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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Because then Israel will destroy an already destroyed Lebanese infrastructure/economy. Yeah doesn't make sense i know.

There is no reason for Hezbollah not to join now.

That's exactly what I have been saying. The Lebanese economy is in a ruin. Syria is destroyed. The historic Palestinian lands are either under occupation or open-prison. Iranians are being attacked by Israel with impunity.

The ONLY way Israel is going to ever rethink it's grand plans for a Lebensraum is by making it too costly to pursue those plans!! You know, India and Pakistan don't fight head-on anymore. Heck, even the Kargil War in 1999 was nothing as 'wars' go. Why? Because both know the 'costs' attached to any frontal, full-scale war in the future. Even without involving the nukes, both India and Pakistan would be sent back decades.

In contrast: Israel is a FIRST WORLD country. It can't take casualties. It can't take a flight of capital. It can't take loss of $$ because of airports shut down, tourism evaporating, even the implants from Europe packing up and leaving: Why be unsafe in a semi-arid environment when there is lush land in Eastern Europe??

If other forces don't join the fight and open other fronts against Israel, then expect this 'mowing the grass' to continue in Gaza, expect more land grab, expect expansions into Lebanon and total grab of the Golan Heights, and perhaps even the Sinai if/when the Israelis have enough people to settle and protect them.

So what have those other forces to lose??? Now is the time. If you have seen the history then you know there will be a repeat of the current mayhem in, say, 2025 when Israelis will be back to 'mowing the grass' in Gaza.
I did some rudimentaratily calculations previously. They’ve probably expended around 3000 interceptors and I’m starting to get the feeling they running out of stock for financial reasons.
This possible ground op is what I was thinking might happen to stop the launches in which case it’s the ideal time to open a second front
They have other systems too like David sling, spyder, arrow etc they can deploy them to supplement iron dome


Another target struck in Gaza minutes ago.

US started helping Israel only AFTER the Six Day war in 1967.
China currently needs u only as its gas station, but they are developing alternative energy at insane rates. Quite soon they will not need u at all. Then u will became a second Somalia.

You are supporting Khamenaism on forum, but u know it has no any future thats why u are in Germany.
The only reason that Muslims haven't turned Israel into dust yet is because of the US and Western hegemony that blindly and unconditionally support you (mostly because they don't want you back in Europe probably). Once it's gone, and demographics don't help you here, you will be left with over a billion Middle Easterners and Muslims that hate you with a passion. You can only cry for Messiah to come and save you at that point. The cycle of reproduction and extermination is bound to repeat itself apparently.

The day that you have to clean the shoes of Palestinians to stay in Palestine is not that far. You will probably remain alive to see it, provided that you don't get killed in the war. It's either that, or getting thrown in the sea. Hopefully you can make it back to Poland if you guys are good at swimming and continue to hold your Polish passports.

I'm a student. Hopefully, when I return to Iran, I will spread anti-Zionism more effectively than before because I have learned a lot more about Zionism here.
This shows a level of technology never seen before. They effectively located the battery, then launched a missile with oin point accuracy.


You must have missed yesterday where Hamas hit an oil plant, a power plant, military airbase, and Ben Gurion airport with precision hits
View attachment 743370
View attachment 743371

Another target struck in Gaza minutes ago.

The Zionists strike. They will strike as much as possible. That shouldn't deter the Palestinians at this point anymore.

Even if the Palestinians stopped firing rockets the Zionists won't stop hitting the Palestinians. Something the Zionists instigated with a clear goal in mind. It is too late now for any softening.

Did you notice that the champions of human rights i.e. the EU and the USA are silent whilst the Palestinians are being massacred? This is all by design. They are all adopting a wait and see approach. Wait and see how much additional territory the Israelis can add to greater Israel. Once Israeli casualties start mounting you will see Western intervention.
''Syrian'' rebels.. yeah sure.

The days where you trolled and spread deception and fake news among muslims is over. These last 2,3 days shat on your whole efforts. How sad it must be for you :(

Why are talking about irrelevant topics and off topics.. Stay on topic.. This is Gaza-israel thread
That's exactly what I have been saying. The Lebanese economy is in a ruin. Syria is destroyed. The historic Palestinian lands are either under occupation or open-prison. Iranians are being attacked by Israel with impunity.

The ONLY way Israel is going to ever rethink it's grand plans for a Lebensraum is by making it too costly to pursue those plans!! You know, India and Pakistan don't fight head-on anymore. Heck, even the Kargil War in 1999 was nothing as 'wars' go. Why? Because both know the 'costs' attached to any frontal, full-scale war in the future. Even without involving the nukes, both India and Pakistan would be sent back decades.

In contrast: Israel is a FIRST WORLD country. It can't take casualties. It can't take a flight of capital. It can't take loss of $$ because of airports shut down, tourism evaporating, even the implants from Europe packing up and leaving: Why be unsafe in a semi-arid environment when there is lush land in Eastern Europe??

If other forces don't join the fight and open other fronts against Israel, then expect this 'mowing the grass' to continue in Gaza, expect more land grab, expect expansions into Lebanon and total grab of the Golan Heights, and perhaps even the Sinai if/when the Israelis have enough people to settle and protect them.

So what have those other forces to lose??? Now is the time. If you have seen the history then you know there will be a repeat of the current mayhem in, say, 2025 when Israelis will be back to 'mowing the grass' in Gaza.
100% agree with you. IMO the decision to go full scale against Israel lies in Tehran ofcourse. We have a presidential elections coming up and there are certain reformist figures like Zarif and Rohani trying to delegitimize the resistance bloc. Whole political bloc must be on one line regarding operations against Israel or the country will risk domestic consequences. We will have a better chance if there is a ''hardline'' (resistancefriendly) government in Iran. Reformists are tying our hands really because they have the ''peoples votes''.
Why are talking about irrelevant topics and off topics.. Stay on topic.. This is Gaza-israel thread
Sorry,i can't remain neutral to lies spread by the enemy of humanity. Just help report his off-topic posts so we don't have to deal with that garbage.
Israeli political leadership considering options for ground invasion at the moment. Air strikes continue all throughout Gaza, at least 5 new casualties reported raising official death toll to around 91-92 martyrs.
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