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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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reminder for satinyahu...

Hezbollah is too strong for Israel. Israel will never risk to dare Hezbollah. They have years of experience fighting in Syria and have heavy precision missiles to target every place in Israel. What Palestinian fighter have is just a toy comparing to what Hezbollah possesses.
they dont need to..they will just fly over and drop a 500lb bomb from an f16

rules of engagement dont apply to isreal

thats what they are doing
I had some hopes from arab spring but seems ..arabs for now dont have what it takes to throw out dictators and bring peoples will/democracy
Sir we all are in same boat. Pakistani generals haven't done much either other than building DHAs and fattening their accounts.
But you are helping Israel impose a blockade on the Gaza Strip. Instead of getting aggressive with the US, which is hard, just do the simplest thing and lift the blockade on Palestinians. Let them import weapons, construction materials, foods, etc.

A lot of that has to do with our own security. Notice all the ISIS infiltrations in northeast Sinai, which has been happening for a long time not just since ISIS started in Sinai. It's not at Israel's request, it's for Egypt's security. Not only that, this will impose a massive migration of Palestinians into Egypt to settle which is exactly what Israel wants. They want to dump their responsibility as occupiers and controllers of Gaza to make sure they get everything they need because Gaza is the Palestinians' home, not Sinai.

As far as weapons, despite what you see the Egyptian Army destroying tunnels and showing pics and all that, they're actually monitoring many of them that still exist ensuring that the "goods" flowing through them is one way, towards Gazha and not the other way around. That is one of the main reasons ISIS took position in Norther Sinai to hit checkpoint and allow the two-way traffic to happen. How else do you think that these weapons and getting there?
আইয়াশ-২৫০ ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র: ইসরাইলের যেকোনো স্থানে আঘাত হানতে সক্ষম
মে ১৪, ২০২১ ০০:০৫ Asia/Dhaka
দখলদার ইসরাইলের 'রামুন' বিমানবন্দরে আইয়াশ-২৫০ নামে মধ্যমপাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র হামলা চালিয়েছে ফিলিস্তিনের ইসলামী প্রতিরোধ আন্দোলন হামাস।
হামাসের সামরিক শাখা ইয্যাদ্দিন কাস্সাম ব্রিগেডের মুখপাত্র আবু ওবায়দা বলেছেন, আজ (বৃহস্পতিবার) ইসরাইলের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের রামুন বিমানবন্দরে মধ্য পাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র 'আইয়াশ' এর সাহায্যে হামলা চালানো হয়েছে। গাজা থেকে বিমানবন্দরটির দূরত্ব ২২০ কিলোমিটার, সেখানে ২৫০ কিলোমিটার পাল্লার ক্ষেপণাস্ত্রের সাহায্যে আঘাত হানা হয়েছে। ইসরাইলের ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র প্রতিরক্ষাব্যবস্থা আইরন ডোম এটিকে আটকাতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে। ক্ষেপণাস্ত্রটি ইসরাইলের যেকোনো স্থানে হামলা করতে সক্ষম।
ক্ষেপণাস্ত্রটি হামাসের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নেতা শহীদ ইয়াহিয়া আইয়াশের নামে নামকরণ করা হয়েছে। তিনি ১৯৯৬ সালের ৫ জানুয়ারি শিনবেত এলাকায় ইসরাইলি হামলায় তিনি শহীদ হন।

Just translated this .


The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has launched a medium-range missile attack called 'Ayash-250' at the occupied Israeli 'Ramun' airport.
Abu Obaida, a spokesman for the Iyaddin Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, said the attack was carried out today (Thursday) at Ramun Airport in southern Israel with the help of a medium-range ballistic missile, Ayash. The airport is 220 kilometers from Gaza, where it has been hit by a 250-kilometer range missile. Israel's missile defense system, the Iron Dome, has failed to stop it. The missile is capable of striking anywhere in Israel.
The missile is named after Yahya Ayash, a key Hamas leader. He was martyred in an Israeli attack on January 5, 1996 in the Shinbet area.
I am just thinking out loud how silent UAE is on the atrocities Israel in continually committing ... on one side they have good diplomatic relations and moreover business interest with Israel and on the other hands their brothers facing existential threat from an enemy who thinks it is their right to kill the gentiles ... definitely for UAE it is too hard to choose which side they should stand with and they choose Israel ... when I was hearing the news I was not surprise to hear the following usual sentences:

1. Arab mumalik ne barhti hoi kasheeda surat e haal pe “tashvish ka izhaar kiya hey”

2. Maghrabi mumalik ne insaani jaano ke ziya per “tashvish ka izhaar kiya hey”

3. Pakistan or turkey ke sarbrahaan ne mojooda halaat pe “tabaadla khayaal kiya hey”

4. Khuwateen or bachon ke halakat pe jald se jald cease fire karaney ke koshish jaari hein

what my ears and I know most of you wanted to hear is:

1. Pak fizaayiya ke tayyaaro ne Isreal ke air defence tanseebaat tabah kardin hein

2. Tareekh mein pehli bar Saudi or Iran afwaaj ne mil key Isreali fojiyon ko jahanum wasil kardiya hey

3. Tareekh mein pehli baar maghrabi taqaton ne Pakistani qayadat or muslim mumalik ke aagey ghutney tek diyey hein or tamaam sharait manney pe raza mandi ka izhaar kardiya hey

4.Palestine ne apney tamaam maqbooza ilaaqon ko “azaad kara liya hey”

5. Is sorat e haal or muslim ummah ko mutahid hota dekhtey huwey India ne Kashmir ke article 370 ko revoke karney ka faisla kiya hey or kashmiriyon ka “haq e khud iraadi” tasleem karliya hey

I wish the above 5 news headlines becomes true ... I wish
I had some hopes from arab spring but seems ..arabs for now dont have what it takes to throw out dictators and bring peoples will/democracy
sorry American brainwashed you....i looked at your flags and understood your mindset better- US defines you, you were probalby brought up there and brainwashed according to US's weird and warped way of seeing the world. You are a true American, and thats not a compliment. cheers troll.
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