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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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IDF Gaza division commander: I am troubled by the 250km rocket. I am troubled because it puts more Israeli civilians under rocket range.

the only thing that troubles me is
that the rocket has only 250 km range
and not more..................
OIC has 57 member countries and is representative of 1.8 billion muslims. US, UAE, Kuwait and Egypt have very good relations with US but they cannot convince Israel to implement two state solution. In my very first comment i showed my disappointment that OIC is useless if it cannot do it. If OIC cannot solve issues of muslims then that is garbage can. I

One of my first posts on this thread was saying that the Arab coalition needs to get aggressive with the US as far as diplomatic options. Remove US ambassadors out of all their states and ask the US to pressure Israel to not only stop the disproportional use of force, but to make Israel stop the home destructions and evictions and ethnic cleansing and steeling of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the WB. They haven't done that, and the only entity trying to stop the escalation is Egypt sending delegations to both, Israel and Hamas and despite being rejected at first, they're continuing their efforts. So interestingly enough, we are somewhat on the same page.

Just counting populations vs a small one with the backing of the greatest superpower and all the entanglements in between complicate and exacerbate the matter a lot more than you or I would think.
Eygpt and arab league HAS DIPLOMATICALLY FAILED palestinine..this is not me saying it..its palestinians who say this

[Off Topic]

You are really too harsh on Arabs! I am sure a smart guy like you know how many times the Arab countries had tried: Militarily, economic help to the Palestinians, diplomatic help, appeasements (the Oslo Accord). Nothing worked and nothing would ever work so long as Israel had the unquestionable support of Uncle Sam, which, although came after 1967, but has been unconditional and full support. The United States is a power which has, in a last some months through Trump, made Sudan, Morocco and I think a couple of more Muslim countries to lead to the path of recognizing Israel. Why? Because USA can provide a lot and does provide a lot to the appeasers.

As long as Israel can count on the unlimited American support, Israel has nothing to fear in case of a conventional war. Arabs--or for that matter even the Turks or Iranians, won't send their armies, only to see them pulverized. You guys either don't know or don't want to know the damage Americans can do to Israel's enemies in a conventional war. It is a harsh reality. Accept it. Don't blame the Arabs!! They tried and they failed. And so would others if they offer conventional help.

However, it is the non-conventional wars where Israel's geography, its internal divisions, and it being a first world country which are Israel's Achilles Heel. That's where Hezbollah succeeded and that's where Israel is going to get hurt the most: A constant barrage of cheap projectiles fired from mobile stations from forests, fields, hill sides--from multiple sides. THAT is the path to make Israel bleed to the point of a compromise: An economic hit!
One of my first posts on this thread was saying that the Arab coalition needs to get aggressive with the US as far as diplomatic options. Remove US ambassadors out of all their states and ask the US to pressure Israel to not only stop the disproportional use of force, but to make Israel stop the home destructions and evictions and ethnic cleansing and steeling of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the WB. They haven't done that, and the only entity trying to stop the escalation is Egypt sending delegations to both, Israel and Hamas and despite being rejected at first, they're continuing their efforts. So interestingly enough, we are somewhat on the same page.

Just counting populations vs a small one with the backing of the greatest superpower and all the entanglements in between complicate and exacerbate the matter a lot more than you or I would think.
But you are helping Israel impose a blockade on the Gaza Strip. Instead of getting aggressive with the US, which is hard, just do the simplest thing and lift the blockade on Palestinians. Let them import weapons, construction materials, foods, etc.
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