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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I have interacted with this guy and he is typical turd who has one side view of the world. It is an insult to liberalism to call this guy a liberal.

I have read his BS. He is a crazy fool. As usual, writing for Western and Jewish papers.
Just look at twitter
No.1 trend on pakistan iran turkey will be palestinine while on arab feed it will be some footballer or god knows who what
Even though we are poor we dont have twitter

Eygpt and arab league HAS DIPLOMATICALLY FAILED palestinine..this is not me saying it..its palestinians who say this

Noone is talking about war or fighting? Even diplomatically arabs are quiet while non arabs are more vocal be it iran turkey or pakistan

This is honestly embrsssing to watch
Arabs should watch and learn from ajams..see what azeris done recently they fought and they died and they were vocal from day 1
arab league .............................. garab league
OIC--------------------------oh-i- see

are dead camels, buried long time ago-------

the towel - Yallah Shabaab , is trying to be sabotage palestine struggle,,

keep-----------2000 km distance from this plague
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