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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Some observations I have read:

-Iran wants Israel to "know its place". They've taken 10 years of airstrikes and strikes on Iranian facilities and silently built up their arsenal. I do believe the moment is now, yes. The Saudis are talking to the Iranians, the Euros and US are heading back to a deal. Only Israel is still playing foil to this, and Iran is exerting military pressure now to tell Israel that you will go along with our domination of the Middle East or else.

-HZ won’t get in a war with Israel that they begin unless they are certain they are an existential threat and outcomes of that war would be in their favor once and for all. But the issue with Hezbollah is that a single provocation can lead to miscalculation. HZ will launch some sort of provocation if Gaza is invaded. They’ll see it as an opportunity, which they have been waiting over a year for. It's not that bad for Hezbollah. Political situation is a bad proxy to judge Hezbollah's stability. There is no point of HZ hiding weapons if they're not going to use them.

-Let's be real. If HZ attacks. There will be no prior warning. We will find out at the same time as any Israeli or Lebanese resident. Although the risk of it is huge with what's happening in Gaza.

-Israel isn’t going to respond to a potential Hezbollah provocation (in the event of a Gaza ground invasion) with mass strikes on Hezbollah’s PGM program. Israel is well aware that that is a red line for Hezbollah and would start a war. Yeah then it’s up to Israel to escalate or no other wise it will just be a skirmish, worst case scenario for Israel is a multiple front war. No matter how aggressive Israel is and try to build deterrence they would swallow a HZ provocation when the times come to prevent what comes next. Hezbollah and Iran have been planning to execute a multiple-front war for a decade now. This is also their now or never moment.

-Israel has to choose between war crimes and whether it is worth Iron Dome getting overwhelmed, because if HZ enters that would happen 100%. If Israel does go into Gaza, HZ will probably send a wave or two of rockets into Israel and say something like "this was our response to X and if you withdraw, we will not continue" type thing.

-Hamas would prefer for Israel to accept new rules of engagement, in fact they're betting on it. If Israel refuses the rules of engagement, then we might head to war. Hamas has definitely indicated that they are not the same Hamas of 7 years ago. Past Gazan wars have been Gazan miscalculations or Israel capitalizing on an 'excuse'. Today is neither of those two.

-Eventually IDF is going to run out of targets that they can hit from the air that have an acceptable collateral risk profile. A ground invasion runs the risk of soldiers being captured, necessitating serious ground ops. Israel will not launch a ground invasion unless they think they can win it. IDF will never report more than the bare minimum of their enemies capabilities.

-Ground operation sounds like puting troops in Gaza for intel/forward operators. Hamas wants IDF trying to occupy Gaza and a humanitarian crisis, I don't think Israel will give them that, just enough troops to hit targets they can't bomb in raids wile sticking to air strikes. A ground invasion cannot happen because then Israel would have to be completely merciless to Hamas & associated groups or it could get very bloody for Israeli soldiers taken captive etc. Israel wanting to enter Gaza will be one of the biggest mistakes, and the factions have been waiting for this moment since the start.

-Rumor at IDF is that an out of the box solution for Israel is seizing control of the southern Egypt-Gaza border, destruction of tunnels. It's a catch 22, a deadlock, valley on both sides scenario, the question is, is there anyone in Israeli defense establishment who knows a better out of the box solution?

^ Swiss u-blox GPS module

^ HexTronik (US) metal gear servo, motor might be a Chinese DLE111 RC model engine
ISIS doesn't attack Israel. They attack fellow muslims only.

No, I don't think I saw any of your posts because judging by your latest one, you want to see an all our war that has much more devastating consequences because you're a young man with high levels of testosterone (and I really don't mean that as an insult, I was the same at a younger age only got wiser as I got older and much more familiar with the situation) and please refrain from the insults.

I asked you to propose what the Arabs should do and you directing me to some posts by you in a threat that has 207 pages. Just briefly outline your suggestion one more time it won't be much for you and we can have a courteous discussion instead of an aggressive and insulting one which I really have no interest in, sorry.

I only replied to you because you said something derogatory about us Arabs and wanted better clarification, that's all.
OIC has 57 member countries and is representative of 1.8 billion muslims. US, UAE, Kuwait and Egypt have very good relations with US but they cannot convince Israel to implement two state solution. In my very first comment i showed my disappointment that OIC is useless if it cannot do it. If OIC cannot solve issues of muslims then that is garbage can. I
Israel has always used disproportionate force against Palestinians and world has watched it without much concern. The pretext that Hamas uses human shield is laughable when they literally are in a constant state of siege. The only thing Muslim leaders are doing is sending some of their zakat to Palestinians so they don't die of hunger and that just that. It is sickening and beyond tragic when people say "we cannot call any party wrong".

IDF--ZIONISTS, wants hamas ,hizbollah, PIJ, TO ALL come and sit in open fields,

to make areial bombardment easier for IAF..

fkng- schmuccks
Isreali Atomic Installations in danger:

Current situation analysis by Sabir Shakir:
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Israeli airstrikes in Khan Yunis and Rafah

I don't know who he is, but I won't tolerate misinformation like that. Palestinians dislike information and especially exaggerating our capabilities. Or fake propaganda victories.
I'd be more than happy you prove me wrong with facts. Its insulting when you come up with 'you are lying'. I have no reason to lie about capabilities of Hamas or PIJ.

When ever you find an official image of that missile, post it here and remind me of my mistake.
-Iran wants Israel to "know its place". They've taken 10 years of airstrikes and strikes on Iranian facilities and silently built up their arsenal. I do believe the moment is now, yes. The Saudis are talking to the Iranians, the Euros and US are heading back to a deal. Only Israel is still playing foil to this, and Iran is exerting military pressure now to tell Israel that you will go along with our domination of the Middle East or else
I like your analysis, but I think It is important to say that Iran probably has nothing to do with the initiation of this conflict. Gaza as a whole, had to react to numerous provocations the zionists had done in Jerusalem. It was politically unfeasible for them not to react. Groups like Hezb and Hamas/PIJ, have to take their domestic interest first before getting an order or a request from Iran.
IDF Gaza division commander: I am troubled by the 250km rocket. I am troubled because it puts more Israeli civilians under rocket range.
Everyone should stop talking about shadow war between Iran and Israel, it is not related to Gaza. If Iran or Hezbollah make official statements on situation, or take real action, post it. Otherwise, keep topic about updates on the ground.

Lots of women and children killed in recent airstrikes and artillery strikes. Palestinians firing back at Ashkelon.
Are we expecting a 2100 barrage?

Seems to be a favorite
I like your analysis, but I think It is important to say that Iran probably has nothing to do with the initiation of this conflict. Gaza as a whole, had to react to numerous provocations the zionists had done in Jerusalem. It was politically unfeasible for them not to react. Groups like Hezb and Hamas/PIJ, have to take their domestic interest first before getting an order or a request from Iran.

Thank you , this is what I am saying too.
Hamas radio going live 3 minutes before 2100

Fake news by Twitter again ... sigh....
They will never stop until they remove them all and create their dream state

Ghulam Qadir Ruhela' said the same thing.
look ,he,s 6 feet under,
and no-one around him

King Salman: Saudi Arabia condemns Israel’s actions, violence in Jerusalem

the goose does not know the word, condemnation
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