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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I’m so disappointed , going to be a difficult sleep. No one is coming to the aid of our Palestinian friends.


Erdogan said Isreal needs to be taught a lesson . How is he able to say harsher words than Iran.

Are we really selling them out in exchange for a nuclear deal with these Euro zio lovers?

You need to wake up mate. Both Hamas and Pij are funded by Iran, the weapons they use are either smuggled in by Iran, or made with Iranian money. Who cares about meaningless words?

Al-Halabi, in his Arabic-language interview, claimed the rockets his terror group fires at Israeli civilians are signed by Soleimani, the Iranian general who was killed by a U.S. drone strike.

"I am not sorry, I am proud to say that the rockets that are used to pound Tel Aviv have an Iranian signature on them, the signature of Qassem Soleimani,"
One of my first posts on this thread was saying that the Arab coalition needs to get aggressive with the US as far as diplomatic options. Remove US ambassadors out of all their states and ask the US to pressure Israel to not only stop the disproportional use of force, but to make Israel stop the home destructions and evictions and ethnic cleansing and steeling of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the WB. They haven't done that, and the only entity trying to stop the escalation is Egypt sending delegations to both, Israel and Hamas and despite being rejected at first, they're continuing their efforts. So interestingly enough, we are somewhat on the same page.

Just counting populations vs a small one with the backing of the greatest superpower and all the entanglements in between complicate and exacerbate the matter a lot more than you or I would think.
Agreed here. My point is that we cannot sit and wait around for things to get better. OIC needs to come up with a plan to make sure this happens otherwise Israeli will continue to grab land, Hamas will fire whatever they have and world will continue to make Israel victim.
I apologize if my earlier comment offended you.
I grow tired of reading all the anti-Arab comments so stopped reading after the first 5 pages. I have followed this conflict for years and in the near term the Palestinians can't do much. Neither can any of the Arab countries change the equation in the short term.

Right wing Israeli's have been emboldened by Trumps and various Arab countries rewarding of Isreal with no give on their side. The seeds for this conflict were sown last year when all the "peace deals" were signed. Appeasement never works.

The question is what happens in the longer term. The USA has had the Arab countries on a leash vis a vis Israel. But what happens as the USA withdraws from ME and focus's on the Indo-Pacific? I think the arabs will eventually throw off the American leashes and have at it with Israel once again. It may take a decade or more. But the longer this current conflict festers the more attitudes against Israel will harden in all MENA countries. Even in UAE. I'm pretty sure MBZ is regretting his "peace deal".

As for Pakistan....we should use this crisis to push for more regional cooperation (which is in our forign policy interests). Israel burning the Al-Aqsa mosque and brutalizing the Palestinians during Ramadan is an act that that all factions (Arab, Turk, Iranian) in the MENA will oppose. Depending how that shakes out only then can the situation for the Palestinians change.
One of my first posts on this thread was saying that the Arab coalition needs to get aggressive with the US as far as diplomatic options. Remove US ambassadors out of all their states and ask the US to pressure Israel to not only stop the disproportional use of force, but to make Israel stop the home destructions and evictions and ethnic cleansing and steeling of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem and the WB. They haven't done that, and the only entity trying to stop the escalation is Egypt sending delegations to both, Israel and Hamas and despite being rejected at first, they're continuing their efforts. So interestingly enough, we are somewhat on the same page.

Just counting populations vs a small one with the backing of the greatest superpower and all the entanglements in between complicate and exacerbate the matter a lot more than you or I would think.
great finally you agreed that arabs are doing shit even on diplomatic front

secondly why is Egypt sending delegation to isreal..to dance with them or drink wine?

you know you cant blame Palestinians for being angry. There is no Palestine left..did you pick up a map?

what will Egypt do if they "officially" annex west bank..

i mean unofficially its already annexed, its just about on paper if they annex it ? what will Egypt do?

send another delegation..?

for foreigner..this seems more a ploy to help isrealis then palestinians.. i mean who benefits from hamas not bombing isreal

it would rather be better if eygpt just sits and do nothing

there is another good 30 minutes worth of videos

Holy crap, that looks a lot more than "2-3 rockets that slipped through the iron dome" as reported by authorities LOL. I completely agree with what someone said earlier, there seems to be a full gag now on casualties.
great finally you agreed that arabs are doing shit even on diplomatic front

secondly why is Egypt sending delegation to isreal..to dance with them or drink wine?

you know you cant blame Palestinians for being angry. There is no Palestine left..did you pick up a map?

what will Egypt do if they "officially" annex west bank..

i mean unofficially its already annexed, its just about on paper if they annex it ? what will Egypt do?

send another delegation..?

for foreigner..this seems more a ploy to help isrealis then palestinians.. i mean who benefits from hamas not bombing isreal

it would rather be better if eygpt just sits and do nothing
They all turned their back on Palestine years ago. Ironically it Iran and Turkey that’s most vocal and active

india out numbers pakistan by 10:1
just check how pakistan has responded since 1970s
even though situation here is status quo not how bad it is with respect to palestinine

weird thing is that its other way around...arabs outnumber isreal in wealth by 100:1 and in numbers by 50:1
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