what "proportionality" means in the context of international law. They make scorecards of how many have been killed on both sides as if the results are supposed to be "fair," implying that if only more Jews would be killed, then they can all be happy.

Then again, the media is also part of the problem. Hamas has almost complete control over the media in Gaza. Citizens who speak freely to media know that they will be punished. Everyone sticks to the Hamas-approved script. International reporters know that they will be kicked out if they say anything not to Hamas' liking. Yet the media hardly ever mentions this, giving a false impression that their reporting is objective.

The media will also ignore most of Hamas' war crimes. Using ambulances or "press" credentials to transport weapons, using Gazans as human shields, using mosques as weapons depots, shooting from schools- - I once counted 19 different war crimes that Hamas has done in the Gaza wars, but "human rights groups" somehow only notice and denounce one.

People don't learn.

Then again, most people don't want to learn.
@krash terrorists have activated Pakistan wing to flood this forum with misinformation, please keep an eye on them.
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